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British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad


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Can anyone who speaks this strange language offer a translation of what this Muppet is actually trying to say?

Yes I do understand what he's saying, no I cant offer you FA.

:o little gremlin :D

you know the really funny thing,

this little horrible gremlin hides way down the bottom in bedlam contributing to the incredible thread (ABOUT NOTHING) :o:D

he only comes out when mommy lets him and cricky he gets in trouble as i always kick his little arse. :D


anyway fellas,

we got to keep on topic ok.

so i would like to say that the little gremlin should stay in his little hole in blighty and bedlam and all the poms who want to stay in los or the great aussie can stay there. ;)

easy really. :D

cheers to all my pommy mates once again. :D

This bedlam place sounds like a right laugh ...almost as much of a laugh as England ... :bah:

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this little horrible gremlin hides way down the bottom in bedlam contributing to the incredible thread (ABOUT NOTHING) :D:D

I know you have a terrible record of telling the truth and have been known to makeup things up about other posters - and here is another example - simply not true - and if you can find any evidence to the contrary please show it!

he only comes out when mommy lets him and cricky he gets in trouble as i always kick his little arse. :o


Its the politest word i could think of!

anyway fellas,

we got to keep on topic ok.

so i would like to say that the little gremlin should stay in his little hole in blighty and bedlam and all the poms who want to stay in los or the great aussie can stay there. :bah:

easy really. :bah:

cheers to all my pommy mates once again. :D

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Well Terry, the UK has given me some great things and i will always love it. :D

chill out mate,

im just having fun with the little horrible gremlin. :D

Oh please please Terry please dont call me the horrible little gremlin, please stop it, please please!

If you do i promise i wont call you a pig ignorant lying thick pathetic insecure Muppet again!

Honest! :o

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Well Terry, the UK has given me some great things and i will always love it. :D

chill out mate,

im just having fun with the little horrible gremlin. :D

Oh please please Terry please dont call me the horrible little gremlin, please stop it, please please!

If you do i promise i wont call you a pig ignorant lying thick pathetic insecure Muppet again!

Honest! :o

Stop beating around the bush Mitty ... tell Terry how you really feel ...:D

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hi don

robski may not be , but i am one of those (un-skilled manual workers)

and i still live in the uk . and thailand for 3 months of the year,

i come from dalston juction , and went to shorditch , left school 1977 , worked at smithfield meat market after leaving school , for ten years, before starting my own business ,

i can not even spell education, sorry ,

but heres the thing , me and my wife work our socks off running our guesthouse in great yarmouth for 9 months of the year, we have 5 propertys we rent to students in durham and luton , and our standed of living is shit , after tax , if you ask why , heres a little bit of it , my wife and little girl sleep in the basement , safest place , i sleep in a small room out the back ,re thats where they brake in, have been broken into 4 times in two years .

police , do not even come round anymore , after brake ins , i have pain from a broken back that happened some 4 years ago , doctors never found the brake for 1 1/2 years ,so pain forever , now why i say this is we do not ask for money from state ie dissabilite payments or anything ,

we try our best. now i here you saying how can we come to thailand then , if so poor , well its cheaper to live here in english winter , even with the air fare , then pay the heating bills and council tax bills food bills in england .

now heres one of many things wrong with england , if we was on the state , it would be ilegal to house us in these conditions , ie , my wife and little girl sleeping in a basememt , no garden , but for a small business man its ok, right.

so i see many bad parents bringing up kids , not there fault , that will just copy mum and dad , onto the state hand out gravytrain , and i see many east un people please do not call me racist , coming over to england no skills , just living 5 to a room , working doing anything

. i know as i have 1 or 2 aday knock on my door asking for work ,

sorry but my view is the govenment do not care why many people are leaving , england , just as lone as someone will do the work to keep the cost of labour down,

i am with terry and robski in most of what they say , re bbc , as for guesthouse , sorry , but if you was un-skilled now living in england , i think you may feel differently, , but happy you have your view , as i hope you happy with my take on this thread,.

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you should refrain from pointing the finger little muppet as it is you who speaks slander and spreads untruths around this forum.

ill give you an example.

is it not true that you mainly live in the bedlam forum, taking sides with guesthouse and other little personality's that inhabit that little world.?

you're trying to have a crack at me again but you are sadly no match and decide to get serious all of a sudden.

if you cant handle the heat little gremlin i suggest you keep well away from me and run back into bedlam. :bah:

im saying this in a nice way little fella, as im a fun guy, but will always stand up against gremlins as i dont frigging like them at all.


anyway, we must stay on topic and you have broken the rules by not staying on topic. :D

to be on topic i shall say that i like pommy's much better then little gremlins so there you go gremlin and off you go back to bed for a nice little sleep. :D:D

your sounding mighty tired to me. :bah:

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think there has been enough "fun" & name calling on this thread :D . So take it elsewhere & get back on topic please.

sorry boo,



over and out and back on topic.

i like pommys but not muppets. :D

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As everyone has discussed and knows, there are loads of reasons why people are moving abroad from the UK. I believe one of the reasons why the UK is slowly going down the pan is the younger generations lack of respect. I know this sounds old fashioned but I feel really strongly about this.

