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Trump national security adviser Flynn resigns in controversy over Russian contacts


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45 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

I can only wish starting with Betty Devos and the horrid man who is now Secretary of the Treasury, joined by the  ignorant man who will run the EPA.  However, the fact remains that the USA needs a functioning government.  People are so consumed with hatred that they don't understand that  the more unstable the USA is, the more likely we are to have a catastrophe or a violent war.   Nothing says, support me than a war. 


Keep in mind that the GOP controls the Congress for 2 more years. Until such time as the USA comes to its senses and  throws out some of the GOP senators and representatives, nothing will be done to clip the Trump administration's wings. You can't impeach without a majority and it isn't there. And even if it gets to that point, Pence  is worse than Trump. Much, much worse. Meanwhile, Putin  has broken the arms control treaty,  Iran is stirring up sh*t and the jihadists are planning an attack.


America has to bite its lip for the next 2 years and to follow the sage advice of Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton and that is to act in the best interests of the nation, and not continue the childish stupidity of tit for tat scandal  mongering that the GOP gave to America for the past decade.

Nobody is scandal mongering - they are already there to be exposed.......

i take your point about war - I think armageddon has  inched a little closer.....however I think the Trwmp's aims are to increase his own power through declarations of national emergency tc etc and his behaviour is not going to be curtailed by any legal or constitutional precedents, I think therefore that every step he takes, every person he hires eery statement he makes needs to be monitored thoroughly and then exposed in as much media as possible....or by the time the GOP has lost or may have lost their majorities it will be too late.


trwmp wants to surround himself with sycophants and have complete power for himself....he has no faith in anything but his conviction that he is always right and everyone else is stoopid

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45 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Obama will come out as one of the most respected presidents in US history, despite the very vocal hatred of a small minority of Americans, some of whom still hate President Johnson for his civil rights legislation and his war on poverty.

Don't it always seem to go that you don't what you've got till it's gone...



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40 minutes ago, honu said:

It's clear enough how all this sorts out, once they collect up the rest of the story Trump should be impeached.

Yes, he should. But will it not get worse with Pence at the helm?

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3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, he should. But will it not get worse with Pence at the helm?

Pence is a hard core far right wing Christian fundamentalist "conservative" extremist. 

But he's sane and competent and before his shilling for trump seems to respect the constitution and American governmental norms. 

So I think for patriotic Americans, even progressives, Pence is better in the long run.

A very bitter pill, and there is no way Pence's ideology represents anywhere even close the American majority mainstream.

But -- we can beat him on ideology using normal channels and in the fullness of time. 

It's not clear the American democracy can even survive a long term for trump. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Pence is a hard core far right wing Christian fundamentalist "conservative" extremist. 

But he's sane and competent and before his shilling for trump seems to respect the constitution and American governmental norms. 

So I think for patriotic Americans, even progressives, Pence is better in the long run.

A very bitter pill, and there is no way Pence's ideology represents anywhere even close the American majority mainstream.

But -- we can beat him on ideology using normal channels and in the fullness of time. 

It's not clear the American democracy can even survive a long term for trump. 

I would have never thought to say this, but I am afraid you are right: Pence is the lesser of the two evils. With Pence in office we would most likely lose the current diarrhea of creeps flooding the WH, "making policy" and/or purposefully insulting the intelligence of the mainstream Americans with their lies. But a creationist as president of the free world means moving backwards a century or two.....so either way we are clearly F***ed

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Saw this pretty concise and compelling assessment of the Trump Presidency thus far:


The Madness of King Donald





I think this is a fundamental reason why so many of us have been so unsettled, anxious and near-panic these past few months. It is not so much this president’s agenda. That always changes from administration to administration. It is that when the lynchpin of an entire country is literally delusional, clinically deceptive, and responds to any attempt to correct the record with rage and vengeance, everyone is always on edge.

There is no anchor any more. At the core of the administration of the most powerful country on earth, there is, instead, madness.



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Most Americans don't want to have to wake up everyday and wonder ... what destructive divisive crazy sheit has our president done or tweeted? His mental illness is infecting the masses. We went from No Drama Obama to a certifiable mad man that is running the country like an off the rails reality t.v. show. This cannot stand. 

Normal republicans get that too ... but they're torn over the greed of being to get stuff passed (or abolished) that they haven't been able to before. 

