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Exclusive: Trump's travel ban polarizes America - Reuters/Ipsos poll


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34 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Every country should put the interests of their citizens first.  But they should also respect and support other nations.  I know, I know.  A dream. LOL

Dream? Someone once dared to Imagine. Cliched i know craig but we seem to love the song just not the idea. It has has come back to politico relevance which should shame us all.


"National interest" is a disgusting form of taking from others and has no real principal participation in internationalism. It is becoming an awful by word in our social discourse and time it is called out as such. [ How in "globaisatiosation" did national interests attain such peculiarly defined levels of non access? Just negotiations. ] ~ Crap.


Any singular nation state's interest precluding others for national interest is dangerous to my mind. If that is an altruism I am happy living by that standard, and will not shrink for fear of others denigrating my naivete. 

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10 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Just look at this forum.  Members who use to be courteous to each other are not any more.  Due to the polarization Trump has created.  Not good.

Not me!  Jingthing blocked me but I subsequently gave him a 'like'.  I work on merit, not emotion.


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15 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Just look at this forum.  Members who use to be courteous to each other are not any more.  Due to the polarization Trump has created.  Not good.

Once again, Trump is not to blame for that. Members need to take responsibility for their own behavior.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

Once again, Trump is not to blame for that. Members need to take responsibility for their own behavior.

I don't think it's so easy to say that.  Yes, people are responsible for their own behavior.  But when he gets on stage and tells lies and proposes hate.  Then it's wrong.  Kinda like saying showing real murders, live, on TV is OK.  People need to take their own responsibility.  Nope...it doesn't work well in our society.  Proven by the divided country we now have thanks to Trump.

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45 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

I don't think it's so easy to say that.  Yes, people are responsible for their own behavior.  But when he gets on stage and tells lies and proposes hate.  Then it's wrong.  Kinda like saying showing real murders, live, on TV is OK.  People need to take their own responsibility.  Nope...it doesn't work well in our society.  Proven by the divided country we now have thanks to Trump.


Come on Craig, you know that's not true.  The country was divided long before Mr Trump was inaugurated. The murder aspect is well and truly over the top, so please compare oranges and oranges not oranges and apples.  And what are the lies that you alleged are used to propose hate?  This word is used too liberally and only to detract from what he has done. Fulfilling his promises, which must be a shock for some, they're used to being lied to but when someone comes along who sticks to what he says, they chuck a willy and immediately adopt the foetal position. 


Have you watched TV and read the print media lately, I have and what they  write and what those  on TV say, they are lucky they have the first amendment.  Try it in OZ and their wallet would be a lot lighter.  They exude hate, you see it on their faces and hear it in their voices whilst they rant and yell over others to get their point across.


Very little civility, just what you have been complaining about on here. They deliberately misinterpret what is said to suit their agenda, which is doing more to keep the country divided then anything he may say. They stack their panels 5 to 1 or 2 against the POTUS backers and one hardly ever sees or hears anything positive.


Then you have those so called investigative news stories, with many of them being unfounded and unproven allegations.  Burt then it's like most things they do, they just keep telling themselves the same thing over and over that they end up believing it, even it is later proved to be false.  People have very short memories given they seem to forget what occurred over the past 8 years.:wai:

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16 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Come on Craig, you know that's not true.  The country was divided long before Mr Trump was inaugurated. The murder aspect is well and truly over the top, so please compare oranges and oranges not oranges and apples.  And what are the lies that you alleged are used to propose hate?  This word is used too liberally and only to detract from what he has done. Fulfilling his promises, which must be a shock for some, they're used to being lied to but when someone comes along who sticks to what he says, they chuck a willy and immediately adopt the foetal position. 


Have you watched TV and read the print media lately, I have and what they  write and what those  on TV say, they are lucky they have the first amendment.  Try it in OZ and their wallet would be a lot lighter.  They exude hate, you see it on their faces and hear it in their voices whilst they rant and yell over others to get their point across.


Very little civility, just what you have been complaining about on here. They deliberately misinterpret what is said to suit their agenda, which is doing more to keep the country divided then anything he may say. They stack their panels 5 to 1 or 2 against the POTUS backers and one hardly ever sees or hears anything positive.


