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Former Miss Thailand to open international school for her daughter


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Former Miss Thailand to open international school for her daughter

By Coconuts Bangkok



Photo: Nui Sujira/Instagram


Everyone wants the best school for their kids. Miss Thailand 2001 Sujira “Nui” Arunpipat decided to skip shopping around for the best school for her child and just open one instead.


The pageant winner-turned-actress revealed that her mother-in-law has invested THB1.2 billion to open an international school in Pathum Thani. The school is intended to be their new family business and the school that her one-year-old old daughter “Rada” will attend in the future.


Nui told NineEntertain that her family wants to establish an international school that preserves Thai culture while focusing on world languages and academics. Former teachers from Satit Kaset International School will help her family design with the new school’s curriculum.


Full Story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2017/01/11/former-miss-thailand-open-international-school-her-daughter

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-1-11
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" her family wants to establish an international school that preserves Thai culture while focusing on world languages and academics."


So the Thai culture teachers start their class everyday by saying:


"Forget everything you learned today in world languages and academics."

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47 minutes ago, snoop1130 said:

establish an international school that preserves Thai culture while focusing on world languages and academics.


So many contradictions in that short snippet. Sounds like it's going to be another insanely expensive elite school where kids learn nothing but get presented with a nicely framed graduation certificate bearing a meaningless title to bolster their "show esteem". 

Edited by Misterwhisper
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“I’ll design the school uniform so that it will be easy for moms to dress their kids. For girls, I want to add leggings under their skirts to protect them from bruises and bug bites,” Nui said. '


Leggings in the hotter times of the year are going to be somewhat uncomfortable.


As to protecting them from bruises...how?

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15 minutes ago, Bmouthboyo said:


Luckily my profession relies on brains not beauty so no fall from grace for me :)

You must admit for a miss world or whatever she was she doesn't look too good now.


Just another person in their mid 30s.


Oh for those days again...

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8 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


So... read again, the mother in law is investing, the family are opening it.


I just love what people often do with other people's wealth.  Not that it's a Thai phenomena but I always shake my head when the wifey gets bored and decides to use a big chunk of her husband's or her husband's family's money to launch some BS endeavor to keep her occupied.  


I used to live in this community in the US where 20 years ago the average home price was over $1 million.  The center of town was all of these little craft shops.  No way any of them, heck all of them collectively, could have done enough sales to cover the rent.  Every single one was run by some stunner who was bored and had nothing better to do than set their husband's money on fire so they had someplace to go from 9am to 5pm.  


Sort of like several of my friend's wives who are "jewelry designers" creating silver and turquoise monstrosities that they feel compelled to post about on Facebook 50 times a day.  


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1 hour ago, sanukjim said:

She will now proberly be hiring some of those phony teachers from the back packers of Khao San road in Bangkok. 

You can always apply for a teaching job if you are truly worried about the educational standards of the school. However, I think this is just your little potshot at teachers in Bangkok. Step up and get into a classroom if you think you can do better.

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8 hours ago, digibum said:


I just love what people often do with other people's wealth.  Not that it's a Thai phenomena but I always shake my head when the wifey gets bored and decides to use a big chunk of her husband's or her husband's family's money to launch some BS endeavor to keep her occupied.  


I used to live in this community in the US where 20 years ago the average home price was over $1 million.  The center of town was all of these little craft shops.  No way any of them, heck all of them collectively, could have done enough sales to cover the rent.  Every single one was run by some stunner who was bored and had nothing better to do than set their husband's money on fire so they had someplace to go from 9am to 5pm.  


Sort of like several of my friend's wives who are "jewelry designers" creating silver and turquoise monstrosities that they feel compelled to post about on Facebook 50 times a day.  



Well at least those wives have a hobby, and hobbies cost money....nothing new about that.


My hometown also had loads of those small shops, i bet the husbands of the owners were happy to pay for them as long as their wives had something to do.They wouldn't even miss 50k euro a year. Same goes for this Thai family i guess. 


Without those minishops the wives would watch soap all days or gossip with the neighbours.At least now the husbands can say their wives have a job or even a company.


But to start an international school for 40M us$ is a different story...Who will bring his child there since it's all new and doesn't have a reputation yet? Would you choose that school for your kid because mummy was a former miss thailand decades ago? That title brought her a wealthy husband though.


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Here she was 15 years ago. 


The International accreditation process can take years, depending on the country whose curriculum they are following.  Usually, they can start the process fairly easily, but a lot of progress must be shown over the next few years before they are fully accredited.


A friend of mine was on the Accreditation Committee for a struggling International School.  He has a quite amusing story about the school owner's reaction when he told him about WASC's financial transparency and auditing requirements!

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:


Well at least those wives have a hobby, and hobbies cost money....nothing new about that.


My hometown also had loads of those small shops, i bet the husbands of the owners were happy to pay for them as long as their wives had something to do.They wouldn't even miss 50k euro a year. Same goes for this Thai family i guess. 


Without those minishops the wives would watch soap all days or gossip with the neighbours.At least now the husbands can say their wives have a job or even a company.


But to start an international school for 40M us$ is a different story...Who will bring his child there since it's all new and doesn't have a reputation yet? Would you choose that school for your kid because mummy was a former miss thailand decades ago? That title brought her a wealthy husband though.



Ahhh, but the favorite part of my day was driving to work in the morning and seeing all of those young, hot trophy wives power walking together.  They knew what their husbands married them for :-)


And just to add a bit of contrast to the morning drive, when I hit the main road, you would see 20 or 30 Latina women getting off the city bus making their way up the hill to cook and clean and take care of the snot nosed children.  


Anyway, back to the topic at hand . . . 


A reputation?  Why would anybody think she possesses the expertise to even run a school?  It would be one thing if she had a background in education but I can't find anything indicating that she does.  


She said she would focus on the uniforms?  <deleted>??!? I don't care how rich you are, there isn't a woman alive I would allow to blow through $40 million so she can pick out the school uniforms.  But since she's borrowing it from his family, I'm assuming he comes from generational wealth so he's probably an idiot anyway.  Good luck with that.  They always say, a family fortune seldom lasts three generations.  Guess where this one will end? 





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