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         Don't be surprised if Pence gets deeper in the doo doo of this Flynn/Russkie imbroglio.  Flynn appears to be lying when he says he didn't tell Pence all the pertinent details of his (Flynn's) discussions with the Russian Ambassador.  Also, it's plain that Trump asked/told Flynn to intervene.  Trumpsters dearly hope this will all blow over, but it should be investigated.  


           If either or both Pence and Trump knew what their confidante boy Flynn discussed, the it's proof truth that Pence and Trump blatantly lied repeatedly.    Same is true if Trump or Pence read intelligence reports on that topic, which have been available to them since late December or before.  


        The reasonable folks among us know that lies spill forth from Trump's Oval Office like effluent from a Koch Brothers' factory.  Trumpsters don't want to see it, and are fine with Putin having lots of compromising material on Trump and his henchmen.  Either that, or Trumpsters simply can't understand the seriousness of these revelations.

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6 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

‘He will die in jail’: Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says



Interesting, but I'd like to see more on that from a more credible source, like the "failing" New York Times ... :whistling:

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Earlier here, some folks posted news reports quoting SOME Republicans as supporting a serious investigation into the whole Russia debacle with Trump and Co.  Unfortunately, at this point, as the NYT points out, the key word there is just SOME, not enough and not anywhere near the majority needed in Congress to actually do anything.  At least, not yet.







Despite Democrats’ Demands, Broad Inquiry on Russia Ties Isn’t Assured

WASHINGTON — Democrats see a scandal “bigger than Watergate.” Republicans see a Russia-size obstacle to conservative legislation.

The result, so far, is that aggressive oversight on Capitol Hill of ties between President Trump’s campaign associates and Russian intelligence is far from assured.

While a handful of leading Republicans on Wednesday acknowledged growing concerns about the Trump team’s connections to Russia, most declined to embrace the kind of wide-scale investigation that their Democratic counterparts are demanding, leaving the minority party with few clear recourses as the controversy escalates.

“I’ve been in Congress for a long time. I’ve never seen anything like this,” Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader from New York, said after an emergency caucus meeting on Wednesday. “Nothing less than our system of checks and balances, democratic institutions and our national security is at stake.”



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6 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Flynn was and still is full of sh*t! Remember?

Flynn had to 'fall on his sword' and lie, in order to try and shield the VP and prez.  The truth will trickle out, even with Congressional Republicans and the WH goons doing all they can to stifle it.  Flynn didn't do anything really wrong. He simply followed a request by the Prez-elect in December to ask the Russkies not to reciprocate in response to Obama kicking out Russian diplomats. When it was found, by US intelligence (ALSO:  Russia records phone conversations!) that Flynn was breaking the law, and no amount of denial can erase tapes of those conversations,  Flynn had to be the Fall Guy.


3 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Earlier here, some folks posted news reports quoting SOME Republicans as supporting a serious investigation into the whole Russia debacle with Trump and Co.  Unfortunately, at this point, as the NYT points out, the key word there is just SOME, not enough and not anywhere near the majority needed in Congress to actually do anything.  At least, not yet.


The formal impeachment process starts in the House of Representatives:


The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. If they do...
The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a Resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.
Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another Resolution to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why (the Articles of Impeachment), or that impeachment is not called for.
The Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.
Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be "impeached." However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted of a crime. There still has to be a trial, which is where the US Senate comes in.

It then goes to the Senate:


The Articles of Impeachment are received from the House.
The Senate formulates rules and procedures for holding a trial.
A trial will be held. The President will be represented by his lawyers. A select group of House members will serve as "prosecutors." The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (currently John G. Roberts) will preside with all 100 Senators acting as the jury.
The Senate will meet in private session to debate a verdict.
The Senate, in open session, will vote on a verdict. A 2/3 vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.

source: usgovinfo.about.com/od/thepresidentandcabinet/a/impeachment.htm


           Boomer's note:  About 19 Republicans senators will have to do the right thing, for Trump to get impeached.  Finding 19 decent, wise and responsible Republican senators will be tough, because all Republicans will be under extreme pressure to back Trump, similar to how all N.Korean Generals are required to back Fat Boy Kim, no matter what.


         One would hope elected leaders, no matter what party affiliation, would do what's best for the US, .....but that's a silly notion when Republicans are involved.

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