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Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech


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4 minutes ago, uptheos said:


I think she plays the part very well, her face is quite lovely without smiling and gorgeous when she does. Did you see lying Hillary's face, looked as if she and Bill had been sucking lemons all day.

I'm no Hillary fan.  And for sure would rather see Melania on TV than Hillary! LOL

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I see the problems clearly.  Sadly, Trumps doesn't have the right solution to them.  He's a salesman!  He's sold a lot of people on his policies that won't work.  Easy to research this.


Patriotism?  Isn't that what's trump pitching?  You are right though.  Don't let that get in the way of seeing the bigger picture.


I never said I was a Trump supporter.  You are putting words in my mouth.  But you did say America was "Ok".  If you believe that you are the one who needs to study the facts.  I would outline them for you but I literally don't have the time.  As you say, "it's easy to research this" and an intelligent objective person can only reach one conclusion.  America is FAR from "OK" and is getting farther every day.  

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4 hours ago, jayboy said:

Mathew Paris captures the feelings of many.


"The Americans have elected a turkey as their president. He looks like a turkey, walks like a turkey, gobbles like a turkey — he is a turkey. There is nothing in Donald Trump’s record, in the appointments he has made or in his disgusting inaugural speech yesterday that prompts second thoughts. The new president is no evil genius, he’s just tiresome, rude and silly: one of those vexatious, loud and unpleasant people we do best to avoid."

Well, for you gay, commie, socialist, anarchists, it's going to be a rough ride isn't it? But for those that make America work, it will be worthwhile!

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

Yes, jobs have been lost abroad, but, it's estimated that 9 out of 10 jobs lost in the rust-belt was due to automation.

What's he going to do about that? Lower productivity?

Estimated by Who? All the jobs that left my industrial town are still being done overseas. Many of my friends had to go overseas to train the new workers or lose their severance pay and be denied unemployment benefits, now they are struggling to find work, and at a much lower wage. I don't know what your job is but trust me their are many people in the world who will be glad to do it for less than half what you make. Good luck.

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1 hour ago, JustNo said:

My point is that the US is not a developed nation yet


That's just silly.


You did a lot of cutting and pasting.  But, what's your point?  You are trying to make a point, aren't you?


BTW:  Trump doesn't have section 44 powers.  He has to 'work with' the other 2 branches of the government.

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4 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The greatest thing to come out of the Trump/Brexit victories is that the “progressive” Left is eventually going to come to the painful realisation that it will never again be relevant until it learns to stop whining and trying to tell other people how to behave.

The victimhood culture and identity politics, as exemplified by the media’s alternate sneering and hand-wringing for the last 7 months, is dead as a force. People are sick to death of it. Not just in the UK and US, either.

The “progressives” have made a career out of being against everything, whether it be perceived bigotry, oppression, injustice, marginalization, and all the other words from the Leftist playbook. It no longer works.



Cannot argue with any of that. I am a lifelong democrat. I cannot stand the party anymore. I did not vote for Trump however, as I could not hold my nose long enough to do so. I abstained, as a protest vote, of sorts. But, I do not recognize the party anymore, and the DNC made me sick to my stomach, with mafia types such as Wasserman Schultz. Filthy, corrupted, and totally off message. Yes, they are way, way too soft, and the whole bleeding heart thing has gotten quite old, for millions of people. Their treatment of Bernie alone alienated millions of voters. Had they simply treated the man with the respect he deserved, the democrats would have gotten the extra 2 million votes they would have needed, and all this hand wringing would not be taking place. Just basic respect and decency. Also, if they had fielded a more capable candidate than Hillary, well history might be quite different.


But, I am not amongst the democrat party apologists, nor an Obama apologist. I did not think he was a good leader, though he is a decent man, and an elegant man. Terrible foreign policy, and a fairly poor job at running the economy. Please do not wave the economic numbers at me. Spare me. I do not buy them. He was classy. Certainly compared to the chump currently in that office. 

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1 hour ago, Gillyflower said:

He is unfortunately the epitome of how many people see Americans.......see jayboys description above.  He forgot to add the word 'brash'.


I would say 'most' rather than many, and of course it's a stereotype but stereotypes on principle describe a majority of people. So yes, Americans tend to be considered as loud, arrogant, boorish, patronizing and often ridiculous, especially in the way they over-act when socializing. But frankly, and aside from the 'over-acting' part which is indeed specifically American, can't these things be said of uneducated people everywhere ? Do these words not describe the uneducated majority of populations in every country ?


The interesting thing about living in Pattaya is that one gets to observe individuals who come from many different countries, but mostly from the same segment of society. Some have money, but very few have education. The result is that they are strikingly similar to one another, no matter where they come from : America, Europe, Australia, China, Russia ...