Then you have those so called investigative news stories, with many of them being unfounded and unproven allegations.  Burt then it's like most things they do, they just keep telling themselves the same thing over and over that they end up believing it, even it is later proved to be false.  People have very short memories given they seem to forget what occurred over the past 8 years.:wai:

It's a proven fact Trump is divisive.  No denying that.  Yes, the country was divided politically before, and now we're divided in so many more ways.  Trump's foul mouth is to blame.  He's stirred the pot of fanatics.


Trumps lies are well documented.  Easy to google them and to find the nasty things he's said about pretty much every minority out there.  If that's not dividing the country, then, I don't know what is.


Guaranteed if he didn't say those nasty remarks, more people would be for him, rather than against him.  Mass protests are but one example of this.  Again, no denying that.  We've not seen mass protests around the world after a presidential election...well...ever.


What investigative news stories that are unfounded and unproven?

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42 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

It's a proven fact Trump is divisive.  No denying that.  Yes, the country was divided politically before, and now we're divided in so many more ways.  Trump's foul mouth is to blame.  He's stirred the pot of fanatics.


Trumps lies are well documented.  Easy to google them and to find the nasty things he's said about pretty much every minority out there.  If that's not dividing the country, then, I don't know what is.


Guaranteed if he didn't say those nasty remarks, more people would be for him, rather than against him.  Mass protests are but one example of this.  Again, no denying that.  We've not seen mass protests around the world after a presidential election...well...ever.


What investigative news stories that are unfounded and unproven?



Of course I can deny, just as you can say it is a proven fact of this and that.  So who stirred the anarchists and their destructive ways.  Trump I suppose.  No, these clowns are using any excuse to break the law and depending on where it occurs, no one in law enforcement intervenes. I hope he goes ahead and stops federal funding.Teach then a few lessons, something it appears they are not attending like they should.


And please, who are the fanatics, pray tell?  It's funny, no matter how much they protest, whinge, carry on, scream and shout, it will have no effect on his presidency and will only strengthen and enlarge his base.  The press carry on about twitter, he reaches 25 million in one hit, the MSN cannot claim anything like this and are acting like spoilt children because they know he can get the true message out without them being able to change or misinterpret it before it goes to air.  


Protests, yeah sure there were many but given what have of their organisers were speaking about, they all appeared confused about why they were protesting.  The idiots around the world who protested have no idea and wasted many hours of their lives.  It will not make one iota of a difference to his presidency, yet these fools are so blinded they cannot see the trees for the forest.


Gee, no one else tells lies, only Mr Trump.  No one else has a foul mouth, only Mr Trump, no one else stirs the pot, only Mr Trump.  No one else says nasty things about the minorities, only Mr Trump.  What does what you have written give the impression of?  Maybe one-sidedness, no, definitely one-sidedness.  If the minorities were so offended then why did so many of them vote for him.  Because they could see through all the BS that was being put out. :wai:

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



Of course I can deny, just as you can say it is a proven fact of this and that.  So who stirred the anarchists and their destructive ways.  Trump I suppose.  No, these clowns are using any excuse to break the law and depending on where it occurs, no one in law enforcement intervenes. I hope he goes ahead and stops federal funding.Teach then a few lessons, something it appears they are not attending like they should.


And please, who are the fanatics, pray tell?  It's funny, no matter how much they protest, whinge, carry on, scream and shout, it will have no effect on his presidency and will only strengthen and enlarge his base.  The press carry on about twitter, he reaches 25 million in one hit, the MSN cannot claim anything like this and are acting like spoilt children because they know he can get the true message out without them being able to change or misinterpret it before it goes to air.  


Protests, yeah sure there were many but given what have of their organisers were speaking about, they all appeared confused about why they were protesting.  The idiots around the world who protested have no idea and wasted many hours of their lives.  It will not make one iota of a difference to his presidency, yet these fools are so blinded they cannot see the trees for the forest.


Gee, no one else tells lies, only Mr Trump.  No one else has a foul mouth, only Mr Trump, no one else stirs the pot, only Mr Trump.  No one else says nasty things about the minorities, only Mr Trump.  What does what you have written give the impression of?  Maybe one-sidedness, no, definitely one-sidedness.  If the minorities were so offended then why did so many of them vote for him.  Because they could see through all the BS that was being put out. :wai:


There is so much that is objectionable in this rambling word salad of cliched Alt Right garbage. Just to highlight a few...


"Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll."

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions



Speaking of forces trying to repress us, it bears mentioning that the actual inauguration’s lineup is almost laughably lackluster next to that of the Women’s March. Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again!

