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Bailed child procurer let out to continue preying on children


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On 30/12/2016 at 5:47 PM, cyberfarang said:

He promptly continued with his business of supplying the under aged to pedophiles in the Hat Yai area.


In all these types of cases I have to wonder; how do these pedophile pimps obtain photos and enroll these under aged girls? I doubt he could have been operating alone, it must involve a whole network of people, the guardians of the children whoever they are,  those who take photos of the girls, those who supply the girls to this man to be sent out to customers and the people he contacts to bring a girl to him when required. Is it possible that many of these girls are willing participants, he finds them on social media sites and just places them on a list of availables? This man may not have even been a pedophile, but just a middle man or the front man for this operation, an agent for this set up.


I do hope the police arrest and charge the male customers on his Line Application, the ones who ordered these girls for sexual services. This is probably why they bailed him out to avoid him giving out their contact details.


And how many of these are the victims of being sold by their own parents. 

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Considering the Thai officials' habit to write everything down on paper, it should be easy for any higher instance to determine why bail was granted to 'Mr.' Nat, and, more especially, who are the persons who undersigned his bail, and possibly take harsh (well...) measures against them. But, knowing, how things go here, ruled by the un-holy trinity: corruption, greed and face, I wouldn't bet on it. 

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On 30-12-2016 at 5:30 PM, TheFishman1 said:

Crazy Thailand TIT

'TheFishman': I'm never late to point a finger at specific Thai 'disfunctionalities', but your 'Crazy Thailand' is here even offensive to me, a Farang, as you seem to ignore the children prostitution issue is much worse in neigbouring countries. Many of the, sold(!), enslaved children here are also not Thai, but from Laos, Cambodia or 'hilltribe people' who never became the Thai nationality (the hypocrisy).

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