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Import dog from UK

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I know what you are thinking, Thailand has enough dogs on soi without importing them from uk.  But its my dog and I wasn't going to leave him behind when I moved to Isaan.  There are agencies who will help moving pets abroad but I did it all myself and saved stang.  A lot of people involved, DEFRA, local vet, airline, Thai customs etc but if you get all your paperwork straight, the actual move is pretty painless.  If anyone is thinking of doing the same I am happy to answer and questions.

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Yes, good on you for bringing your friend along for the ride. I brought my 'mixer' over with me in 2007 and she is still going [relativity] well; despite the climate and her approaching her 13th birthday. Cost a small fortune as I got tagged for import duty --- yes it does exist --- but would have brought her even if I had known the overall cost up front.

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I brought my 2  dogs 10 year ago, many companies asked between 100.000 and 200.000 B, cheapest 1 i found was budget air iran 50.000 ,+boxes 10.000, when i arrived in bkk, they forced 40.000 import tax on me, or i would not get them, so total cost 100.000 B

Edited by Incobart
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14 minutes ago, Incobart said:

I bought my 2  dogs 10 year ago, many companies asked between 100.000 and 200.000 B, cheapest 1 i find was budget air iran 50.000 boxes 10.000, when i arrived in bkk, they forced 40.000 imort tax on me, or i would not get them, so total cist 100.000 B

Really can be a bummer when you bring a dog that has to go cargo. Less than 32KG can go as excess baggage and rarely gets picked up for import duties; apparently. Over 32KG goes cargo and usually does. Most medium to large dogs, when you add in the [air grade] carry boxes exceed that limit. IMO a ridiculous application of the Health & Safety regs which limit what one person can lift at 32 KG .. dog carriers are always handled by two persons. 


My dog was from the rescue pound and 'cost' only a voluntary contribution. Import duty to Thailand is charged on cost of purchasing animal + air transport charges + cost of insurance = total assumed import value. From memory the first tax level is import duty on that total at 30% [?] plus, plus, plus. Mine worked out at 20,000Baht --- when you see your friend traumatised from a long flight, with all the loud noises in the cargo hold, you just pay up. It's scandalous that we should be charged import duty on flight and insurance costs but what can you do?

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4 minutes ago, snowgard said:

Here are the most important informations: http://thaiembdc.org/bringing-pets-into-thailand/

Important information to get your 'pet' into Thailand but no reference to possible import duties to be paid.


Those who are bringing their pets into another country are probably unlikely to be influenced by the total cost of doing so ... but possible import duties should be transparent.

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1 minute ago, Arjen said:

Import duty for a dog is 1.000 Baht?

This I paid last time. And when you have brought your dog abroad and you want to re-import it you do not need to pay. Keep the receipt.


When you follow the rules (apply for a import permit first) it si quite easy. And even without an import permit it is easy.


Pay at the quarantine office, (at the luggage collecting area, coming from immigration to your far right) 100 Baht. They only check paperwork. But you must carry your dog.


When the dog is quiet you can try to follow the green channel. Cover the bench with a suitcase or backpack. When you are stopped tell you did not know.


My dog was very angry, so no way to use the green channel. But I was happy to pay 1.000 Baht import duty.




Apparently works well if your airline carrier will accept the dog/cat/whatever as excess baggage. That is less than 32KG including any carry box deemed necessary. 

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On 1/22/2017 at 4:54 PM, cornishcarlos said:

Just out of interest, what was the approx costs to do that ?


My boy is in Thailand already but I wouldn't spare any expense to ensure he was healthy and happy :)


Hope he is settling in ok with the climate change...


Mine was done thru a pet travel agent (I am from the US), and it was $3050, not including the couple of vet visits, kennel time, and shots required for importing. I probably spent about $3600 in total, but he got here without any hassles, and they delivered him right to my door. I did this with a 3 week kennel stay in the US, this way I could get situated here in Thailand, and my dog could just move right in, rather than be part of our massive moving plans that I had to deal with when I got here. All in All, I am happy with the service, but still blown away with how much it costs to get a dog safely here to Thailand.

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I brought 2008 a 38kg german sheperd dog inside Thailand. The airline air berlin charged me only 60 EUR for transportation from Frankfurt - BKK. So it is important to check the airline tariffs.

