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Hemp growing initially to be limited to Thai govt agencies


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23 hours ago, ricku said:

Oh please. That has zero to do with it. I guess you've never heard of a world wide legal thing called tobacco?

But ok, let's pretend for a second that THC is illegal because "smoking is bad".. What about the fact that marijuana is edible? Marijuana brownies are quite popular in many countries, and the happy pizzas in Cambodia are pretty amazing. You can even make THC-infused butter out of marijuana.

Marijuana containing THC is only illegal because retarded politicians are retarded politicians.


Forget the silly pretense, most THC consumption is by smoking, and it is absorbed much more readily by deep inhalation. You like to point out that excessive alcohol consumption damages health, but don't like to admit that excessive smoking of MJ, especially by bong use, will do the same, up to and including killing you.

Edited by halloween
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I expected nothing different.

Never mind anyhow....

No matter what the government does, a percent of the Hemp and or various cannabis strains will be illegally supplied no matter what the laws dictate or law enforcement says

After all, this is Thailand...remember?



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