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Development updates ?? Airport / Canal Rd / Etc


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I was in a pickup with a farmer fella from mae on way a couple of days ago and despite my poor thai we were chatting and hes he was adamant the airport plans in san kampeang are being rebooted. 


I have been hearing this for 10 years, I even recall seeing a map with the ear marked land (north of the 1006) but thought the whole thing died after coup in 06 ?? 


Was he mad ?? He did say a few other things which gave off a hint of that.. 




Also.. The canal Rd extension linking the san patong bypass. Clearly they are making this double lane both sides of the canal (I assumed they were going to go over the canal closing it in) and this is really going to cut off a lot of frontage which people are used to home in park and masterpiece will lose the frontage and buffer they have but it looks planned with enough setback. Does anyone know how this is going to finish thoughj.. After Lanna Montra there doesnt appear any setback, and its going to cut down to where theres roadside building near lanna pinery. 


On the same issue, are they expecting that additional volume of traffic to still merge into Suthep Rd / canal rd traffic lights ?? Thats hectic as it is now making it one of the more primary routes into the city will be hellish. 




Last one I was pondering.. The water slides park in san kampeang, surely thats built by now ?? Not heard anything more. 

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For the Canal Road, the government will buy up land and demolish stuff where needed.  It's quite the pay day for people with some land there.  And then the whole Canal Road will be separate lanes, from Mae Rim all the way through to Doi Lo. 


And then an airport: nope.  Budget was approved for capacity increases for the current airport, which can grow a lot bigger just fine.

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I thought the airport was still shelved.. He was adamant that it was given a recent go ahead tho, his conviction on the issue lead to me beginning to wonder. 


Re government compulsory purchases.. I dont believe they always pay what people want.. Heard the same in Patong when a road went in, people got shafted, and the odd news report since then. I am more curious about how they intend to handle it in the reality of building it tho, samoeng junction would appear to be messy. I really assumed they would enclose the canal and go over the top. Theres going to be a bunch of issues around how many u turns this has. 


Having lived through years of them expanding 1317, I move, and immediately they start expanding the road I live on again.. 

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19 hours ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:

For the Canal Road, the government will buy up land and demolish stuff where needed.  It's quite the pay day for people with some land there.  And then the whole Canal Road will be separate lanes, from Mae Rim all the way through to Doi Lo.




thats been on the B/S agenda  for yonks and yonks,  ,but not a mission impossible  plan, as the  ARMY own ,most of the land required to do so

actually there is a route to just about Someng Junction now,by passing MaeRim shopping centre

its a Elaine Page arvo to all

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The approaches travelling, from the south on the Canal Rd where it passes the Phucome Hotel to Suthep Rd, were backed up for 100 of metres last week.


Should be made a priority.


Entry and exit to the airport is becoming more difficult,parking almost impossible, could be chaotic over the Chinese New Year.


Long term the Airport  should be moved out of town and linked by public transport like any other modern city eg the new airport in Hanoi is way out of the city.


A temporary fix solves nothing



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2017 at 9:38 PM, johnmcc6 said:

There will be an overpass plus underpass at the Samoong  ?? Rd intersection. Estimated time for completion 30 months. There is a big sign at the lights if you can read Thai.


Samoeng junction is the 108/121 one (Hang Dong Rd.). Or do you mean the Canal Rd/121? Haven't seen a sign but will look out for one.


Heavy traffic is going to be channeled through the new Canal Rd towards 121 and then 11, bypassing the Hang Dong bottleneck, that's a good thing.

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54 minutes ago, MadMac said:


Samoeng junction is the 108/121 one (Hang Dong Rd.). Or do you mean the Canal Rd/121? Haven't seen a sign but will look out for one.


Heavy traffic is going to be channeled through the new Canal Rd towards 121 and then 11, bypassing the Hang Dong bottleneck, that's a good thing.

The intersection of Canal road and Samoeng road . Where the local market is on one corner. They have knocked down a row of buildings to accommodate the overpass.Traffic from Hangdong will be two lanes each side of the canal. About 14 km in all. Roadworks well underway.

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Interesting, I know they knocked down the massage a while ago. Was wondering what for, now that makes sense. Looking forward to the great mess to come, we stay ~500m from the junction, but not at the main road (Koolpunt 8).

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On 1/27/2017 at 9:38 PM, johnmcc6 said:

There will be an overpass plus underpass at the Samoong  ?? Rd intersection. Estimated time for completion 30 months. There is a big sign at the lights if you can read Thai.


Having passed this junction many times and now since this post actively looking I must be blind. 


Where is this 'big sign' ?? Thai or not ?? Which corner ??

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On 1/27/2017 at 9:32 AM, LivinLOS said:

Just to complete the info I asked, I spotted on facebook they say they will be open end of March. They are recruiting staff now. 




Theres also some actual photos posted of built rides so looks like its going to get done. 




What the hell is that - giant CCTV camera in the mid-top and obligatory bushfire in the top right corner !


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Me again re  Canal road. The sign was/?is very close to the traffic lights heading into town at the Samoeng intersection. Previously  it was opposite smack on the corner. Both locations hard to spot. I was also told by a local there will only be an underpass similar to the one near Big C.  The owner of the noodle shop near the corner said it will be both an over pass and an underpass. He knows the owner of the buildings that were torn down to accommodate it. We shall see who is correct . My partner read the sign which only tells of the upgrade, time frame and cost but no details of u turns or access to the moo bans along the road or mention of under/over pass . Time will tell unless someone knows how to contact the highway dept. for exactly what is going on and post back to us. Either way it will a mess for a while.

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Ok, probably an overpass, or what would they do with the water. But I guess the main traffic will go into the 121, coming from south. Chiang Mai has definitly money for road projects, hope they do it right and it does not become a never ending repair story.

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