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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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On 22.1.2017 at 7:48 PM, Shawn0000 said:


I understand what racism is, and it would be considered racism to discriminate against a particular nationality, but to charge more for all nationalities other than Thai is not, sorry but you are plain wrong on this one.

As for your "also" comment, a ticket collector mistaking a Korean for a Thai does not make it racist either, it's just an error.

Are you the entity which makes the definition of racism ??? Many surely agrre 100% on  what ZEICHEN stated previously, and i personally recall it as been thaught the same way back home in Swiss. Maybe you can just express your opinion here but certainly cant apply this to others ?

Of course its racism and nationalism as well. Its also  called THAINESS to feel superior , thats why you are called FALANG and not`` Khon tangchart`` or maybe ``Khon Europe``.

And yes , the error is committed by assuming the person is thai national, which shows how deep this inner view on others are applied.

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36 minutes ago, zeichen said:

Well, it is clear that you are a narrow minded and rude person by nature.


I tell a story from my real life and you call it a quip. A quip is a lie or jest. Calling someone a liar is rude. Judging my family is also rude. We went to a major temple where tourists are often charged. But we were there to pray. The temple tried to charge the foreigner not my family. Go criticize someone else family and religion.


You also need me to show you a picture to prove my statement.


Conversation is now over. Good luck trolling someone else. I wonder if it is just online or in real life you are this offensive. I have never had someone tell me to show them a picture to prove my perspective.  Doubting someone for no reason really shows that you are a misanthrope.


That is not what quip means, it does not mean a lie, it means clever remark, I was being rude but not in the way you thought.


I never pay to get in temples, I normally give a donation, but if they are charging then I give them a miss as it is against the faith, my family all avoid those types of monks as well, the ones they follow give not take.


As for needing a photo to verify your audacious claim, why not, you just expect me to take your word for it?  It is not doubt for no reason, you are attempting to prove that Thailand is racist with an unverified anecdote, without evidence I have to disregard your comment, and just because someone might not tell you that in person does not mean that they do not disregard what you tell them, which would be the rational thing to do without any evidence presented, to just believe everything someone told them would be idiotic.

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23 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


I don't know what the first bit of your sentence is supposed to mean, no idea, sorry.


But there is no exact equivalent to charging non citizens more than citizens, but so what?  You think everything should be equivalent?  It is not, as we have already been demonstrating, the falang can come to Thailand without questions asked, the Thai has to go through a process harder than gaining Thai citizenship just to go on holiday, you are just going to have to lump it with your little entrance fee price, it is hardly a lot of money anyway, does it not make you embarrassed to piss and moan about it?  It is costing me hundreds of pounds just to make the application for my wife's tourist visa for the UK and you are here moaning about paying 200 baht to go to the zoo, really?  Get a life!

Notice the difference that Thais often are interested to gain (financial) benefits from going abroad, instead the foreigners spending their money here from abroad.  Apple and pears ????

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5 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

Are you the entity which makes the definition of racism ??? Many surely agrre 100% on  what ZEICHEN stated previously, and i personally recall it as been thaught the same way back home in Swiss. Maybe you can just express your opinion here but certainly cant apply this to others ?

Of course its racism and nationalism as well. Its also  called THAINESS to feel superior , thats why you are called FALANG and not`` Khon tangchart`` or maybe ``Khon Europe``.

And yes , the error is committed by assuming the person is thai national, which shows how deep this inner view on others are applied.

OK, so in Switzerland, when they taught you this, did they point out that selling different deals on the Swiss trains for foreigners and Swiss nationals was racism?

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Just now, thetruth revealer said:

Notice the difference that Thais often are interested to gain (financial) benefits from going abroad, instead the foreigners spending their money here from abroad.  Apple and pears ????

I was talking about a tourist visa, did you not get that?  Talk about apples and pairs, lol.

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2 minutes ago, capeman said:

Bottom line is that they will rip you off given the chance ......"How much you pay" is one of my pet hates, its the same as saying how much you have!!

