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There is an element of truth there. Yeah, I sold the car, house, left a 20-year respected job as a manager in a good company where I made over 10 times my current salary, left friends, relatives, many securities I enjoyed in the west, etc.

But, I've never thought of them as "giving up" compared to the wonderful complement I've found here. Not only the partner, but the wonderful new friendships of warm Thai people. It's like I've come home!

And the other "stuff" just seems to pale into distant memory (with the exception of family with which it's easy to stay in contact with the communications technology available).

Im so hoping one day I can be typing exactly the same as this I really do toptuan. Where did you leave behind do you mind me asking? and did you already have your partner before you made the jump?

yes i must say that toptuan has made a brilliant post and i also wish to be able to say the same.

getting very close. :o

actually i feel like that now and only return home to make money.

people say that thai girls have cost them heaps of money but if id stayed with thai girls and not girls at home id be a squillion air and be living here all ready. :D

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I haven't given up anything. I planned to live and enjoy living in SE Asia. I have not interest or reason to return to the "Mother country". If you are in a relationship where you have to give someting up that is dear to your heart , I would reconsider the relationship.

There is an element of truth there. Yeah, I sold the car, house, left a 20-year respected job as a manager in a good company where I made over 10 times my current salary, left friends, relatives, many securities I enjoyed in the west, etc.

But, I've never thought of them as "giving up" compared to the wonderful complement I've found here. Not only the partner, but the wonderful new friendships of warm Thai people. It's like I've come home!

And the other "stuff" just seems to pale into distant memory (with the exception of family with which it's easy to stay in contact with the communications technology available).

I agree with you entirely. I gave up a good job as a manager and a salary 10 times higher than present but I'd never go back to that. I feel like Thailand is my home and will never leave.

My whole way of life has changed and I feel much better healthwise. ( No more stress and worries).

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But, I've never thought of them as "giving up" compared to the wonderful complement I've found here. Not only the partner, but the wonderful new friendships of warm Thai people. It's like I've come home!

And the other "stuff" just seems to pale into distant memory (with the exception of family with which it's easy to stay in contact with the communications technology available).

I wish I could say that, but actually I think walking away from everything and moving to Thailand was the biggest sacrafice I've made. After nearly three years, I'm accepting that I will never feel at home here. I definitely miss the life we had together before in the US. However, the obligations that brought us here remain, so I keep trying to cope.

Note, I'd have to say the sacrafice is for us, not for her...

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But, I've never thought of them as "giving up" compared to the wonderful complement I've found here. Not only the partner, but the wonderful new friendships of warm Thai people. It's like I've come home!

And the other "stuff" just seems to pale into distant memory (with the exception of family with which it's easy to stay in contact with the communications technology available).

I wish I could say that, but actually I think walking away from everything and moving to Thailand was the biggest sacrafice I've made. After nearly three years, I'm accepting that I will never feel at home here. I definitely miss the life we had together before in the US. However, the obligations that brought us here remain, so I keep trying to cope.

Note, I'd have to say the sacrafice is for us, not for her...

What do you miss about your former life in USA?? Why did you resettle in Thailand?

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i remember talking to a friend about this a few years ago.i felt i had lost some of my freedom as i couldnt travel as much or as often as i used to.he felt he had given up his dignity(voluntarily) as he was living with a girl who sold her body for cash.he knew she was a whore but he loved her.but it did have an effect on his self respect.although he was happy initially(he was getting plenty!)he knew that it was about money. they are no longer together ,shame because i quite liked her ,she was good company.

but if she is a ho, you can still enjoy her company. whats to miss?

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What do you miss about your former life in USA?? Why did you resettle in Thailand?

What I miss, aside from family and friends, is the sum of many little things. I don't want to turn this into a Thai vs. western thread, but honestly there are many aspects to living in Thailand that some people find endearing but I dislike. I miss my culture and the social and geographical diversity of California. I have to admit, we had it good there.

We relocated here solely because my wife has a long-term obligation to work for a Thai organization that sponsored her education in the US. In fact with my personality I ought to have been voted "least likely to travel voluntarily" in the old school yearbook. :o We were just facing some immovable obstacles in our future, and we decided to give it our best shot rather than giving up on us. That is what we are still doing.

Also, I am not interested in throwing away our financial future, so I have had to work quite hard to try to make a reasonable living on a western scale and to maintain my marketable skills (which are really not marketable in Thailand unless I slouch a bunch). I want to make sure we could go where we want (whether back to the US or some other developed country), were her current obligation to be removed.

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