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British passeport

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Hi Im french born after 1983 from an english mother. Im not sure Im british but I think I am and I now want to make a british passeport in Bkk. Several agencies can do that, is that correct? Which one you recommend and how much is it? Also if I pay the fees and find out IM not british what will happen? No refund I guess... thanks for advice

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2 hours ago, Mickey Cohen said:

Hi Im french born after 1983 from an english mother. Im not sure Im british but I think I am and I now want to make a british passeport in Bkk.


Maybe non of my business; but I have to ask why?


I can't see how a British passport is anymore advantageous than a French one; unless you want to live in a post Brexit UK.


Follow chickenslegs links to see if you are automatically British; which you are if your mother is British other than by descent no matter where you were born.


I assume that you are not in the UK, so once you have established whether or not you are British, see Overseas British passport applications for how to apply for your first British passport.

2 hours ago, Mickey Cohen said:

Also if I pay the fees and find out IM not british what will happen? No refund I guess...


Correct. The government say that the fee is for processing the application, not for the passport.

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There isn't one.


But a document that is not in English or Welsh must be accompanied by a full translation that can be independently verified by the Home Office.  Each translated document must contain:  

  • confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document  
  • the date of the translation  
  • the translator's full name and signature  
  • the translator's contact details
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