It's not at all, it is asking what you want to pay for it, the only people who have a problem with that are those who are afraid that they could of gotten it cheaper than they were actually willing to pay, crazy.

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On 1/22/2017 at 0:14 PM, thetruth revealer said:

....whenever i feel like, will do that...and who is forcing YOU to respond here in such manner ? surely you completely missed the point, but hey go on if you feel so.(My Post was refering to Tax payers compared with Retirees .)


BTW, soon i hang out at some other beautyful places , like Malaga , Costa del Sol ,Spain or Algarve in Portugal and you know why ?

Because i have free choice , but nonetheless im commenting here whats wrong or could be done more conviniently as long im feeling so.


And whats your alternative ?

Swallow the frog every day and enjoy the usual ANTI FALANG RIP OFF MENTALITY?  And keep on smiling ??? :passifier:

Thailand is struggling and everybody knows.

Now we cant speak out clearly, because of loosing face bla bla.

I DONT GIVE A DAMN S**T about that 3. World rules and based on RACIALISM. 





it is very funny, 

you are mentioning places that aso have dula pricing :D

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On 1/16/2017 at 6:01 PM, wprime said:


National parks are subsided by taxpayers so taxpayers (including foreign residents) get discounted rates.

Same thing happens with health care and education in many western countries.


Is inability to detect sarcasm covered in that health plan?  

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/18/2017 at 11:43 PM, thetruth revealer said:

Retirees dont pay tax but generate income every single month from abroad since they get paid from their Governments. Whats fair about that someone earning his money here may get discounts instead retirees may not?

Considering the monthly amount spent here , taxes seem to be a very small  partial amount compared  to the all these  pensions ....


Because the taxes, in part, pay for the parks.


You are not a taxpayer and you and the people in your country would probably be yelling if the non-taxpayers visiting there were getting free government benefits too.



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On January 15, 2560 BE at 1:50 PM, Shawn0000 said:


Are you seriously trying to tell me that you think giving tourists a discount in Japan Switzerland is discriminating?  What a peculiar take on positive discrimination.

What planet are you on,I was commenting on Thailand,not Switzerland or Japan...I live in Thailand,I couldn't give a rats about them.

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1 hour ago, Jimbo53 said:

What planet are you on,I was commenting on Thailand,not Switzerland or Japan...I live in Thailand,I couldn't give a rats about them.


Wow, I asked a qwestion, if you don't like your own answer it is hardly my fault.

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13 hours ago, moto77 said:


Because the taxes, in part, pay for the parks.


You are not a taxpayer and you and the people in your country would probably be yelling if the non-taxpayers visiting there were getting free government benefits too.



I am a retiree here in Thailand, i have bought a house, a car, all new, i pay for all the food all the utility bills any repairs etc. and yet you are telling me i pay no tax! Well that's a new one me!

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13 hours ago, moto77 said:


Because the taxes, in part, pay for the parks.


You are not a taxpayer and you and the people in your country would probably be yelling if the non-taxpayers visiting there were getting free government benefits too.




Anyone earning less than 150.000 baht a year is exempted from paying income tax in Thailand. That's about 60% of the population.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/2/2017 at 9:42 PM, SoilSpoil said:


Anyone earning less than 150.000 baht a year is exempted from paying income tax in Thailand. That's about 60% of the population.

It doesn't matter--in all countries richer people's taxes foot the bill for their fellow citizens that have less. That doesn't giver foreigners the right to benefits anywhere. 

Maybe think of "cheap park admission" like "government benefits" in your country. Citizens get them; non-citizens don't.

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On 3/3/2017 at 9:28 AM, maxcorrigan said:

I am a retiree here in Thailand, i have bought a house, a car, all new, i pay for all the food all the utility bills any repairs etc. and yet you are telling me i pay no tax! Well that's a new one me!

