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Drugs Suppression Police - Ganga could be a legal drug in the future


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3 minutes ago, hobz said:

Yes, drugs kill, but, making them illegal does not prevent people from using. The war on drugs just increases the cost for society. Legalize and tax to fund harm reduction programs. This is the pragmatic way.

People seem to think that keeping drugs illegal somehow protects people from the dangers of drug taking. However as this separates them from soial and health care it coan't possibly be productive.

In fact is it rational to suggest that because a drug may cause damage it requires armed resistance and the involvement of the police?

Furthermore one of the most dangerous drugs available is alcohol and attempts to illegal that have always result in serious problems.


i think the main problems with drugs are not the drugs but people's prejudice and ignorance.

PS - eve the description of the effects of marijuana above are basically incorrect - there is no heightening of senses for a start.....the list clearly shows how even drug users are ignorant of the drug they take, mistaking untutored personal experience for scientific evidence.

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45 minutes ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.

Your assessment is childlike in it's misinterpretation of the "evidence" - your perception is ill thought out and amounts to little more than prejudice.

furthermore you make puerile assumptions about those who propose a different approach to drugs and drug abuse - I most certainly don't fit your stereotype and neither would most rationally thinking people. you use of stereotype simply shows that rather than think about a topic you prefer to be guided by your own prejudgements.


You need to follow a logical argument and check out what happens when drugs used for recreation are made or kept illegal.

For example....

big profits attraction organised crime....e.g. prohibition in the US and the South American Cartels.

Big money feeds corruption in high places - e.g. Poindexter and North.


Edited by Alan Deer
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25 minutes ago, Nice Boyd said:

Alcohol is a Bigger Danger in Thailand, Look at traffic statistics

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23 minutes ago, Nice Boyd said:

You need to Get Real, with your archaic thinking

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14 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Got it.  You are drunk! 


3 minutes ago, JustNo said:

Sorry I don't say this often but that statement is totally moronic. You sound as if you are either an ignorant 65 year old or someone who has been living in a cave for most of their life. 

One common occurrence among people such as yourself is to label every substance as 'drugs' - You overlook the fact that you consume drugs probably daily if not then at least often. 

There reason that weed is illegal is due to a variety of complex events in the past. If you did you research and gave yourself some insight as apposed to wilful ignorance, then you may understand the situation at hand. One main reason weed is illegal and has stigma is due to the paper manufacturing industries and tabloids many decades ago. They are scared of hemp taking over their business and thus created such a bad name for cannabis and hemp. 

Never said that alcohol is not bad. Just said that there is no need for more drugs to be lagalized. Still standing my gruond, and I am not drunk.

Regarding moronic and ignorance. What is most filled with that. Not wanting more legalized drugs, or wanting it? We all know that all drugs combined are contributing to more criminal activities, due to that most of the drugs existing weaken a persons senses, view on reality and tearing down the walls of morality.

Not been living in a cave, and not reached the age of 65 yet.

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

It's illegal because of people like you and a bunch of bullshit reasons to make it illegal.

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16 minutes ago, hobz said:

Yes, drugs kill, but, making them illegal does not prevent people from using. The war on drugs just increases the cost for society. Legalize and tax to fund harm reduction programs. This is the pragmatic way.

THis is a load of crap.  All bullshit.  mostly lies.  It's becoming legal around the world so stop the BS and get on with in.

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

your opinion shows how far behind the 8 ball you are.



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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

Drugs do not all come under the one bad umbrella.Some goodsome bad.You need to take the blinkers off.

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

" There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries." [your spelling] - go on then. what is the reason???

Edited by Alan Deer
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30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Risks of marijuana :-

1/ Studies show cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders. It can also raise the risk of depression, studies have found.

2/ Heavy marijuana users are more likely to report thoughts of suicide and heavy use of the drug can worsen symptoms of bipolar disease.

3/ Learning, memory and attention are impaired after using cannabis and there's some evidence that they are damaged even after people stop using it.

4/ Studies have found some evidence cannabis use can raise the risk of unemployment, and users earn less than non-users.

5/ It can impair driving.Use may raise the risk of testicular cancer.

6/ Smoking marijuana may trigger a heart attack.

7/ It can worsen bronchitis and chronic cough.

8/ Babies born to women who smoke marijuana while pregnant can weigh too little.



The study that is referenced in the news article was not done on actual patients but past literature. 


For a real conclusive study to be reasonably accurate it needs to be based on real people and the current affects with a modern approach. This would be quite easy with the growing medical user base that would be willing to be part of an actual study on affects rather than past literature that could be biased to older thinking and methods rather than current facts facts.


Short story, Do not believe everything you read in the news.


Some of the points listed are common sense. #7 Don't smoke if you have lung problems.  #8 Don't use any unnecessary medication if you are pregnant.


