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Exclusive - Trump to focus counter-extremism programme solely on Islam


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9 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

Now, is that true when you add in Europe? Or do you think POTUS just wants to avoid what has happened in Europe?

Yes that is largely true for Europe too! Most terrorist attacks in Europe were done by northern Africans (particularly Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), and most of these idiots were born and raised in Europe. The others were done by right wing scum; Anders Breivik was the #1 terrorist (when consider the number of casualties) for 5 years or so.

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2 hours ago, thaihome said:

Yes, this is exactly the point.


Sadly Trump just doesn't get it.


Putin is very clever, dangerously so! I would be inclined to agree some lines in the sand with him urgently.


If Trump does not start becoming very clever very quickly or start surrounding himself with very clever people, Putin and others are going to run rings around him.


Bad idea to alienate Iran for a start. Ever heard of the Great Game?


It'a one thing dealing with Trumpettes, quite another to deal with some of the characters on the international stage. It was disappointing that Obama failed on several (though by no means all) fronts, but he was no fool. No accident that he kept Merkel close ?

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51 minutes ago, Redline said:

The worldview, which Bannon laid out in interviews and speeches over the past several years, hinges largely on Bannon’s belief in American “sovereignty.” Bannon said that countries should protect their citizens and their essence by reducing immigration, legal and illegal, and pulling back from multinational agreements.


In other words, abandoning the Constitution, and the labor, both skilled and unskilled, that America needs for its workforce.  This strategy also assumes that going back on decades of agreements, and discarding your allies, is going to bring safety and prosperity.  Sorry everyone, on this path America is going down.  It will need a military 5 times the current size with no formidable allies.  Unfortunately,  that's impossible, and also assumes that millions of Americans are going to risk their lives for this losing strategy.


Oh yes, Russia can help.  Oh yea they will.  No Americans will be complaining about Thailand, and the wall with Mexico will be keeping people in the US that want out.  Just a passport with a bunch of Russia stamps.  Oh beautiful Crimea!


Edited by Grouse
Cancelled - thought better of it
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15 hours ago, webfact said:

'Hoda Hawa, director of policy for the Muslim Public Affairs Council, said ... "That is concerning for us because they are targeting a faith group and casting it under a net of suspicion," ...'

That should hardly come as any surprise, considering it is one particular faith - albeit a minority of extremists - that is currently linked, directly or indirectly, to most of the terrorist attacks across the globe.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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15 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Might make sense. Radical Islam should probably be the main focus and let other programs concentrate on other types of hateful ideologies.

Considering Trump's pick for Attorney General, the removal of the "Civil Rights" section header from the White House web site, and the general demeanor of the Administration thus far, I'd say it's a fair bet they won't be focusing too much anymore on domestic white extremism. So the KKK and similar will likely have a jolly old time.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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          Trump is a godsend for ISIS recruitment.  He embodies all that ISIS has wanted their brethren to believe for years:  that the US is Satan and wants to wipe out Muslims.  It may not be true (that Trump and Bannon want to wipe out all Muslims), but it's easy to tweak Trump's and Bannon's message to represent that.


        As for white supremacists.  I've known people who were white supremacists, and known Muslims.  There's no doubt who I would rather have as neighbors.  Here are some things that white supremacists have done in the neighborhood I formerly lived in, Northern California, before I moved to Thailand in 1998:


>>> shot a killed a neighbor who was taking a dump on a compost pile,

>>>  shot a killed a neighbor who was sunning himself in a chair, in an adjoining parcel. There was a 6 foot no-see-through wall between the properties,

>>>  shot and killed a neighbor whose little boy had been found sleeping overnight on a lawn in front of the white supremecist's house,

>>>  killed herself and her daughter in a double homicide, .....with a gun,

>>>   A Texas gun-rights woman shot and killed her daughter in their front yard.  It was days before the daughter was to get married.


If Trump wants to stop terrorism in the US, he would do well to try and deal with the people who are causing the most deaths and harm.  Hint: it's the people with guns.  It's very few Muslims.


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" Isis: Islam is 'not strongest factor' behind foreign fighters joining extremist groups in Syria and Iraq – report : Military analysts say militant groups can prefer recruits who won’t challenge ideology"



" When fighters return to Europe, where the Islamic State operates cells in Britain, Germany, Italy, Turkey and other countries, they could link up with the existing networks and “stay below the radar” until they carry out an Attack,

Many of the attacks conducted in Western Europe and the United States over the past six months underline the reality that returning fighters would be just one element in the Islamic State’s larger strategy to remain relevant after losing territorial control."



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What happened to all the major Muslim countries? For example Saudi Arabia? Who committed 9/11.

Just another farce picking on very poor countries. Trump must think everyone is stupid. We see you we see through you...............

Edited by Bureaucrat
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21 hours ago, thaihome said:

A typical fallacy based on a basic falsehood.  Muslim terrorists kill far more Muslims then any other group. Most countries that are actually fighting Muslim terrorists are Muslim majority countries. To say that nearly all Muslims are silent is a wrong. The truth is most Muslims are not silent.


