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British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad


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If this guy and his bunch of Ice Cream salesmen had decided in ...wot 55 BC to go somewhere else things could have been so so different :D

As someone onced said... "wot did the romans ever do for us"............answers on a postcard to....

bleeding foreign......s :o

And we were so grateful we kicked the b*ggers out :D

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"What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?"


yeh right!.All of the immigrants we get are bleeding rocket scientists and doctors! hahaha :o:D Good one m8! Oh Good point about Thai wives though because it CLEARLY makes some people incredibly biased :D I wonder if they would see all of our lovely immigrants as angels if they weren't married to thais hmmmmmmm

Aussies,yanks and western europeans in general are just as rich(if not richer) than us.Thus they are not coming here as economic migrants like so many people from the thrid world.Thats pretty simple logic m8.Even then imo only aussies,kiwis,canadians and some south africans should be let in without question.What? you expected me to say that they should be allowed in because their white and the 'darkies' from 3rd world are well exactly that and should be banned?? Why don't you just call me a racist? oh wait,the eastern europeans arent black.Ermm just call me a xenophobe then!

'Maybe you just rely on your tory newspapers for your information who would have you believe it's only unskilled imigrants who move to the UK and decide to ignore the rest.'

I haven't given away nearly enough infomation on my polictal beliefs for you to assume anything about me.For the record i am for immigration but ONLY if it is controlled and the people who are getting in actually have something to offer.You know...skilled workers? doctors? rocket scientists? ....thai wives...?

We simply do not need so many immigrants.There is no good reason for the Uk to have its doors wide open when we already have 60+ million people living here.

We need to get things under control so we can deal with the real problems facing our society such as segregation,crime,chavs,Chelsea FC....

That okay donquixente? Have i explanied myself well enough for you?.Because in all honesty my debate was with GH,not you.Ciao.


Why didnt you tell me you had a thai wife! .It would have made things a whole lot easier :D So lets see,you don't live in England,married to an immigrant yourself.Hmmm your posts aren't biased in anyway :D ?

Now you have made a lot of false assumptions about me just like the guy above.But its absolutely no suprise that you have called me a xenophobe.Anybody who dares to critises the goverments immigration policy or the immigrants themselves is immiedatly labelled a xenophobe,racist, or little englander these days.PC rubbish,ands its ruining this great counrty of ours!

To clear things up further.Im young,i have never been to pattaya (nor do i want to go there) and im not anywhere near the bottom of the pile.I live in the west midlands and i witness first hand the damage over immigration is(has) doing to my area.Communties are segrated and i experience this daily....You DON'T.Bottom line,you don't know whats its like ,so your in no position to label me a f@king xenophobe.

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"What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?"


yeh right!.All of the immigrants we get are bleeding rocket scientists and doctors! hahaha :o:D Good one m8! Oh Good point about Thai wives though because it CLEARLY makes some people incredibly biased :D I wonder if they would see all of our lovely immigrants as angels if they weren't married to thais hmmmmmmm

I spent Saturday afternoon in an NHS hospital having some stuff done. The Doc was from South Africa, one nurse was Filipino and the other was from Eastern Europe (not sure where though).

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"What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?"


yeh right!.All of the immigrants we get are bleeding rocket scientists and doctors! hahaha :D :D Good one m8! Oh Good point about Thai wives though because it CLEARLY makes some people incredibly biased :D I wonder if they would see all of our lovely immigrants as angels if they weren't married to thais hmmmmmmm

Aussies,yanks and western europeans in general are just as rich(if not richer) than us.Thus they are not coming here as economic migrants like so many people from the thrid world.Thats pretty simple logic m8.Even then imo only aussies,kiwis,canadians and some south africans should be let in without question.What? you expected me to say that they should be allowed in because their white and the 'darkies' from 3rd world are well exactly that and should be banned?? Why don't you just call me a racist? oh wait,the eastern europeans arent black.Ermm just call me a xenophobe then!

'Maybe you just rely on your tory newspapers for your information who would have you believe it's only unskilled imigrants who move to the UK and decide to ignore the rest.'

