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Flood of older B+W filters plus dBay source recommendation

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Many online stores (excluding Thailand) now have low prices on the B+W 1st generation nano coated, brass bodied filters. Seems like B+W dumped onto the market their remaining stock.


I don't like buying on eBay things that could be fake. Selected a highly rated store and crossed my fingers. Well, the B+W website confirmed the QR codes on the filter boxes are valid, and the brass threads sound just like my B+W ND filter. They shipped the next day from Hong Kong. Declared val ue was fictional, in my favor, so no doody to pay.  http://stores.ebay.com/besteastern/


The B+W naming convention on the last generation filters is:

XS-PRO - thin mount, best for wide angle lenses. Has front threads. B+W has a newer, thinner mount without front threads.
MRC-Nano - Multi resistant coating. Nano is the nanotechnology based eighth and outer coating layer that makes liquids bead up better, so filters stay cleaner.
007 - uh .. the width of something. Newer somethings are 010.


Edited by ItDontMeanAThing
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