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Bank ripped me off for 100,000 baht claims woman


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1 hour ago, RodneyUplonka said:

I recollect some years back that I'd been back to my home country for a couple of years, and when I returned to Thailand I went to use my bank account held in Hua Hin only to find it had been closed. When I enquired in the branch, I was told that all accounts if stagnant for 6 months are automatically closed, company policy. Whilst the loss of money didn't bother me at the time as there was little money in the account, I was more concerned with losing the account, but it got me thinking how many foreigners leave accounts dormant with a small amount of money, a nice little earner for the bank.

Inactive accounts aren't closed unless the balance is below a certain amount (THB2000 - I think) and remains inactive for a year then the bank will deduct a monthly maintenance fee.


Once the account reaches zero balance and remains inactive then it will be closed.

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My wife had 400,000 baht stolen by a bank employee, he also forged her signature.

After 5 years of lawyers and courts, he still hasn't paid a penny back, She has currently had the court to force the bank to auction the thieving scums land, though this is taking forever too.

As always trying to get back stolen money from Thai's is a long haul.

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She already got her money back so If I was her I would just leave it at that .  

Now the lady in the bank could get 3 years in prison and lose her job. Which basically means a big loss of face and we all know what that means....


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6 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Wonder why headline doesn't read "Shameful Thai lowlife steals....." Stealing is worse than conning, at least in my book.

Conning to get someone's money is stealing? And I'd say a "con" man is worse than someone who just plain steals. A con man (i.e., a "confidence man") will smile and look you in the eyes to gain your "confidence" while lying straight face to you and stealing your money under the pretense of being your friend. 

Edited by HerbalEd
I'm compulsive about details.
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I would suggest she was also robbed by the insurance company, or it's employee.

That's a lot of Life Insurance.

If she got all her money back, it should be a dismissal for the bank worker nonetheless, but a criminal charge seems over the top.

Oh, and watch out for the paying in machines at SCB, they can't count (in the bank's favour).

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4 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

Conning to get someone's money is stealing? And I'd say a "con" man is worse than someone who just plain steals. A con man (i.e., a "confidence man") will smile and look you in the eyes to gain your "confidence" while lying straight face to you and stealing your money under the pretense of being your friend. 

It's ok to do it over the phone then?

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12 hours ago, dotpoom said:

She was hardly robbed by the bank......she was robbed by a person who worked at the bank.


Who was employed by the bank at the time of the theft. 


I can see a new line of excuses. " yes officer, i was driving the vehicle at the time It crashed and killed those 6 people. I had to run and flee so the vehicle didnt try and run over me also".

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7 hours ago, twizzian said:

My wife had 400,000 baht stolen by a bank employee, he also forged her signature.

After 5 years of lawyers and courts, he still hasn't paid a penny back, She has currently had the court to force the bank to auction the thieving scums land, though this is taking forever too.

As always trying to get back stolen money from Thai's is a long haul.



Not only this group as well, other Asian groups as equally as responsible.


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13 hours ago, SymS said:

I'm always asked to sign the documents before they fill it at the bank...

This seems true, but I have always felt a sense that money is moved around and taken easily by employees and feel a lot is of trust is put into the staff, without any real checks. I see a far different level of trust being worthy just beyond the doors, here in Pattaya, where getting the right change or money from a currency exchange can be a surprise.

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10 hours ago, HerbalEd said:

Conning to get someone's money is stealing? And I'd say a "con" man is worse than someone who just plain steals. A con man (i.e., a "confidence man") will smile and look you in the eyes to gain your "confidence" while lying straight face to you and stealing your money under the pretense of being your friend. 

I understand your point, but I make this distinction: you have to cooperate with the con man in some form, you make the decision to hand over the money. Your grey cells accept his or her BS rather than rejecting. "If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't". Theft does not require your active involvement, usually quite the opposite.

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