While I was at secondary school (93-98) studying 'History' I struggle to remember being taught about WWI & WWII. Now I can understand why the government may be concerned about promoting tension toward Germany, even though Today's Germany and Nazi Germany are a million miles apart.

But what I'm trying to say is, I believe one of the main reasons why today's kids don't have respect for their elders and country is partly down to not being taught about the wars. I can't imagine how upset and angry a war veteran is seeing the current state of the country that they laid and gave their lives for. Looking at the current state of the majority if the younger generation with all the ASBOs being handed out that its only going to get worse with each generation until they are taught about valuing their country and being proud of it.

So how on earth is our country going to get better when its left in the hands of people who don't respect it in the first place.

Sorry to disappoint you but you couldn't be more wrong! As someone who has been teaching history in London secondary schools over the last two years I can tell you that the History syllabus is completely weighed down by both world wars - in fact from year 9 onwards kids tend to study it to the exclusion of everything else (although in year 11 there is a little bit of Russian revolution and cold war to cover).

So I don't think this is the reason for anti-social behaviour!

When I did my O levels in 1967 there wasn't any history later than 1870 in sight. The exam subject was 'Europe 1789-1870'. The reason that anti-social behaviour was very low in our school was that you got six strokes of the cane if you indulged in it :o:D

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Another thing about the UK, compared to (this hurts me to say) Aussie we just aren't anywhere near as patriotic as we should be, I'll probably be flamed for saying this, maybe the reason for this is because our British Identity is being diluted by the huge number of immigrants.

The British are patriotic when they need to be. They don't feel the need to constantly tell each other how wonderful they are. They leave that to those who aren't quite as secure in their identity.

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i am with terry and robski in most of what they say , re bbc , as for guesthouse , sorry , but if you was un-skilled now living in england , i think you may feel differently, , but happy you have your view , as i hope you happy with my take on this thread,.

I can emphasise with your situation.

And yes, there are many things going in the wrong direction. What i cannot emphasise with are the rants against immigrants sprouted by some. This is a clear lack of empathy. These people mostly come from far worse situations than you come from. What would you do if you would be in their shoes? Would you stay put or go where live sounds better and easier?

In some way you do that already - you escape depressing English winters to Thailand. The dice of birth has given you, even though you are not in an ideal situation, still a far better chance than the vast majority of humanity. And part of that is that you can life in a country of your choice for the time you choose to. Most cannot do this without breaking the law.

Better be angry with the system that makes life both for you and the immigrants very difficult, and don't blame the victims.

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Hi there Scott1999. I was just reffering to Knobskis constant moaning about the UK on this forum and his petty little tantrums if someone dares to disagree with his thoughs.

He was crying about immigrants going to the UK but yet he has 'moved' to Thailand though i doubt he will stay the long run.

Cheers, good luck and i hope the back gets better.

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Just go and throw some smiley's about dave and you can be there in about 20 mins time.

:o there's another one .... I can schmell it now ...almost there ... :D

cricky's dave,

all the funs over and wasn't it entertaining.

lucky im around mate to keep the dudes on the strait and narrow.

see you tomorrow for a shandie.

good night :D

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yes i agree with you colpyat

yes the system ,

and yes i am lucky , though hard work and fighting for what we have,

but i do blame the govenment for being to soft , lets take the NHS are we to let anyone use it till it will not work anymore because to many people here ,

i know when i first moved to great yarmouth , my little girl , with a hole in her heart , could not get on any doctors books , as they was full up ,

sorry i have paid my taxes , and i wont the sevice back , if that makes mea racist , so be it

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I did point out to Terry earlier that he has little to offer in this discussion since he's never so much as set foot in the UK.

But then when has 'having little to offer' ever stopped him? Or for that matter, what does being in a place mean to one so reality challenged.

'On Holiday in Thailand, and yet logged on to TV all day long' :o


Anyway, I see we've flushed the xenophobes out of the woodwork again.

Xenophobes going to live overseas... And there was I thinking it was only the Yanks who don't understand irony.

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If this guy and his bunch of Ice Cream salesmen had decided in ...wot 55 BC to go somewhere else things could have been so so different :D

As someone onced said... "wot did the romans ever do for us"............answers on a postcard to....

bleeding foreign......s :o

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