I haven't given away nearly enough infomation on my polictal beliefs for you to assume anything about me.For the record i am for immigration but ONLY if it is controlled and the people who are getting in actually have something to offer.You know...skilled workers? doctors? rocket scientists? ....thai wives...?

We simply do not need so many immigrants.There is no good reason for the Uk to have its doors wide open when we already have 60+ million people living here.

We need to get things under control so we can deal with the real problems facing our society such as segregation,crime,chavs,Chelsea FC....

That okay donquixente? Have i explanied myself well enough for you?.Because in all honesty my debate was with GH,not you.Ciao.


Why didnt you tell me you had a thai wife! .It would have made things a whole lot easier :D So lets see,you don't live in England,married to an immigrant yourself.Hmmm your posts aren't biased in anyway :bah: ?

Now you have made a lot of false assumptions about me just like the guy above.But its absolutely no suprise that you have called me a xenophobe.Anybody who dares to critises the goverments immigration policy or the immigrants themselves is immiedatly labelled a xenophobe,racist, or little englander these days.PC rubbish,ands its ruining this great counrty of ours!

To clear things up further.Im young,i have never been to pattaya (nor do i want to go there) and im not anywhere near the bottom of the pile.I live in the west midlands and i witness first hand the damage over immigration is(has) doing to my area.Communties are segrated and i experience this daily....You DON'T.Bottom line,you don't know whats its like ,so your in no position to label me a f@king xenophobe.

Well said Jonson and I don't think you have to worry, I think the only ones to have come out of this looking unreasonable are GH and co.

Just another day in the world of Thai Visa, it's been emotional, btw have you tried bashing sprouts? it's great, have a look in the jokes section, you know what they say laughter is the best medicine and thats why Brits have got the best humour in the world 'cos we need it. :o

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My,My,My..Did we ever get some chest beating in a thread which I

thought the Mods should have closed as it had no relevance to LOS

I had a frivolous input and ran foul of Lord Donz..

Guesthouse..I was in England from mid 66 to the end of 69,Ok

I was an Engineer in the British Merchant Navy, in & Out of the UK..

As a Child the finest Cutlery was from Sheffield, The finest

ships were built in England, the best Cotton and Linen

the list goes on, where is it today ??

The Unions got so strong they almost self destructed, Big Balls

Maggie bought them to task..they went to OZ and are screwing it up

now..Even in the 60s the Brits were so picky about jobs they bought

in migrant workers to do the mundane stuff and now Australia Govt,

is embarking on the same task..

I live & work in LOS because I disagree with the OZ Politics, and

i am accepted as a capable member of the work force here not

on a dump pile as in OZ..

The Loyalty shown to the British Monarchy is zero by Brits and Aussies

Why ?? In the 21 century do we need to still be part of Britain, NO !!!

Why don't the Brits respect the Royals?? I don't know..

Look at LOS they revere the Monarch and Why?? he deserves all the respect

he gets because he is a wonderful man..

I believe Britain and Australia are both on a spiraling tread mill

if you don't have a good job your going to be dirt poor, education

is the key word, most kids today are not interested..

The British were unbelievably brave and tenacious during the War,thats

what made Britain Great but Oh how the mighty have fallen..

Now all of you can bag the <deleted> out of this old mans point of view..

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A strong economy was attracting economic immigrants - but also encouraging Brits to broaden their opportunities.

"Britain is truly at the crossroads of the global movement of people," said Dr Sriskandarajah.

"Two-thirds of Britons who leave do so to seek employment abroad - and are replaced by skilled professionals from elsewhere in the world.

Plenty of spin on this report and even a cracking joke, (in bold print).

No mention of the real reasons that Brits are leaving, only that they are looking for opportunities and broadening their horizons.

It also reads like an advert for more immigrants to go to the UK.

In the UK since the 80's the governments unwritten policy has been if you don't like what we do, leave, we won't stop you,

then they get in foreigners that with a bit of help, time and indoctrination are happy to support the government at the elections, the opening up of eastern europe has meant that western european countries have been able change their demographic even more rapidly, much to the detriment of their native citizens, yes Britain is truly at the crossroads of the global movement of people because they are the worst offenders.

