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Mercy Mission


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Yes the Mercy Centre is still working hard with the kids, currently have 19 in residence. Mobi d Ark who normally reports has been busy lately so has not been able to give update. We still welcome donations of goods/cash are we are still trying to get 100 benefactors that will donate 1000 per month to help kep the centre open. Next month I aim to launch a capital appeal for 2007 that will by the end of the year enable us to buy the property therby securing the future of the project and cutting the overheads by 50%. The request on here for a "Friends of the Mercy Centre" met with little response therefore as of yet has not been formed. We welcome input and /or comments/suggestions but really we need financial support. Christmas is coming and any gifts would also be welcome.

If you want any further info pm Mobi or me.

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The web site has had a makeover. More to come.

If you want to make donations that are tax deductible for UK, US or Canada there are details in the "how can I help" section. Please specify Mercy Pattaya. there are the details for the direct deposit to the bank account, not sure about tax deductibility for Thailand.


The US and Canadian site have facility for regular donations, if you want to use that part.

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