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Looking For Ubonjoe - 3 points regarding extensions.

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I was hoping Ubonjoe would be around this evening to try and clarify a few points regarding extensions of stay.


Applying for my extension this year I am using a lawyer / agent, but to be honest, I think he is under the thumb of immigration, he asks for 3 times more junk than immigration (for instance - previous applications they asked for a photo of me and my family at home - this usually consisted of a single photo of me, my wife and son, we duplicate it and pin it to the application - worked fine in the past)


This guy asks for 4 photos, two of the house " With Number" and 2 with family. OK, I send him what he wants, then he e mails me wanting more photos (all in electronic format so he can print them onto an A4 paper - which immigration would never accept before, they had to be actual photos.) So now he has 12 different photos, as some sort of neat Photoshop collage.


I think I covered the other point in my rant the other day about the Amphur Marriage / Family crap flowery paper, however, from what the Amphur said, YOU CANNOT REGISTER A MARRIAGE AT THE AMPHUR THAT IS ALREADY REGISTERED - i.e, my original certificate of marriage and marriage registration are valid and cannot be re hashed at the amphur???? (this is the Kor2 or Kor 3 document - you cannot get Kor 3 without Kor 2, and you cannot get Kor 2 if the marriage is already registered, another catch 22 in the realm of fools


Next point, the lawyer told me that I can only (This is supposing my wife was to die before me....looking more likely everyday)  apply for an extension to support my Thai child up until the age of 18. Now I thought that the age is 20? Anyone care to comment? (The immigration documents I find say 20, and are in line with land ownership and being classed as an adult)


Lastly, he told me that after the age of 18, if I was no longer married to a Thai, my only extension option was to seek a retirement visa!


I am sure, absolutely sure, that I have read elsewhere and that Ubonjoe confirmed that a Thai child can sponsor me in some way if I lost my wife due to whatever reason, i.e. being beaten to death for stupidity! - Yes, joking.


But seriously, how much of the lawyers spiel is real and how much is down to licking the butts of immigration?


If anyone can clarify the points I mention I would be greatful.


An added bonus would be the Thai points of law that could back any of this up so it can be taken to a higher level rather than argue with the automaton on the desk at immigration.




And just adding to my previous RANT - They used to have a ticket machine where you could get a queue number, they disabled / unplugged it, then they STAFFED it with a 14 year old kid, then they unplugged it again, hence sitting in their <deleted> car park at midnight just to get in the damn queue! No wonder I have high blood pressure, maybe with a bit of luck an artery will pop in my neck at Promenada and soak the lot of them in blood!


Chiang Mai Immigration has to be the absolute worst in Thailand, it is like they are trying to grind you down till you give up, why can they not organize like Bangkok? It is a complete Shitfest up North.




Edited by Generalchaos
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It would help if you asked clear and specific questions.


  • You can get an extension of stay as the parent of a Thai regardless of how old they are. The age 20 rule only applies to foreign children wanting certain extensions.
  • It is possible to get an extension of stay if you're over 50 and your son can prove he can financially support you.
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