Well i can point you to many places where you will find video of  Muslims chanting and railing against the west and carrying banners against us , can you please point me to a video where they are carrying banners against people of their faith doing terrorist acts ?

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

Well i can point you to many places where you will find video of  Muslims chanting and railing against the west and carrying banners against us , can you please point me to a video where they are carrying banners against people of their faith doing terrorist acts ?

Few samples from a simple Google search. Also, carrying banners is just one way to fight terrorist, another way is to actively engage your police, intelligence network and military to fight them, which virtually every majority muslim country does. Notable exception might be Iran.









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42 minutes ago, thaihome said:

Few samples from a simple Google search. Also, carrying banners is just one way to fight terrorist, another way is to actively engage your police, intelligence network and military to fight them, which virtually every majority muslim country does. Notable exception might be Iran.










1/ Muslims in the world are the first victims of terrorism, which has always targeted either a minority within Islam, Sunnism versus Shiism, or believers considered unfaithful because they are not rigorous enough. of Islam.

    The psychology of Muslim societies      or Muslim communities in the West perceives this factor much worse than us ( non Muslim) 

2/  Muslim citizens living in non muslim countries say that if they have to distance themselves from barbarism instituted by ISIS , this would imply that by default they would endorse this phenomenon. 

     They become suspects for the sole reason of their religious affiliation.


3/ ISIS is an actor of the essentialization of Islam, they want to make it a uniform block. They induce this "natural solidarity" between Muslims.

    They are trying to reach out to Muslims around the world.


4/ Conversion to Islam is the simplest and fastest conversion that exists. It is enough to pronounce the profession of faith, Shahada, in Arabic, and you become Muslim.

    On the other hand, it is possible to say "This is not Islam" but not to say "He is not a Muslim".


5/ Nonetheless ... ISIS applies Sharia Law litterally ....

    and no Muslim can say that he is against Sharia


6/ Indonesia's first Muslim country in the world, 400 million believers in Islam, "supplies" only ISIS jihadists.
   Egypt and Turkey, 80 million Muslims each: 400 jihadists.
   On the other hand, France, which has only 6 million Muslims, half of whom are regular practitioners, has -at least-  700 nationals on the spot.


Edited by Opl
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On 2/2/2017 at 3:43 PM, Grouse said:

Yes, this is exactly the point.


Sadly Trump just doesn't get it.


Putin is very clever, dangerously so! I would be inclined to agree some lines in the sand with him urgently.


If Trump does not start becoming very clever very quickly or start surrounding himself with very clever people, Putin and others are going to run rings around him.


Bad idea to alienate Iran for a start. Ever heard of the Great Game?


It'a one thing dealing with Trumpettes, quite another to deal with some of the characters on the international stage. It was disappointing that Obama failed on several (though by no means all) fronts, but he was no fool. No accident that he kept Merkel close ?

Yes, Obama did pretty well, with exception of some foreign policy moves, and not prosecuting the bankers responsible for the crash.  Now banks, oil, and right wingnuts run the country.  Oh, and Putin.

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On 2/2/2017 at 0:00 PM, siamike said:


- Not one person from any of the 7 travel ban countries  has ever committed a terrorist act on American soil.

- All 9-11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia & UAE.

- Osama bin Laden was a Saudi Arabia citizen. 

- Saudi Arabia & UAE are not on Trump's travel ban list.

- Trump has extensive, profitable business dealings with both Saudi Arabia & UAE.

Obvious & glaring conclusion: Trump has little interest in preventing the next terrorist attack on American soil.  His temporary travel ban on the 7 islamic countries is all a PR stunt to appease his supporters.  Trump is conning his supporters,...again.  


Lawnmowers, toddlers with guns and sidewalk ice have all killed more U.S. citizens than people from these seven countries.


Now just give everyone more prescription opioids; those should help with the anxiety about ferners, and what could go wrong.

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21 hours ago, thaihome said:

Few samples from a simple Google search. Also, carrying banners is just one way to fight terrorist, another way is to actively engage your police, intelligence network and military to fight them, which virtually every majority muslim country does. Notable exception might be Iran.









Yes right , if thats it , your report card will have to be "must do better"

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On 2/2/2017 at 2:39 PM, ddavidovsky said:

There's only one counter-terrorism measure that will do any good: solve the issue that is damaging Muslim self-esteem worldwide

Not sure if I understand this. The only thing that really does destroy Muslim self esteem is  Islamic  terror since the moderates have to bear the recriminations. 

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1 hour ago, Linzz said:

Not sure if I understand this. The only thing that really does destroy Muslim self esteem is  Islamic  terror since the moderates have to bear the recriminations. 


" Yet, Islam still has high expectations and aspirations fueled by past accomplishments. Millions of Muslims share these mixed feelings of pride and shame.....  In a sense, Islam as a civilization is a frustrated achiever.. A strategy to stymie ISIS recruitment must address the lack of opportunity for frustrated Muslim achievers — particularly Sunnis in Iraq and Syria — as well as the integration problems of Muslims in Europe. At the ideological level, the debate should be within Islam and not misconstrued as a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West. "





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