But we are so used to focusing on nationalities that when we see, say, a drunken Aussie behaving like a total jerk, we immediately tend to blame his jerk-ness on his nationality, even though his behaviour clearly has more to do with a blatant lack of education.


For a long time, democracies have elected people who did not come from that segment of society, for better or worse. It was an elitist system, there is no doubt about that, and the Hitler episode considerably re-inforced that pattern, after WWII, as the West realized how dangerous 'little people' could be when they reached absolute power. The result was that 'the masses' felt (and rightly so) that their vote amounted to nothing, because they were always governed by people who didn't give a damn about them, looked down on them and favoured the happy few.


What's happening now is that the uneducated are electing one of their own. It's not just an American phenomenon, and it will spread. Wasn't that bound to happen ? Are we to expect some good for 'the masses' out of this ? Unfortunately I don't think so, because of three very simple facts :


1/ uneducated millionaires are the ones who tend to go into politics. Why ? because they crave for social recognition, because they realize that political power can make them richer and because it's exciting.


2/ millionaires do not care about the poor. If they did, they would not be millionnaires.


3/ clever but uneducated millionaires realize that by playing the 'I'm the champion of the poor' tune, they can get elected. Once elected, they can only do what they are used to do : screw the poor, and make the rich richer, including of course themselves. That's where the US is headed right now.



Edited by Yann55
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4 minutes ago, rudy h said:


The author's "point" was clearly stated


And if the post it has ben clearly proven; the US is NOT  developed country socially and morally, it is technologically speaking but it has a long way to come. And in fact it seems to be regressing backwards with more racial division and tension, more ignorance towards subjects such as abortion and gay rights, and starting to put more credence into the Bible. So say the most power man in the world is now a person who thinks the world was created 10,000 years ago and thinks we should stop having vaccines. Yep that is one developed mindset for sure. 

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Anything made in China can be made in the USA , Trump will just level the trade agreements . Trump is going to be a fantastic president . I watched his wife in DC , she stood out as beinging beautiful , classy , and am glad I don't have to look at first man slick willy anymore .


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39 minutes ago, 727Sky said:

  At no time after the first two years did Obama ever achieve a majority in congress or the Senate... The voters made sure he was unable to make some of his programs into law. Thus he decided he had a pen and knew how to use it.. Executive orders were the only way he could rule which in the next few days will be resended if inappropriate for the new vision of the country.... A welcome change indeed... 

I hope some of the Democratic leaders raise a stink and try to block everything Trump tries to do simply because within two years Trump will have an even bigger majority in both houses..

Watching Trump on social media I would think those who think they can get CNN, NBC, et al to tell their lies for them will probably have a rude awakening... The way some of the MSN have fabricated fake news is sickening.... I swear if Trump walked on water the news headlines would be "TRUMP CAN'T SWIM!"

Brilliant for calling something fake news...just what it is,, fake with no proof..no reality in fact and yet there are those whose hatred lap it up... Glad the Democrats coined the term to begin with, trying to shut down alternative media like Drudge report..

The petty bickering over a guy who wants to create jobs for Americans, get American manufacturing back upon its' feet, repair the crumbling infrastructure, stop unfair trade deals, and stop funding the militaries of NATO when the members could fund their own crap.... stop unvetted idiots who do not want to be Americans but bring their hatred and messed up violent culture from the place they fled from.. just so they can make their new home just like their cesspool of a home they must think is great.... yet chose to leave ... Yep he is horrible...especially for those who want America to remain mediocre and continue to slide down the dark abyss we have been heading since the first Bush had office.... Globalism as some has envisioned is dying.. I shall not morn its' death.

I don't live in the states and maybe I shouldn't give a darn anymore.... But I do.... other than the entitlement crowd, the Americans I know just want a job, a home, and big brother nanny state government out of their lives.. 

You would think anyone with half a brain would applaud someone who says they are going to pull the USA back from the cliff's edge..


With the amount of (9 trillion+) Obama and his regime added to America's debt they had better start producing or  or the future really does look bleak for the dollar and the country.. The same past policies were not helping and the voters knew that a vote for HRC was just more of the same with a big show down with Russia over another failed policy with regards to Syria...as if Libya and Iraq was not enough proof there were buffoons running the country and state department.  


There was concern for the inauguration ... Yet inspite of all the hot air and BS the left spewed there were no bombs, bullets, in view; just a simple (by US standards) swearing in ceremony...


Just 217 snowflakes (snow flake is a term used pointing out those who melt or become triggered at the first sight of facts and truth their emotions do not agree with which results in the most outrageous inane verbiage spewing from their lips) 


217 arrested on the outer fringe got arrested for breaking windows and trying to burn stuff.. I would think Soros as of today believes he did not get his money's worth if he helped finance some of the protestors with bus rides and travel arrangements as rumored..  The money he spent on HRC and her and her 1.2 billion dollar losing campaign....well I hope it hurt... 