Some not so much, #2 I have not ever known anyone to become more prone to thought of suicide because of smoking pot if they were not already prone to such thoughts. #4 To say that it causes unemployment is a fairly biased statement as the user group was most likely not clinical but more likely taken from street pot heads that were probably unmotivated with or without pot. This is more of a social issue rather than related to the actual affects of the drug.

Edited by moon47
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1 hour ago, hobz said:

This is a great step forward. Drugs destroy lives but making drugs illegal clearly just makes everything worse and makes the overall cost to society higher. Legalizing is the pragmatic thing to do.


Really? You really think this? OMG. EDUCATION not Legislation is the only way to combat the negative effects of all drugs. Positive.

Edited by Maggusoil
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Nothing wrong smoking a.little bit of pot. That said I do know of a fellow that smoked the stuff for most of his life and he is out there. No different than alcohol. There will always be abusers.

At lease on pot you are unlikely to get violent compared to alcohol.


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6 minutes ago, ThaidaGwaii said:

Yes, drugs kill

Really, I think this is a very sweeping statement. Everything can kill if used incorrectly - ever tried injecting baked beans into your bloodstream.


the truth is that most drugs don't actually kill or cause negative socially damaging personality changes that the anti-drug bigots like to pretend - in fact it is so profusely promulgated that even drug users believe this falsehood.


what kills is the crime involved when drugs are outside government control.

e.g. organised crime, adultartion of product, crime committed by users to get money for drugs either for profit or addiction satisfaction - all of these would disappear if drugs are decriminalised.


Remember that even alcohol has laws and rstrictions, but it iseasier to deal with the problems it causes because the drug is out in the open.


the idea that MORE peopel will use drugs if they are decriminalised is also a fallacy - in reality it is easier to come off an addicted drug the drug is legal and help is available.

furtheermore if drugs are less restricted the urge to binge is reduced as well.



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4 minutes ago, Maggusoil said:


Really? You really think this? OMG. EDUCATION not Legislation is the only way to combat the negative effects of all drugs.

yes legislation as in normal social legislation - blanket prohibition is costly and has been shown in the last 60 years to be supremely ineffective.

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.

Your the one that needs to stop being juvinile about your blinkered views.I don't know anybody bar you that is afraid of  gunja.You need to try it before you can make a informed comment,you may lighten up a bit.By the way,we are gunja supporters,not drugs.You keep making the same mistake as many govts,lumping them all in together.

Edited by louse1953
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17 minutes ago, ThaidaGwaii said:

THis is a load of crap.  All bullshit.  mostly lies.  It's becoming legal around the world so stop the BS and get on with in.

So wait drugs dont kill people? and the war on drugs does not increase cost for society? What drugs are you on?

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1 hour ago, Geoffggi said:

It is illegal because the pharmaceutical companies can't make any money out of it 

Ah! a conspiratorialist - given enough smoke, there's always room for a bit of this.


Booze and the tobacco industries stand to make a fortune out of marijuana if it becomes legal for recreational use - they already have copyrights on common brand names etc.

You can easily brew alcohol - but it hasn't stopped the Liquor Lobby from becoming just about the most powerful political body in the West for almost a 100 years.


If you think Big Pharma are the problem you are looking in the wrong direction - they are in a position to to make a fortune - however as the MEDICAL uses of marijuana are yet to be scientifically proved they have little or no interest....but believe me they have the capital to move quickly if required.

The BIG money in medical marijuana is the "alternative" medical industry - who are little more than a bunch of charlatans selling stuff outside medical legislation that has no proven benefit. These lot have HUGE money and also stand to make a fortune.


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30 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Risks of marijuana :-

1/ Studies show cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders. It can also raise the risk of depression, studies have found.

2/ Heavy marijuana users are more likely to report thoughts of suicide and heavy use of the drug can worsen symptoms of bipolar disease.

3/ Learning, memory and attention are impaired after using cannabis and there's some evidence that they are damaged even after people stop using it.

4/ Studies have found some evidence cannabis use can raise the risk of unemployment, and users earn less than non-users.

5/ It can impair driving.Use may raise the risk of testicular cancer.

6/ Smoking marijuana may trigger a heart attack.

7/ It can worsen bronchitis and chronic cough.

8/ Babies born to women who smoke marijuana while pregnant can weigh too little.




Unfortunately, virtually anything one put's into the body carries some risks. Most of today's processed foods contain additives that are hazardous to health, and yet I doubt that there are too many folks who are determined to give up eating. Most of the recreational drugs that are used (alcohol, tobacco) carry considerable health hazards, but no one seriously considers outlawing them. We tried that in the US with alcohol and it really didn't turn out too well.