The rising numbers only highlight how bad conditions are becoming in the UK.

Read it again slowly and read between the lines, this is a report sanctioned by the BBC after all.

I think there are similar detiorating condidtions in USA with regard to retirees. Many are being screwed out of their pensions or having them reduced and face medical and housing costs that only the super rich can afford. I think we will see more of them "outsourcing" themselves to destinations where it is cheaper to live and the weather is more hospitable.

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'On Holiday in Thailand, and yet logged on to TV all day long' :o

Now I understand that thread in Bedlam. :bah:

oh dont humour the guesthouse maddy,

the poor old fella might spit out his spaghetti if he thinks he's made someone laugh. :D:D

and once again guesthouse you are in the realms of fantasy,

crickys mate,

im only logged on when i smell you comming out to play as you company enthrawls me, but in a sick sort of way. :D


cheers guesthouse. :D

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Bloody bedlam again ... :D

Im so close and yet so far ...

Feels like Im walking through thick mud ...

Writers block and tourettes syndrome have hit me in the final furlong ....

Need some inspiration Terry .... prop me up for the final few meters ...

ok dave i got a top bleeding idea mate,

why dont we start a thread about silly old sods who live in rome, are english by birth, love the old blighty, have a thai wife who is making him come back to los, but he hates los and is heading for a mental breakdown, or has quite possibly had one. :bah:

now i must tell you dave that this is only a hypothetical question as to link it to a living person would be the hight of bad manners. :bah:

myself is a person who has impecable manners and are above such things. :o

anyway dave,

i have only got 1 hour 20 minutes on the internet in the morning as thats my little session but i always come back at night for my best piece of literairy genious as i do my best work at night as you know. :D:D

cricky's mate,

cant be on the thaivisa all day as im on frigging holidays and got some stunners to attend to.

cheers mate. :o

and just to keep on topic ,

i love pommys but not people that live in rome. :D

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Bloody bedlam again ... :bah:

Im so close and yet so far ...

Feels like Im walking through thick mud ...

Writers block and tourettes syndrome have hit me in the final furlong ....

Need some inspiration Terry .... prop me up for the final few meters ...

ok dave i got a top bleeding idea mate,

why dont we start a thread about silly old sods who live in rome, are english by birth, love the old blighty, have a thai wife who is making him come back to los, but he hates los and is heading for a mental breakdown, or has quite possibly had one. :o

now i must tell you dave that this is only a hypothetical question as to link it to a living person would be the hight of bad manners. :bah:

myself is a person who has impecable manners and are above such things. ;)

anyway dave,

i have only got 1 hour 20 minutes on the internet in the morning as thats my little session but i always come back at night for my best piece of literairy genious as i do my best work at night as you know. :D:D

cricky's mate,

cant be on the thaivisa all day as im on frigging holidays and got some stunners to attend to.

cheers mate. :o

and just to keep on topic ,

i love pommys but not people that live in rome. :D

Lets get back to wonderful LOS shall we, as a pom residing alternately in Australia and thailand who has got the best of both worlds, can even wind my aussie mates up with impunity, of course I whinge its expected!! and I still get the odd pot of hot beer served up in the RSL if I get too boisterous!!,my wife is english she is as much at home making somtam with the women in the village in isaan as she is baking a stingray in thecoals with our aboriginal neighbours, its immaterial where you live, be like us let the kids and grandkids worry about you for a change!! Grow Old Disgracefully!! I know we are trying our hardest!! our next escapade a 3 month motorbike Trip from the Italian Riviera along the coast ,france ,spain , portugal and then back to Huahin for a cup of tea and a figroll. Some silly doctor 5 years ago told me I was to old and and my heart would not stand the strain of to much travelling :D I may be at that age where the wrong body parts go stiff but who gives a pigs bum, We intend giving the Devil a run for his money : end of lesson : Nignoy
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Why didnt you tell me you had a thai wife! .It would have made things a whole lot easier :o So lets see,you don't live in England,married to an immigrant yourself.Hmmm your posts aren't biased in anyway :D ?

