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The government once again renewed its annual call of abstinence among youth on Valentine’s Day, reminding them not to engage in or be pressured into sex during the special day as it ran counter to Khmer values.   Speaking at the launch of the Strengthen and Test Yourself system for grade 12 students’ internet usage at the Education Ministry yesterday, Minister Hang Choun Naron reiterated that Valentine’s Day was not a day for youth to indulge in sex with their partners, but rather a day to demonstrate their love for their parents, siblings and friends.

He added that the ministry had widely published information about abstaining from sex to ensure that students behave in line with modest Khmer traditions. “I ask that the youth understand the true essence of the day and…I ask that the youth maintain the traditions of the Khmer culture,” Mr. Choun Naron said.

The Ministry of Culture and Arts also issued a letter appealing to parents and authorities at various levels, especially those dealing with young people, to contribute to preventing, guiding and warning the youth against using Valentine’s Day as an excuse to engage in sexual activities. The letter said such “negative acts” were contrary to local customs and could impact their futures as well as dishonor themselves and their families. “What expresses love includes gathering, talks, writing letters, gifts and other offerings like flowers to show that you care or love someone. Not just romantic boy-girl love,” the letter, sent out on Sunday, read.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/35422/four-held-for-thai-logging/


-- © Copyright Phenom Pen Post 14/02



If having sex is "against Khmer culture", then I wonder why the age of consent in Cambo is set at 15, lower than anywhere else in South-East-Asia


Administrator/Moderator: The link under the news-story is for a total different news-story at Khmer Times...
(Please delete my post, when link is corrected.)

4 hours ago, humqdpf said:

Does that include the teenagers who are married to each other?

and the grandfathers, fathers, male cousins and brothers, plus the passing drunken neighbours....

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