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5 minutes ago, snowgard said:

I brought 2008 a 38kg german sheperd dog inside Thailand. The airline air berlin charged me only 60 EUR for transportation from Frankfurt - BKK. So it is important to check the airline tariffs.

I'm not sure about the UK, but in the US I believe as of Spring 2016, all carriers have now done away with flying with your animal unless its on-board under your seat. All animals fly cargo now, and they steer you thru an agent, so it isn't exactly cheap. The only exception is military personnel, or service dogs I believe. 

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7 minutes ago, Arjen said:

I read this question about the import duty. And the import duty is as far as I know a fixed fee from 1.000 Baht. Not depending on the weight.


The charges for flight depends on the weight, and distance, and your own flight ticket.

And so how much did your dog weigh? I thought it was only women who were concerned about their weight being mentioned.


I was merely asking, as from the UK it can make a major difference if the dog and carrier weigh over 32KG; then they must go as cargo and be subject to import duty..

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1 minute ago, snowgard said:

Just remember there is more than just the flight, there are other charges and paperwork, in my case "Health Certificate, vet exam before Int Travel" (This may require extra visits to your own vet before you leave, just to make sure you have the right vaccinations - which you will need for the permit), "Customs paperwork", "Import Permit", "USDA", "Approved Airline Carrier", etc. I would say the agent was helpful, as it was enough stress just getting myself here. I was happy to see my dog being delivered to me in air conditioned pet transport vehicle as well.

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What charges? I just paid the yearly vaccinations and  a Government Veterinar Check one day before we flight. This costs me just 10 EUR. No import permit needed if you have only one dog.


Bevor I had a link to the Departement for Livestock, ... where they wrote all important things but their new website don't show english language informations anymore.




But interested people can contact they and ask. If they lucky they will get an answer!!!



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2 hours ago, snowgard said:

What charges? I just paid the yearly vaccinations and  a Government Veterinar Check one day before we flight. This costs me just 10 EUR. No import permit needed if you have only one dog.


Bevor I had a link to the Departement for Livestock, ... where they wrote all important things but their new website don't show english language informations anymore.




But interested people can contact they and ask. If they lucky they will get an answer!!!



It's no longer 2008, but yeah, good luck with that.

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We took our dog and cat with us when we moved to Thailand in November and did it ourselves, it is quite a bit to do what with getting the vaccinations, the export cert from Defra, the import cert from dept of livestock in Thailand and the final vet checks less than 72 hours prior to flying. We didn't use a pet travel company as they will charge you quite a bit more for the things that you will have to do anyway.

We flew from heathrow with eva air and the pets went as excess baggage at 44 us$ a kilo, we wanted a direct flight as we didn't want to stress the animals anymore then we had to, the weight of the 2 pets and there cages were 27 kilos which works out to be around $1200.

The other expenses where the crates which have to be airline approved our 2 cost £180 for the crates and bedding in them, the vet fees for the whole process were in the region of £200. When we landed at swampy we had to pay 200b for the officials to check the paperwork 100b for each pet and then a further 1000b each pet import duty and that was it.

What we spent on bringing our animals wasn't a concern as we were not going to abandon our pets but all up we must have spent 1200-1300 sterling for the 2 of them.

The day after we landed the missus was concerned for the cat as he was panting quite a bit but November in Thailand to November in Wales is quite a bit of difference in temperature, she went out and bought the biggest fan I've ever seen which was ok until you turned it on as it sounded like a plane and the poor cat was petrified of it, the next day we had an aircon put in.

Both animals are now doing fine and both have acclimatised to the weather.

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On ‎22‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 9:54 AM, cornishcarlos said:

Just out of interest, what was the approx costs to do that ?


My boy is in Thailand already but I wouldn't spare any expense to ensure he was healthy and happy :)


Hope he is settling in ok with the climate change...

The import cost around 40,000 baht all told.


I was worried that I was going to pick up a highly distressed dog at savanabumi but he took it all in his stride, not so much as a wee in his crate in 14 hours.


He is loving it here with his new esaan family and is okay with the climate change.





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19 hours ago, Arjen said:

Import duty for a dog is 1.000 Baht?

This I paid last time. And when you have brought your dog abroad and you want to re-import it you do not need to pay. Keep the receipt.


When you follow the rules (apply for a import permit first) it si quite easy. And even without an import permit it is easy.