If I may remind you of the title of this thread British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad , so perhaps not so much 'Biased, as well informed on the issue as I am a British Exapat - One of the people the BBC article refers to.

Now you have made a lot of false assumptions about me just like the guy above.But its absolutely no suprise that you have called me a xenophobe.Anybody who dares to critises the goverments immigration policy or the immigrants themselves is immiedatly labelled a xenophobe,racist, or little englander these days.PC rubbish,ands its ruining this great counrty of ours!

To clear things up further.Im young,i have never been to pattaya (nor do i want to go there) and im not anywhere near the bottom of the pile.I live in the west midlands and i witness first hand the damage over immigration is(has) doing to my area.Communties are segrated and i experience this daily....You DON'T.Bottom line,you don't know whats its like ,so your in no position to label me a f@king xenophobe.

Sorry, you have my apology, there was no need for me to call you a xenephobe... 'Bigot' would have done nicely.


Earth to Terry........ Earth to Terry........ This is the Planet Earth calling Terry.....

Edited by GuestHouse
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Why didnt you tell me you had a thai wife! .It would have made things a whole lot easier :o So lets see,you don't live in England,married to an immigrant yourself.Hmmm your posts aren't biased in anyway :D ?

If I may remind you of the title of this thread British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad , so perhaps not so much 'Biased, as well informed on the issue as I am a British Exapat - One of the people the BBC article refers to.

Now you have made a lot of false assumptions about me just like the guy above.But its absolutely no suprise that you have called me a xenophobe.Anybody who dares to critises the goverments immigration policy or the immigrants themselves is immiedatly labelled a xenophobe,racist, or little englander these days.PC rubbish,ands its ruining this great counrty of ours!

To clear things up further.Im young,i have never been to pattaya (nor do i want to go there) and im not anywhere near the bottom of the pile.I live in the west midlands and i witness first hand the damage over immigration is(has) doing to my area.Communties are segrated and i experience this daily....You DON'T.Bottom line,you don't know whats its like ,so your in no position to label me a f@king xenophobe.

Sorry, you have my apology, there was no need for me to call you a xenephobe... 'Bigot' would have done nicely.


Earth to Terry........ Earth to Terry........ This is the Planet Earth calling Terry.....

................. the lights are on........... but.........

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So those people in the Hopistal would be skilled workers...so whats your point? As for the Fillipina nurses.Please read:




'If I may remind you of the title of this thread British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad , so perhaps not so much 'Biased, as well informed on the issue as I am a British Exapat '

Not biased? :o Is it so hard for you to understand? Your not just biased m8,your selfish! A selfish old git.Your only motive for have strong pro-immigrant views is your thai wife.You should take a leaf out of paulsmithsons book.He has a thai wife but he still realises that we have problems in this area.But you know what? the guy lives in England,so he would understand the situation a million times better than you.

As for calling me a bigot? :D Dear oh dear.All those false assumptions,calling me a xenophobe,now a bigot...lol.You really are struggling.Ill be sure to tell my Thai friends what you called me though :D

Im done here,Ciao.

Your right robski,this really is a waste of time.Bashing my head against steel post would probably be more rewarding.

Edited by Jonson83
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Your only motive for have strong pro-immigrant views is your thai wife.

Erm, since I don't live in the UK.... Or is it that you have a general objection to people having a Thai wife and bringing their Thai wife to the UK?

You'll not get far with that 'bigoted' argument on this board.

Perhaps you could start a new thread .... "Brits Left Behind"

But come on ‘m8’ - How old are you?

You say you are young but you talk like some failed old man. Get off your backside and get yourself the life you want, quit pointing the finger at other people.

You have the immense privilege of living in perhaps the best country on the planet, free education, loads of work and opportunity.

Where do you find time to worry about foreigners? Why does it even bother you? ..... unless of course you are not making the grade... and who's fault is that?!