Women’s March on Washington scores far better lineup than actual inauguration



And then there is this gem...


can't see the forest for the trees

An expression used of someone who is too involved inthe details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.



The very definition of inane, pointless, gum flapping and you accuse the MILLIONS of people who protested around the world the day after the inauguration of 'wasting their time'.


Can wait for the next digest of what some Alt Right Australian saw on tv, read in newspapers and googled online about American immigration policy.

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



Of course I can deny, just as you can say it is a proven fact of this and that.  So who stirred the anarchists and their destructive ways.  Trump I suppose.  No, these clowns are using any excuse to break the law and depending on where it occurs, no one in law enforcement intervenes. I hope he goes ahead and stops federal funding.Teach then a few lessons, something it appears they are not attending like they should.


And please, who are the fanatics, pray tell?  It's funny, no matter how much they protest, whinge, carry on, scream and shout, it will have no effect on his presidency and will only strengthen and enlarge his base.  The press carry on about twitter, he reaches 25 million in one hit, the MSN cannot claim anything like this and are acting like spoilt children because they know he can get the true message out without them being able to change or misinterpret it before it goes to air.  


Protests, yeah sure there were many but given what have of their organisers were speaking about, they all appeared confused about why they were protesting.  The idiots around the world who protested have no idea and wasted many hours of their lives.  It will not make one iota of a difference to his presidency, yet these fools are so blinded they cannot see the trees for the forest.


Gee, no one else tells lies, only Mr Trump.  No one else has a foul mouth, only Mr Trump, no one else stirs the pot, only Mr Trump.  No one else says nasty things about the minorities, only Mr Trump.  What does what you have written give the impression of?  Maybe one-sidedness, no, definitely one-sidedness.  If the minorities were so offended then why did so many of them vote for him.  Because they could see through all the BS that was being put out. :wai:

We're talking about the POTUS.  Not some college kid.  He's held to a higher standard.  And that's the way it should be...and always has been.  Mostly...LOL

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21 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Just look at this forum.  Members who use to be courteous to each other are not any more.  Due to the polarization Trump has created.  Not good.

Yes, forum member courtesy toward each other seems questionable.

I contend that unscrupulous and bias media reporting s the driving force.

Like him or hate him, President Trump made campaign promises to improve governance, and uphold the rule of law; in the past 13 days he has made a good effort toward keeping those promises.

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40 minutes ago, KenKadz said:

Yes, forum member courtesy toward each other seems questionable.

I contend that unscrupulous and bias media reporting s the driving force.

Like him or hate him, President Trump made campaign promises to improve governance, and uphold the rule of law; in the past 13 days he has made a good effort toward keeping those promises.

He made some bad, and vague, campaign promises.  Some have been accomplished, some are being worked on, and some are forgotten.  If it's a bad campaign promise, with poor implementation, maybe he'd be better off just ignoring it?  He's already ignored some.

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22 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Just lookxtat this forum.  Members who use tohnbe courteous to each other are  not any more.  Due to the polarization Trump has created.  Not good.

Trump may have caused polarization,  but It's TV members' lack of decency and self  control that are responsible for the lack of courtesy toward others on this forum.  Trump Is not responsible for that anymore than he's responsible for my dog f*****g In the car.

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It's a proven fact Trump is divisive.  No denying that. 


Perhaps, but the same thing can easily be said about his predecessor. However, you are a supporter and make excuses for him. The same thing goes for blaming Trump for some posters' conduct on this forum.

It is not Trump's fault anymore than it is Obama's or Hillary's. It is the fault of the member that displays bad behavior, no matter how they try to justify it.

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3 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


There is so much that is objectionable in this rambling word salad of cliched Alt Right garbage. Just to highlight a few...


"Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll."

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions



Speaking of forces trying to repress us, it bears mentioning that the actual inauguration’s lineup is almost laughably lackluster next to that of the Women’s March. Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again!

Women’s March on Washington scores far better lineup than actual inauguration



And then there is this gem...


can't see the forest for the trees

An expression used of someone who is too involved inthe details of a problem to look at the situation as a whole.



The very definition of inane, pointless, gum flapping and you accuse the MILLIONS of people who protested around the world the day after the inauguration of 'wasting their time'.


Can wait for the next digest of what some Alt Right Australian saw on tv, read in newspapers and googled online about American immigration policy.