The "faithful" believe that only a tax on income constitutes tax payment. Sad, but, a fact of life among the "Love it or leave it" contingent.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On March 29, 2560 BE at 5:57 PM, moto77 said:

It doesn't matter--in all countries richer people's taxes foot the bill for their fellow citizens that have less. That doesn't giver foreigners the right to benefits anywhere. 

Maybe think of "cheap park admission" like "government benefits" in your country. Citizens get them; non-citizens don't.

I don't know what Planet your on!!!! 


Your ur first paragraph had me pissing myself....You reckon  the Thai elite pay a shitload of tax?from my 12 years here,all I have seen is expat societies doing charity work and raising millions of baht for the poor and unfortunate in Thailand,have not seen any reports of Thai Billionaires putting out,on the contrary,have seen reports of their offspring murdering people with their Ferrari's.


I have an English mate...with a Thai Gf...she goes on holiday to London...gets a free mammogram and results back in two weeks...at the expense of the British taxpayer...your second paragraph...u obviously have never been in London...All the museums etc are well staffed at British taxpayers expense,and people from all over the world walk in free! Some ask for a small donation,but most of the freeloaders don't put  one pence in the box.

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3 hours ago, LolaS said:

please tell me which London museum is for free?

what I lie

British Museum

Tate Gallery

Tate Gallery Britain

National Gallery

John Soane's Museum

Kenwood House

City of London Museum

Bethnal Green Children's Museum

.....sorry.  Many more.  But I'm too busy planning my next trip back!

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/13/2017 at 8:11 PM, The Man Who Sold the World said:



I take full advantage of my military discount. 

There are resident vs. non-resident fishing and hunting licenses, resident vs. non-resident theme park (Disney/Great Flags/Dorney Park/Sesame Place) pricing schedules, teachers discounts, first responders discounts, police discounts...


I see no difference at all...

None of them are based on the color of your skin.


You earned a military discount, as do the elderly. There are other reasons to give discounts to locals such as they pay taxes on a local and even state level. 



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On 29/03/2017 at 7:18 PM, Sunderland said:

Most places with double/triple/quadruple/tenfold pricing are not worth visiting anyway.
I'd rather visit somewhere abroad and see something nice (often for free) that is well looked after.

In Japan we got 45% discount on the ferry because we had tourist stamps in our passports.

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I needed to buy a belt and watched a Thai buy a leather belt in a local market while I was looking at stuff on the stall next to it. He paid 100 baht. After he walked away I picked a belt exactly the same and asked how much? 200 the stall owner said. I handed over 100 and said he only paid 100 so I pay the same and walked off with the belt.
I still use it.

Lucky for you the shop owner didn't had a gun or manchete. The way you acted can be very dangerous better handle it in a diplomatic way, because lost of face is in Thailand a very big thing.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Lucky for you the shop owner didn't had a gun or manchete. The way you acted can be very dangerous better handle it in a diplomatic way, because lost of face is in Thailand a very big thing.

Sent from my BLL-L22 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I think he handled it just right. Then again, I don't consider fear of intimidation much of a virtue.
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And it is ok to have dual pricing? Tell me anyone why this is not discriminatory.. What is so ridiculous is that Thailand wants tourism , yet they discriminate. re: prices. between Thai natives and foreigners. Who in their right mind would travel to a country where they show prejudice? Sorry- not me.


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11 hours ago, dcnx said:

None of them are based on the color of your skin.


You earned a military discount, as do the elderly. There are other reasons to give discounts to locals such as they pay taxes on a local and even state level. 



Are you kidding me? Discount? I'm sure all of the vendors know about the "discount". Have a drink.

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On 13.01.2017 at 0:41 PM, fruitman said:

I buy a LOT from Banggood.com so i get everything for a cheaper price than the Thai vendors....i love that. And they even bring it to my house for free, give excellent service and give me birthdaypresents.



never had issues with customs charging exorbitant fees, blocking the goods or thai post not delivering?

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