Oh and you've not been to Pattaya ... I know you haven't, it shows!

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Your right robski,this really is a waste of time.Bashing my head against steel post would probably be more rewarding.

You know it mate the self righteous brigade are like a dog with a bone once they get their teeth stuck in and a bloody old miserable dog that can't learn any new tricks at that.

They just want to stifle debate with derogatory remarks, then when you come down to their level they accuse you of being uncouth.

Well this is a cross section of people in here it's just that some are more cross than others.

Edited by Robski
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If you don't live, or have not lived in for length of time, in the UK I can't see how you can have an accurate view on this subject.

I've lived in the UK all my life (24yrs) and granted, I haven't seen massive changes, but I have seen the sheer number of unskilled immigrants coming into the UK and milking the government for benefits. Agreed, we should be greatful of the plus points living in the UK, but these points are slowly (quickly in some respects) dwindling away.

Now thats just my opinion and ok, 24yrs isn't a massive amount of time. What opinions really stand strong are the senior citizens who have seen the country change for the worse, such as my grandparents who are both 80+ years old.

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If this guy and his bunch of Ice Cream salesmen had decided in ...wot 55 BC to go somewhere else things could have been so so different :D

As someone onced said... "wot did the romans ever do for us"............answers on a postcard to....

bleeding foreign......s :o

And we were so grateful we kicked the b*ggers out :D

That one of my main points...we never kicked them out....

They stayed for the best part of 500 years,built a few Walls ,Towns,roads, swimming baths,underfloor heating systems , Community and Transport Infrastructures ( that survives to this day )....Laws ,Money,Modern Government,Newspapers ,weights and measures....and probably also...ice cream......and then...... Pizzed off.....(Vizzi Goths problems back in Rome ...)

For the next 500 years or so ..apart from a few Vikings doing a bit of rape and pillage we went back into the Dark ages.....until yet another bunch of Bleed...FORei gnors...arrived .......Normans ..and.... we were still only up to the year 1066......

Now almost 1000 years LATER...we are still moaning......gorra larff :D ....

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IMO the last 20 and the next 30 or so years will become a watershed in UK history, where it went from a strong fighting nation to not only Europes, but the worlds dumping ground

For christ's sake, stop whining.

These islands of the European coast have been a dumping ground for 2000 years already. The Romans, the Germanic tribes, the Normans, etc.

You had your empire, dumped your misfits into other continents, occupied and changed the world, sold slaves, imported them, and the world came to you. You whined about Jamaicans, Pakisthanis, and now you whine about east Europeans. And you immigrate to places like Thailand, and give Thais and internet forum debaters the opportunity to whine about Brit hooligans let loose on the world.

Just stiff up the lip, have a cuppa tea, and please just whine about the weather. That's a lot more charming than these anti immigrant rants.

Basically, thoughout human history people moved, even before we were what can be called people. One thing has stayed the same - people still move. Any way you look at it - the notion of 'nation' and ethnic/national purity is foolish, if you look at human history.

Genetic and cultural diversity is the key to human development and survival. Genetic diversity helps protecting you against deseases and stops you from turning into peckerwoods, cultural diversity keeps development going. Given recent Brit cultural highlights such as chav "culture" - you are in desperate need for fresh input into your genetic pool.

And, immigration has given the UK for the first time in its history digestible food. That at least should count for something.

:D:bah::D:D:D:bah::o I would have tried to be a little more diplomatic, but i have to admit you've got it right there, and by the way you forgot the opium trade !!!!!

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This is true.... Albion as it was has always been a destination for economic migrants as far back as 500 BC when migrants from eastern europe ( this would be classed as the first wave I guess :o) were attracted by stories of "gold falling out of the ground". Yes Albion made its wealth from its gold.

Britain is still a draw for a massive proportion of the worlds population, we should find a way of dealing with that, one which doesn't detrimentally affect it's longer resident populus.

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Perhaps you could start a new thread .... "Brits Left Behind"

Hit the nail on the head there Guesthouse.