All empires fall sooner or later,Trump will only hasten the process.

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"Trump, now president, vows to put 'America First' in nationalist speech". I believe he made similar vows to each of his three wives,  but surely he will keep his word this time.

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Size matters - unless one is a fan of teeny tiny fingers ala The Donald
(it appears many of his supporters are similarly like-handed & minded;)

Trump inauguration turnout dwarfed by Obama

2017 /  12 pm                                                                                                                          2009 / 12 pm

National Mall crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in U.S. President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on January 20, 2017 and President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009,

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I am no fan but Clintonland did need a shake up but Nationalism I loath and it's never a good thing and has wreaked devastation throughout world history.  The world needs the breaking down of national and cultural barriers not the lauding of one country over another.


We are ALL human beings. Bring on a Martian attack I say that would unite us!

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3 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Size matters - unless one is a fan of teeny tiny fingers ala The Donald
(it appears many of his supporters are similarly like-handed & minded;)

Trump inauguration turnout dwarfed by Obama

2017 /  12 pm                                                                                                                          2009 / 12 pm

National Mall crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in U.S. President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on January 20, 2017 and President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009,


So what, he's still the 45th President of the USA, that's all that really matters.

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2 hours ago, dcutman said:

I dont have to research, I have lived this nightmare for to long under previous administrations. I am fully aware, it is you, and your kind that have been believing this BS you have been fed for so long.

You keep believing what the media tells you to believe. DA


Says the man who values Fox as "news" 

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17 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Estimated by Who? All the jobs that left my industrial town are still being done overseas. Many of my friends had to go overseas to train the new workers or lose their severance pay and be denied unemployment benefits, now they are struggling to find work, and at a much lower wage. I don't know what your job is but trust me their are many people in the world who will be glad to do it for less than half what you make. Good luck.


Lets be realistic here, do you and your friends think the jobs will return? Answer is no. Even if it does, big corporation will be replacing humans with machines. That is the simple truth in regards to manufacturing. Sometimes an industry needs to move overseas to stay a live and be competitive. Your much lower wage problem, blame it on the Republicans for opposing raising minimum wages.


I do understand there are a lot of people without jobs or jobs lost, but thats the reality of some industries. I would like to know what specific industries you are talking about.


10 minutes ago, muffy said:

Anything made in China can be made in the USA , Trump will just level the trade agreements . Trump is going to be a fantastic president . I watched his wife in DC , she stood out as beinging beautiful , classy , and am glad I don't have to look at first man slick willy anymore .



Sure it can be, are Americans willing to pay more for the same product? Because of Made in China products,  Americans can live/have a decent life. Your statement clearly shows you have no idea how manufacturing works and the supply chain it involves.

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1 hour ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Some of us prefer to think of it as the Year of the Cock


"I have the best cock, the biggest, most terrific, believe me. I can't show it to you, it's being audited, but, trust me, it's huge."

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22 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Estimated by Who? All the jobs that left my industrial town are still being done overseas. Many of my friends had to go overseas to train the new workers or lose their severance pay and be denied unemployment benefits, now they are struggling to find work, and at a much lower wage. I don't know what your job is but trust me their are many people in the world who will be glad to do it for less than half what you make. Good luck.

And big American biz,run by Americans,including trump and his family know and participate in this.They left because it puts more money in there pockets.What are they going to do,bring those jobs back and pay slave wages,that wont go down well.One thing for sure,big biz will not be dipping their own hand in their pocket so they can support fellow Americans aspirations.

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5 hours ago, alex8912 said:

He is what the USA has now. I say give him a chance. 

Exactly...anyone who wants him to fail (and there are plenty of people in the USA and abroad who hold these sentiments) are simply stupid...the consequences are too great, regardless of where you live...truly, unless you are a criminal or fanatic, you need to really hope Trump does well...

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4 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

Words are cheap.

Key words. Yes make America Great Again buy American. You better inspect your red Trump Make America Great Again hats. Made in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh. Words are great but its the follow through that counts. 

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2 minutes ago, d2b2 said:

Says the man who values Fox as "news" 

Please...do you really believe the other sources are unbiased?  Fox news is just as biased as any other news outlet...and the only one who accurately predicted the outcome, so it can be argued easily that Fox is the most objective...

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22 minutes ago, muffy said:

Anything made in China can be made in the USA , Trump will just level the trade agreements . Trump is going to be a fantastic president . I watched his wife in DC , she stood out as beinging beautiful , classy , and am glad I don't have to look at first man slick willy anymore .


You don't understand economics do you.If it was that easy Obama would have done it.

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