In the last 40 years, the US has spent over $1 trillion on the "War on Drugs". We employ thousands of law enforcement personnel at a cost of billions annually to fight the "War on Drugs". Since its implementation, thousands of police officers have died in the line of duty as a direct result of the "War on Drugs". Millions have been imprisoned, most for petty offenses, at a further cost of billions annually. Millions have died as a direct result of the drug trade. And yet the problem continues to grow. Remove the market by legalizing drugs, control the manufacture and distribution of drugs and you go a long way toward eliminating death by overdose by simply controlling the quality of the product. Tax the hell out of it and utilize those tax dollars for drug education and treatment. There is ample evidence that applying this type of approach is far more productive than criminalization. Portugal's experience is an excellent example (https://mic.com/articles/110344/14-years-after-portugal-decriminalized-all-drugs-here-s-what-s-happening#.uBiiKpv6U). The conservative approach of throwing money and manpower at a pervasive problem that will never go away has proven to be a massive failure. It's time to start working smarter, not harder.

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

and what reason is that ??????

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Just another burden on an already over loaded public health system dealing with drug related admissions, there is another type of Ganga used for medicines that has been released in OZ and it is under strict guidelines and you must have a doctors prescription,  perhaps this is what they ref to..........................................:coffee1:.

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30 minutes ago, Get Real said:

We all know that all drugs combined are contributing to more criminal activities, due to that most of the drugs existing weaken a persons senses, view on reality and tearing down the walls of morality.

Clearly this poster has no idea of how various drugs affect society - if he had spent just a little time on research rather than assumption he would be aware that most of the problems arising from "drugs" (as a geeral term" is the prohibition of them or their ilegalisation........as drugs ae re very different their effects on users are different yewt the problens he describes are common toprohibition not the drugs - thisis furrther demonstrated during the prohibition years in the US when organised crime  - always after the big profit - was based largely on the trade in alcohol....once prohibition was finished the huge profits were lost andthey turned to thoer activities - e.g. (not i.e.) illicit drugs.

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.

sorry but your an close minded idiot  that noone can argue with  your logic is that of a confused drunk  contradict what statement ??? that people who smoke weed are not responsible,, and we are not flocking like teenagers we are stating a point that we should be free to enjoy the fruits of this earth as we see fit , and if you understood even the basic reasons why this drug is illegal,,well no pint in going on your obviously stoned on BS

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1 hour ago, Wilsonandson said:

Risks of marijuana :-

1/ Studies show cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders. It can also raise the risk of depression, studies have found.

2/ Heavy marijuana users are more likely to report thoughts of suicide and heavy use of the drug can worsen symptoms of bipolar disease.

3/ Learning, memory and attention are impaired after using cannabis and there's some evidence that they are damaged even after people stop using it.

4/ Studies have found some evidence cannabis use can raise the risk of unemployment, and users earn less than non-users.

5/ It can impair driving.Use may raise the risk of testicular cancer.

6/ Smoking marijuana may trigger a heart attack.

7/ It can worsen bronchitis and chronic cough.

8/ Babies born to women who smoke marijuana while pregnant can weigh too little.



been indulging for 46 years have none of the above,,, you know drinking too much water can kill you

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46 minutes ago, Get Real said:




Never said that alcohol is not bad. Just said that there is no need for more drugs to be lagalized. Still standing my gruond, and I am not drunk.

Regarding moronic and ignorance. What is most filled with that. Not wanting more legalized drugs, or wanting it? We all know that all drugs combined are contributing to more criminal activities, due to that most of the drugs existing weaken a persons senses, view on reality and tearing down the walls of morality.

Not been living in a cave, and not reached the age of 65 yet.

can you walk and chew gum at the same time ??

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22 minutes ago, hobz said:

So wait drugs dont kill people? and the war on drugs does not increase cost for society? What drugs are you on?

We are NOT talking drugs,we are discussing gunja.Big difference,gunja does NOT kill.The war on drugs is just an employment opportunity for the moral right.When are they going to win this so called war?

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3 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

All drugs should legal but controlled. The criminalisation of drugs causes more damage than the drugs on a number of levels.  Ultimately the state has no right to interfere in people's desire to transcend themselves and seek oblivion.  The laws not the drugs destroy individuals, families and communities and are at the heart of the growth of police corruption, police inefficieny and growth of violent criminal gangs. The war on drugs is a war on the people - usually vulnerable people.  In this country hundreds of thousands of poor women are in prison for no good reason.  In the UK the treatment of recreational drug users is worse than that of paedophiles with a possible 7 year prison sentence for possession of a small amount of cannabis.  In the USA the drug laws are used selectively to arbitrarily punish and enslave people in the prison for profit system.  In the Middle East there are mass hangings.  As for the Philippines - unspeakable murder.  The list is endless. Let's not forget that the reality is that 99% of drug users have a great time and a positive experience. 

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