Like in OZ, those who fear change actually fear that will be left behind by it. Poor-bugger-me-ism. You just need to cast someone as the bad guy.

Having said that, it is the (difficult) job of government to make sure that those disaffected by globalism, are bought along with it. Having looked at (for work purposes), some of the poorer london bouroughs have large disaffected white communities, which are poor, unskilled and isolated. Of all the racial groups and profiles you get 'souwf' of the river, they are the least integrated and the most inward looking. No wonder the paranoia.

People who are coming to the UK are hungry and they'll work their guts out, whether they be poles or somali's or Australian's. Quite a lot of literature out there which suggests that the last thing people think about when they move somewhere is benefits. They want work and they go where the work is. If we talk about refugees, why do they bypass France? Afterall, there are better benefits there, better weather...but no jobs.

Supply and Demand. People go for the jobs, safety, and the place they think will give the best chance for their children. Most legal migrants to the UK (eg myself for a time) aren't even eligible for benefits. But you wouldn't know that from reading the Sun.

And the same immigrant story plays itself out, the second generation usually do phenomenally well. I notice a guy with a Turban is bowling for England tomorrow.

You'd think people would be flattered by that, that their country is being seen as beacon of hope and a place they could raise their kids. But no, better to build a big <deleted>%koff wall around the place and hope no one notices I guess, and maybe complain about Thailand 'stringent' visa rules while you are at it.

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It is a fact that migrants coming into the UK are mainly far more motivated and appreciate the opportunities handed to them in the UK than the white underclass. This is not surprising considering their respective backgrounds. To actually make a huge decision and come and live in a strange and foreign country for the betterment of their family takes guts and should be applauded. Those 'indigenous' Brits living in deprived areas tend to come from generations of underachievement, where there are fewer role models of success, where there are no aspirations to do better than the previous generation. This section of society has always historically blamed immigration for their ills- from the Huguenots arriving in East London in large numbers from 1670 onwards, Russian Jews in the late 19th century to the post war immigration of South Asians and Caribbean to Eastern Europeans today. The fact is however social mobility although difficult from the bottom of the pile is easier (and thus happens more) today than it ever was.

And those blaming immigration for the rise in taxes to cover social security costs are simply wrong. The recent increase in immigration from Poland, Slovakia etc has boosted the economy, filled the jobs nobody wanted (agriculture, cleaners) as well as provided much needed semi-skilled and skilled work in other areas. Also, please note - immigrants from Eastern Europe are not entitled to any benefits for at least a year - so they are obviously coming here to work!

No one is suggesting the UK is a perfect country, and certainly some policies can be improved. But people running the country down on this thread should really take a proper look around them. Yes maybe things are better for you in Thailand - but that's because in economic terms you've moved somewhere from the middle to the upper end of society. And instead of abuse and criticising comments from GH and others - and using the odd anecdote to condemn a nation of 60 million people - perhaps Robski and others could attempt to properly explain what their point actually is other than - "4.4 million Brits living else where must be coz Britain is going to dogs" and "its all them immigrants and third worlders taking our jobs and claiming benefit" which might do for the letters pages of the Sun newspaper but after any kind of analysis doesn't stand up at all!

Edited by mittheimp
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It is a fact that migrants coming into the UK are mainly far more motivated and appreciate the opportunities handed to them in the UK than the white underclass. (!?)

Facts, (or claims) as you and GH fondly like to tell me, need substantiating, can you substantiate this claim?

I doubt very much if you can.

perhaps Robski and others could attempt to properly explain what their point actually is other than - "4.4 million Brits living else where must be coz Britain is going to dogs" and "its all them immigrants and third worlders taking our jobs and claiming benefit" which might do for the letters pages of the Sun newspaper but after any kind of analysis doesn't stand up at all!

Choosing to ignore peoples opinions because they don't suit you is your right, but it doesn't give you grounds to be derogatory towards those people because of their opinion. you may notice a pattern emerging here where you feel it is ok to insult people , but cry foul when you are insulted yourself, twisting what people have said to suit your own ego is not really something to be admired.