Thank you for your critique.  You haven't let the side down.  Well done.:wai:

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2 hours ago, KenKadz said:

Yes, forum member courtesy toward each other seems questionable.

I contend that unscrupulous and bias media reporting s the driving force.

Like him or hate him, President Trump made campaign promises to improve governance, and uphold the rule of law; in the past 13 days he has made a good effort toward keeping those promises.

Your spot on there just check post 102 for the lack of civility.:wai:

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On Thursday, February 02, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Si Thea01 said:

I didn't intend quoting this post. 


On Thursday, February 02, 2017 at 8:23 PM, JHolmesJr said:

You have to love pictures of these (probably) paid protesters holding placards that say refugees welcome.


Lets put them up in these people's homes and see how they like it.

That reminds me of the leader of the Greens (ultra left wing party) In Australia.  He wants the 'refugee' Intake more than doubled to 50,000 pa, but he doesn't want them housed anywhere near his trendy Inner city suburb, or his family farm.

Edited by F4UCorsair
delete unintentional quote
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53 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Perhaps, but the same thing can easily be said about his predecessor. However, you are a supporter and make excuses for him. The same thing goes for blaming Trump for some posters' conduct on this forum.

It is not Trump's fault anymore than it is Obama's or Hillary's. It is the fault of the member that displays bad behavior, no matter how they try to justify it.


One thing is obvious, many long time posters with over 10 or 15 thousand posts have disappeared from this forum over the past couple of months, seemingly around the beginning of December and again at the beginning of January. (And I don't think people like chuckd or Neversure would be considered "uncivil.") Almost all were on the conservative to moderate conservative side of the argument. It seems that TVF may soon become a site where only one side is talking to itself.

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5 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


That reminds me of the leader of the Greens (ultra left wing party) In Australia.  He wants the 'refugee' Intake more than doubled to 50,000 pa, but he doesn't want them housed anywhere near his trendy Inner city suburb, or his family farm.

One Richard Di Natale, who is also into bagging the POTUS over his so called Ban.  Anything to get on the wagon.  Totally insignificant.:wai:

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54 minutes ago, Usernames said:


One thing is obvious, many long time posters with over 10 or 15 thousand posts have disappeared from this forum over the past couple of months, seemingly around the beginning of December and again at the beginning of January. (And I don't think people like chuckd or Neversure would be considered "uncivil.") Almost all were on the conservative to moderate conservative side of the argument. It seems that TVF may soon become a site where only one side is talking to itself.

I agree. TVF has gone downhill considerably in the last two/three months. It has become a Donald Trump bashing and hate forum. I'm going to join chuckd and Neversure. If I want to hear or read Trump bashing I can listen to CNN or read the Washington Post.

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Trump may have caused polarization,  but It's TV members' lack of decency and self  control that are responsible for the lack of courtesy toward others on this forum.  Trump Is not responsible for that anymore than he's responsible for my dog f*****g In the car.

Agree with the first sentence.  But not the last.  Trump is spewing hate towards a lot of different people and groups of people.  Some like that, and get wound up by it.  Kinda like a preacher at a sermon.  Totally responsible for his actions and those that follow them.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Perhaps, but the same thing can easily be said about his predecessor. However, you are a supporter and make excuses for him. The same thing goes for blaming Trump for some posters' conduct on this forum.

It is not Trump's fault anymore than it is Obama's or Hillary's. It is the fault of the member that displays bad behavior, no matter how they try to justify it.

I'm not a supporter of Obama.  I did vote for him the first time, as I didn't like the other candidates.  I didn't vote for him the second time.  He did some good things, some OK things and some not so OK things.


No way was Obama as divisive as Trump is now.  Light years of difference.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Agree with the first sentence.  But not the last.  Trump is spewing hate towards a lot of different people and groups of people.  Some like that, and get wound up by it.  Kinda like a preacher at a sermon.  Totally responsible for his actions and those that follow them.

I must be missing something.  Trump spewing hate towards people and groups.  Can you elaborate on just who he is denigrating.  Any links to prove your assertion.:wai:

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm not a supporter of Obama.  I did vote for him the first time, as I didn't like the other candidates.  I didn't vote for him the second time.  He did some good things, some OK things and some not so OK things.


No way was Obama as divisive as Trump is now.  Light years of difference.


So what do you call Obama's call to the anarchists and protesters to keep going.  Divisive? :wai:

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