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Canada foreign minister will oppose U.S. border tariffs


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On 2/12/2017 at 0:11 AM, pegman said:

You can't because of NAFTA. If you want to rip it ûp fine. China or the EU will buy our exports.

Not really. I suggest you look at Canadian exports. There is a reason why 70%+ of Canada's exports go to the USA.

1. Electricity: Can't send it to China or the EU.

2. Oil & gas: Look at the opposition to the building of a small pipeline to the BC coast. Canada would need multiple pipelines to BC to supply Asia. The EU isn't interested in Canadian oil & gas because it is dirty and expensive. The get  much  better deals from Russia on  natural gas and nice deals on oil from Iran, Iraq, Libya and the Gulf. There's a reason why the europeans ousted Ghaddaffi and encouraged the Iraq war.

3. Lumber: Canada already sells the maximum lumber it can to  China.

4. Agriculture: The Europeans are protectionist when it comes to agriculture and  the trade deal Canada signed still caps exports. China doesn't need any more agricultural products from Canada.

5.  Aircraft and Railways: The Europeans are backing airbus and want Bombardier to fail. China intends to build its own aircraft. Bombardier is having a hard enough time as it is.

6. Automobiles. The Europeans and Chinese do not want the Canadian vehicles.


Know your exports, and understand that the Canadian economy was sold out years ago by successive  Canadian federal and provincial governments who  favoured money and jobs over control of their own economic destiny.  

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All of you Trump bashers can go on bashing. It will not make a difference. He got elected for a reason, in spite of the massive bias of the Media and the Clinton Influence peddling machine. People are tired of the status quo.Like him or Hate him, things are going to change. 

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27 minutes ago, kaleevala said:

All of you Trump bashers can go on bashing. It will not make a difference. He got elected for a reason, in spite of the massive bias of the Media and the Clinton Influence peddling machine. People are tired of the status quo.Like him or Hate him, things are going to change. 

Change for the sake of change isn't a  good reason for change.

Nor is spite, bigotry, ignorance, jealousy, resentment, or a refusal to take responsibility for one's own greed. The USA is about to suffer some serious self inflicted trauma.

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41 minutes ago, kaleevala said:

All of you Trump bashers can go on bashing. It will not make a difference. He got elected for a reason, in spite of the massive bias of the Media and the Clinton Influence peddling machine. People are tired of the status quo.Like him or Hate him, things are going to change. 

You're right. Wall Street will soon be free to tank the economy again.  Financial advisors have been freed to destroy the retirement savings of their clients. The rich are about to have their taxes massively cut.  

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