I have an opinion and you seem to have a problem with that. I would say the balance of opinion is against you, I'm not saying that's a fact, but I think I could prove it to be true, now then put your money where your mouth is and prove this fact that you have stated.

oh and for the record I am quite happy with my country, that being my family friends, where I work and where I live, I just don't really agree with government policies, is that a crime?

Now then about that fact of yours, in the words of your buddy GH I wait with baited breath for your reply.

Edited by Robski
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It is a fact that migrants coming into the UK are mainly far more motivated and appreciate the opportunities handed to them in the UK than the white underclass. (!?)

Facts, (or claims) as you and GH fondly like to tell me, need substantiating, can you substantiate this claim?

I doubt very much if you can.

perhaps Robski and others could attempt to properly explain what their point actually is other than - "4.4 million Brits living else where must be coz Britain is going to dogs" and "its all them immigrants and third worlders taking our jobs and claiming benefit" which might do for the letters pages of the Sun newspaper but after any kind of analysis doesn't stand up at all!

Choosing to ignore peoples opinions because they don't suit you is your right, but it doesn't give you grounds to be derogatory towards those people because of their opinion. you may notice a pattern emerging here where you feel it is ok to insult people , but cry foul when you are insulted yourself, twisting what people have said to suit your own ego is not really something to be admired.

I have an opinion and you seem to have a problem with that. I would say the balance of opinion is against you, I'm not saying that's a fact, but I think I could prove it to be true, now then put your money where your mouth is and prove this fact that you have stated.

oh and for the record I am quite happy with my country, that being my family friends, where I work and where I live, I just don't really agree with government policies, is that a crime?

Now then about that fact of yours, in the words of your buddy GH I wait with baited breath for your reply.

Ok I'll try! Read last paragraph in particular-

Employers interviewed in this research reported relying to a considerable extent on migrant workers, particularly in the low-skill sectors. Employers across all sectors agreed numbers had increased over the past five years. Migrant workers have become an important source of labour, sometimes preferred over domestic (UK) workers, particularly in the agricultural, hotels and catering and low-skill parts of the administration, business and management sectors. Employers believed that businesses would suffer or could not survive without migrant labour. In the high-skill sectors studied – particularly administration, business and management, and finance – migrant workers were less crucial to business than in the low-skill sectors.

Employers of low-skilled workers reported that labour shortages were a primary reason for recruiting foreign workers. They had tried hard initially (through Jobcentres, local adverts etc.) to attract domestic workers but they were unwilling to take these posts, as often the conditions, pay, hours or nature of the work were unfavourable to them and migrants were more amenable to these conditions. Recruitment difficulties amongst domestic workers were less widespread in the high-skill finance and accountancy sector and were due to specific skills shortages, rather than labour shortages.

Employers cited advantages of migrant workers in terms of their general attitude and work ethic. They tended to be more motivated, reliable and committed than domestic workers. For example, migrants were said to be more likely to: demonstrate lower turnover and absenteeism; be prepared to work longer and flexible hours; be satisfied with their duties and hours of work; and work harder in terms of productivity and speed. In the view of some employers, the more favourable work ethic of migrant workers encouraged domestic workers to work harder. Migrants had also widened the horizons of domestic workers by helping them understand more about other cultures. Migrant workers’ greater commitment was a result of their motivations: they wanted to learn English or send money to families at home. Employers also suggested that migrant labour assisted economic growth and meant an overall increase in job vacancies.


Give me time and i'll find more. My point against your argument is (and you don't seem to be getting this!) is that you are not supporting it with any thing! I'm not ignoring your opinion, i'm just trying to argue against because i firmly believe its wrong. You have made no real attempt to substantiate it with anything other than highly generalised xenophobic rants!

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robski ,you the man,

thank goodness you relied to that last thread ,

you did a much better job then i could have done ,

why o why is it ,if you do not agree , you are racist .

when anyone writes true life in england to day, no one sees it, or reads it , let alone replys to it ,

i have spoken about my life in england , with my thai wife , and little girl , not a pep from anyone, just off they go again ,

happy for then to have there view , but please please dont call me racist , unless you can prove it.