Pay at the quarantine office, (at the luggage collecting area, coming from immigration to your far right) 100 Baht. They only check paperwork. But you must carry your dog.


When the dog is quiet you can try to follow the green channel. Cover the bench with a suitcase or backpack. When you are stopped tell you did not know.


My dog was very angry, so no way to use the green channel. But I was happy to pay 1.000 Baht import duty.




At Savanabumi I paid 1000 Baht import duty at the green channel and, a further 510 baht at the quarantine/collection office.


They did the green channel fee before I had collected the dog.  Everyone very helpful I have to say.

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19 hours ago, ocddave said:

Cargo charges by the weight, so yes, the costs can change.

I flew with Eva Air as it is a direct flight from Heathrow which I thought would be better for Gus.


With crate Gus weighs 9kg and I was charged £320 to go on as excess luggage.


I told the airline that I will have a dog with me and when I arrived at the airport the staff were expecting me and ushered me through all the queues and ran around sorting all the paperwork out.  Definitely recommend Eva Air for this journey.







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21 hours ago, Incobart said:

I brought my 2  dogs 10 year ago, many companies asked between 100.000 and 200.000 B, cheapest 1 i found was budget air iran 50.000 ,+boxes 10.000, when i arrived in bkk, they forced 40.000 import tax on me, or i would not get them, so total cost 100.000 B

Wow, sounds like a ransom demand, fortunately its no longer like that.  Well done for paying up!

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20 hours ago, Caspersfriend said:

" And when you have brought your dog abroad and you want to re-import  it"


How much did your dog weigh?

Including crate he weighed in at 9kg which cost £320 as excess luggage.


We have no plans to go back to uk.


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7 hours ago, Tilacme said:

I flew with Eva Air as it is a direct flight from Heathrow which I thought would be better for Gus.


With crate Gus weighs 9kg and I was charged £320 to go on as excess luggage.


I told the airline that I will have a dog with me and when I arrived at the airport the staff were expecting me and ushered me through all the queues and ran around sorting all the paperwork out.  Definitely recommend Eva Air for this journey.







You must have a small fella as our Rossi (the cat) in his crate weighs more than that and Paxi (patterdale terrier) weighs 9 kg without the crate, we should have put them on a diet for a few months before we left, only joking of course.

We would also recommend Eva air as well, as with yourself they were waiting for us at the airport and took care of everything with the paperwork and that it was a bit hard though when they went through.

One thing they said to us though was that one of the flight attendants would be able to give them some water during the flight, but not long after take off I asked an hostess if they could squirt a little bit of the pheromones that we had bought to make it easier for them into the crates. The hostess looked at me blankly and said that she wasn't aware that there were live animals on the flight and that nobody can go to the hold where the animals were, this put me and the missus into panic and I eventually found out from the head stewardess that she and the pilot know that there are animals on board but nobody can give them any water, but she did assure me that they would have had the water containers filled prior to them getting on the plane. I must admit that I was quite worried the whole flight but it was fine and we needn't have worried.

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10 hours ago, zd1 said:

You must have a small fella as our Rossi (the cat) in his crate weighs more than that and Paxi (patterdale terrier) weighs 9 kg without the crate, we should have put them on a diet for a few months before we left, only joking of course.

We would also recommend Eva air as well, as with yourself they were waiting for us at the airport and took care of everything with the paperwork and that it was a bit hard though when they went through.

One thing they said to us though was that one of the flight attendants would be able to give them some water during the flight, but not long after take off I asked an hostess if they could squirt a little bit of the pheromones that we had bought to make it easier for them into the crates. The hostess looked at me blankly and said that she wasn't aware that there were live animals on the flight and that nobody can go to the hold where the animals were, this put me and the missus into panic and I eventually found out from the head stewardess that she and the pilot know that there are animals on board but nobody can give them any water, but she did assure me that they would have had the water containers filled prior to them getting on the plane. I must admit that I was quite worried the whole flight but it was fine and we needn't have worried.

Gus is a miniature Dachshund and weighs 5.5kg without the crate.  Funny thing is they asked me what the total weight was so I rounded down a bit and nobody checked.  I gave him a squirt of pheromone as I handed him over and was told that his water would be topped up on boarding.  He showed no sign of dehydration at the other end.

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