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American Facing Charges Of Sex With Minors Arrested In South Pattaya.

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American facing charges of sex with minors arrested in South Pattaya.


On Wednesday Night, Police Lieutenant Colonel Wootishart, the Chief of Pattaya’s Tourist Police Division arrested an American National in a South Pattaya Condominium Complex accused of conducting sexual acts in exchange for money with under age girls.

Police arrested Mr. John Langan aged 62 at the Center Condo Complex off the South Pattaya Road at his room, after receiving statements from 3 girls aged 14, 15 and 17 confirming that they had visited the accused on a number of occasions. The 14 year old girl claimed that she worked for an agent who operates on Pattaya Beach who would charge men 1,000 Baht a time.

On this occasion, acting on information received, the Tourist Police were waiting outside the man’s room when they saw one of the girls leave; she was in possession of 1,000 Baht which she claimed was given to her by Mr. Langen in exchange for sex during Police questioning. At the Police Station, Mr. Langan denied all allegations, despite the evidence against him.

The case is now in the hands of the court who will decide his fate.

-Pattaya City News

Thursday 7th December 2006


Not the world's most sympathetic character, and I'd never condone what he's accused of, but doesn't the whole scenario sound like a bit of a setup/shakedown scheme?


As i in no way at all condone what he's accused of. I can not help but wonder why the agent and the girls are not also being prosecuted as prostitution ie money for sex is still illegal in Thailand TIT i guess


Some people will say they are sorry for this guy...........

You know what I think............this guy was willing to travel thousands of miles to engage in sexual activities with underage girls.............let the law take it's course, just like it would in his own country.

Note.............for everyone caught, I would bet 1000 don't get caught.

Note to self: Thai girls look young. Ask for ID when in doubt. :o

That won't help. Fake Id is not difficult to obtain.


Jesus H Christ.........................

I have a Missus of 29 years old who is 38 Kgs and looks great in a 800 Baht Schoolgirl uniform bought in Soi Buakow.

I also have the genuine Japanese Schoolgirl white Loose socks.......................import from Tokyo, prices available.... :o


whats the deal with the pic and the dramatic finger pointing women ?

makes it look like they are milking it for all its worth

set up. 14 year old whores are not 14. if looking for blame try her family first.


Whilst on the subject, I think that he would be on fairly safe ground with the 17yo as unless they were actually recorded making a contract (agreement) that she was selling her nether bits it could be said that it was just sex i.e. not prostitution per se.

Sex with a consenting 17yo is not illegal (my understanding at least) maybe a tad foolish perhaps.

whats the deal with the pic and the dramatic finger pointing women ?

makes it look like they are milking it for all its worth

Police always take a picture like this for all sorts of crime. If you have a burglary and report it to police they will take a picture of you pointing to the place where the missing article(s) used to be.

And this picture is not of a woman - it is of an underage girl


Note to self: Thai girls look young. Ask for ID when in doubt. :D

How about not trying to buy people in the first place ? :o

You can only buy something that is for sale. If these people would stop selling their kids that would be a great start to stop the Pedo's. I can see this thread wont last long!!!!

I have a Missus of 29 years old who is 38 Kgs and looks great in a 800 Baht Schoolgirl uniform bought in Soi Buakow.

PM me a few pics and let me be the judge of that.

Please include at least 1 pic with her wearing pig tails and sucking her index finger..........oh yeah, don't forget the boots :D:o:D


Note to self: Thai girls look young. Ask for ID when in doubt. :D

How about not trying to buy people in the first place ? :D

With a pic of toxin as your avatar , you dare make a statement like that :o


set up. 14 year old whores are not 14. if looking for blame try her family first.


Whilst on the subject, I think that he would be on fairly safe ground with the 17yo as unless they were actually recorded making a contract (agreement) that she was selling her nether bits it could be said that it was just sex i.e. not prostitution per se.

Sex with a consenting 17yo is not illegal (my understanding at least) maybe a tad foolish perhaps.

As he is american the age limit anywhere in the world is 18 I beleive, (quiet young enough for anyone I would have thought)

He can be sent back to the USA and I believe under federal law prosecuted in the USA as well for sex with a minor.

Any one sticking up for some one actually doing this needs deporting as well.

If he did it he deserves all he gets there is no need for any one to be a kiddy fiddler..

Any one sticking up for some one actually doing this needs deporting as well.

If he did it he deserves all he gets there is no need for any one to be a kiddy fiddler..

Agreed!!! :o

Jesus H Christ.........................

I have a Missus of 29 years old who is 38 Kgs and looks great in a 800 Baht Schoolgirl uniform bought in Soi Buakow.

I also have the genuine Japanese Schoolgirl white Loose socks.......................import from Tokyo, prices available.... :o

Oh nooooo not the loose socks, how do they keep those things up? :D

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


For a bunch of expats, most of whom come from countries where you are innocent until proven guilty, most of these posts are part of the criminal justice problem in this country. You've ALSO bought into the guilty-before-proven-innocent mindset.

I don't care if they set the picture up with 500 10-year-olds pointing their fingers at the accused. Give the man his day in court first. Remember, its your mindset that was responsible for 2,000-3,000 (some say up to 5,000) extra-judicial killings that took place in the last administration--with impunity.

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