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edit: '99, I read your post inbetween the juvenile b1tchfighting that was going on the past few pages and i gotta say, respect to you for sharing so openly on here. i was waiting for the steelposts of either side to stop hitting eachother over their respective heads before posting.

I'm English,

Not wealthy by any means and work like a dog in my varied countries of choice for my own reasons be they to get to know a culture that fascinates me, or because some random opportunity has arisen which taunts me. I am myself a high school (post) O-level (gcse) drop out, and have worked since the age fifteen-nearly sixteen, full time.

The following is true.

Only the names have been changed.

You make up your own minds.

Abut ten years ago, I was living/working/registered in the Netherlands.

One of my good mates there was an English bartender. Let's call him John, for variety's sake.

I think he came from Scarbourough (sic?) or something.

John had been living in Holland unregistered, since the time he had traveled there several years previously, having dropped out of University cos he was bored of studying.

He got himself illegitimate work in a bar. He could have registered and worked there hassle-free, thanks to EU regs, but he didn't bother with the relatively minor hassle of doing so. Why? Cos he was claiming unemployment in the UK still.

One day, he takes a short weekend holiday to visit his parents. he'd been in holland for a good 4 or 5 years already, and we all wished him a happy holiday.

When he returned he was all, "my towns over run by foreigners etc.. etc.." I am guessing he went to his local, or his disgruntled dad, and for that holiday heard a lot of whinge-ing. But I don't know that.

So one day we're all sitting around chatting well after closing time, th locals-lock-in.

His trip come up in the convo and someone asks him (it might have been me) "would you go back to live there again? I mean, you've been away for a long time.. ever feel like you miss it? "

"Nah, mate. I don't think I could even get a job there now, if i wanted to, I reckon, for all the bleedin' foreigners."


Analyze That.

Edited by kayo
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I wish the government would realise the benefits of this exodus.

Citizens living overseas do not draw on the National Health, or Social Security systems,

but we still get our pensions pegged............... :o

I think it should be the otherway round. We should get a bonus!!

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An interesting argument and one that obviously many people feel strongly about. I don't see the use of calling people names though when they disagree with each other. Certainly at the moment I don't see anyone blaming the government which is where the blame or praise presumably lies as they make up the policies. I don't regard myself as qualified to say too much as I haven't lived there now for many years but I still have many friends and family and it is one of the countries I visit often. So if you have different observations please put them forward.

I can see the argument for maybe needing cheaper labour but on the other hand can anyone on here deny the fact that the scale of immigration in the past few years is on an unprecedented level. Take one example here from a man who lives in Gt Yarmouth . If you had known that town about 20yrs ago and now, you would understand what I am talking about. Other areas of Eastern England have also seen their demographics completely change almost overnight.

Aside from the economic factors we are looking at large significant amounts of cultural upheavel with local populations feeling marginalised.

I don't think we are talking about immigration per se, it is the scale and also the timeframe. For some of the older members of the population it is almost like living in a different world.

Whilst complaining about work ethics and the underclass, I am wondering if the government has done enough to give all its citizens a fair chance, or is bringing in the "hungry for work" and relatively underpriviledged from another society, a temporarily easier solution to keep the wheels of the economy and especially the larger employers in motion.

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I have an opinion and you seem to have a problem with that.

One of the many ironies with opinions such a yours is, that a few generations back one of your ancestors decided to migrate to these islands off the European coast, and you are a direct descendent of countless waves of immigrants now ranting against them.

And now you sort of people migrate to countries like Thailand, whinge against more stringent visa laws, or find their wifes here and bring them back to your islands, and making them immigrants.

But no, it's never you, it is always the others.

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It's amazing...all these people leaving the UK and they still moan about immigrants.

UK needs young unskilled immigrants at about 50k per annum.

Oz needs 150 pa and has never achieved it

US has an entire economy based on in but refuses them legal status.

everyone is an immigrant at sometime and virually no-one wants to live off handouts.

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