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Secret film prompts calls to probe Israeli influence on UK


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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Thanks for supporting my post. The Jews have been in the Palestine REGION continuously for 3,000 years and there has never been an independent country - run by Arabs - called Palestine.


The concept of sovereign nations state is a modern one, the area was controlled and ran by Muslim Arabs as well as non Arab muslims throughout the 1400 years. 


The area was a part of various Islamic empire's territory and the muslims have lived in that area since the past 1400 years of history. 


Palestine is old enough that it is mentioned in the Old Testament portion of the Bible.


What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon, 
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4)


The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of Palestina.
(Exod 15:14)

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina  (Isa 14:29)

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31)

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51 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Thanks for supporting my post. The Jews have been in the Palestine REGION continuously for 3,000 years and there has never been an independent country - run by Arabs - called Palestine.


So what's your answer to this problem?  Two-state solution or one-state solution?  And please, no cop-out answer like "stop the killing" because there's enough going on from both sides.  It will never end unless a deal is made.  What's the long term answer to this craziness? 

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20 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


So what's your answer to this problem? 


The Palestinians need to sign a peace treaty and get it over with. It has been obvious since 1948. They need to come to the table and bargain on borders for their own state realistically - no pre-conditions, no Jeruselem, no 67 borders. None of that is going to happen after all the wars that they have started and lost.

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1 hour ago, shariq607 said:



Palestine is old enough that it is mentioned in the Old Testament portion of the Bible.


What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon, 
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4)


Indeed it was, but mostly populated by Jews and originally called Judea or Eratz Israel. It was the ONLY independent nation-state ever to exist in the area until modem Israel.


This is some history of the region:



Edited by Ulysses G.
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On 1/9/2017 at 9:57 PM, shariq607 said:


The concept of sovereign nations state is a modern one, the area was controlled and ran by Muslim Arabs as well as non Arab muslims throughout the 1400 years. 


The area was a part of various Islamic empire's territory and the muslims have lived in that area since the past 1400 years of history. 


Palestine is old enough that it is mentioned in the Old Testament portion of the Bible.

What have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Sidon, 
and all the coasts of Palestine? (Joel 3:4)

The people shall hear, and be afraid;
sorrow shall take hold of the inhabitants of Palestina.
(Exod 15:14)

Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina  (Isa 14:29)

Howl, O gate; cry, O city,
thou whole Palestina, art dissolved. (Isa 14:31)



Oh, so you want a bible class. Fine. I shall put my education to good work.

The passages you quote are taken from the King James version of the Old Testament. It is an English language version that was translated from ancient Greek writings which in turn relied on verbal, ancient Greek and  aramic writings. The actual Old testament used by the jews uses the term Pelashet. The Greeks misunderstood the word and when translating used a different pronounciation.   The reality is that there  is not one reference  to palestine in the new testament. Not one. Jesus and his disciples did not recognize any place called palestine, nor anyone called a Palestinian.


The  people who controlled the region were Turks, not Arabs. The Ottoman Empire was certainly not an "arab" entity.  It did however, conquer the arab population who had live in the middle east. Under the Ottoman Empire, jews were the majority population of Jerusalem. The arab population of Gaza was virtually wiped out by earthquakes and plagues in the early 1900's. The reappearance of large numbers of arabs in that region  only occurred  after the arabs gained control. The majority of arabs in Gaza are immigrants.


And  seeing how you wish to use the Bible to promote your position, I draw your attention to 

Joel 3:19 "Egypt will become a waste and Edom (arab nations) will become a desolate wilderness because of the violence done to the sons of Judah in whose land they have shed innocent blood."

There's lots more. Read your bible and heed the warnings.



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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:



Oh, so you want a bible class. Fine. I shall put my education to good work.

The passages you quote are taken from the King James version of the Old Testament. It is an English language version that was translated from ancient Greek writings which in turn relied on verbal, ancient Greek and  aramic writings. The actual Old testament used by the jews uses the term Pelashet. The Greeks misunderstood the word and when translating used a different pronounciation.   The reality is that there  is not one reference  to palestine in the new testament. Not one. Jesus and his disciples did not recognize any place called palestine, nor anyone called a Palestinian.


The  people who controlled the region were Turks, not Arabs. The Ottoman Empire was certainly not an "arab" entity.  It did however, conquer the arab population who had live in the middle east. Under the Ottoman Empire, jews were the majority population of Jerusalem. The arab population of Gaza was virtually wiped out by earthquakes and plagues in the early 1900's. The reappearance of large numbers of arabs in that region  only occurred  after the arabs gained control. The majority of arans in Gaza are immigrants.


And  seeing how you wish to use the Bible to promite your position, I draw your attention to 

Joel 3:19 "Egypt will become a waste and Edom (arab nations) will become a desolate wilderness because of the violence done to the sons of Judah in whose land they have shed innocent blood."

There's lots more. Read your bible and heed the warnings.



Anyway, using a book pretending to be God Voice to settle a land problem is/was/will be a stupid thing to do.

If I remember correctly the old testament also say eating shrimps will send you to Hell...

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5 hours ago, geriatrickid said:



Oh, so you want a bible class. Fine. I shall put my education to good work.

The passages you quote are taken from the King James version of the Old Testament. It is an English language version that was translated from ancient Greek writings which in turn relied on verbal, ancient Greek and  aramic writings. The actual Old testament used by the jews uses the term Pelashet. The Greeks misunderstood the word and when translating used a different pronounciation.   The reality is that there  is not one reference  to palestine in the new testament. Not one. Jesus and his disciples did not recognize any place called palestine, nor anyone called a Palestinian.


The  people who controlled the region were Turks, not Arabs. The Ottoman Empire was certainly not an "arab" entity.  It did however, conquer the arab population who had live in the middle east. Under the Ottoman Empire, jews were the majority population of Jerusalem. The arab population of Gaza was virtually wiped out by earthquakes and plagues in the early 1900's. The reappearance of large numbers of arabs in that region  only occurred  after the arabs gained control. The majority of arans in Gaza are immigrants.


And  seeing how you wish to use the Bible to promite your position, I draw your attention to 

Joel 3:19 "Egypt will become a waste and Edom (arab nations) will become a desolate wilderness because of the violence done to the sons of Judah in whose land they have shed innocent blood."

There's lots more. Read your bible and heed the warnings.




The first Muslim army to run that region was an Arab army led by caliph Umar. Strangely enough the Jews did really good and flourished during the Muslim rule in 14 hundred years of  history. The Jews and christians were allowed to practice their faith and allowed to use their places of worship according to the treaty.


"Following the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem, Jews were once again allowed to live and practice their religion in Jerusalem, 8 years after their massacre by the Byzantines and nearly 500 years after their expulsion from Judea by the Roman Empire". Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Jerusalem_(636–637)


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