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Bank Funds

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          Went to immigration today in Si Racha, Thought I had all paperwork in order.   Bank Letter with season funds, Copies of the bank book with the funds, but wait something is wrong,  the copies have not been certified by the bank.  She told me the copies could be fake, yes that is what she said, FAKE  !!!!      So the bank letter is fine it is just the copies of the bank book that could be fake.  Thailand       :passifier:   :stoner:  So now updating your bank book and making copies is not good enough.   you need bank seal stamp on copies.

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She is wasting your time. She knows that you know that what she asks serves no practical purpose. You are supposed to work out what you did to make her treat you like this, it is probable that she thought that you didn't show her respect. My advice would be to do as she asks and try again and show that you have learnt you lesson.
On the other hand it may be that the policy is to encourage applicants to use "agents", we know that they are on a tight budgets in the provinces, in which case you may have more hoops to jump through but if you have all the requirments she can't refuse you, so keep at it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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Don't get all bothered about that.

This is NOT he case for all Thailand,

All that 'certification' probably refers to is that you did not sign your signature on each page of the copies.

We have seen that before and that is all 'certification' turned out to be.

t any rate, this does not apply country wide, so far it is just a requirement in one immigration office.

Maybe I have it easy here in Bangkok, but here the immigration is on the 2nd floor, and the Bank off ices are on the ground floor, so you can update your bank passbook and get a dated bank letter any day in 15 minutes for a 200 Baht fee if you need one.

Dated the same day, on a standard  computer printed, form and signed by the bank  branch supervisor there.

And yes, I  do know that is true country wide.


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On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 11:13 AM, IMA_FARANG said:

"update your bank passbook and get a dated bank letter any day in 15 minutes"

Things seems to be a little different with my bank. I had to go in a day in advance because the branch doesn't issue the letter, it comes from somewhere else (HO?)


Also, I cannot show that I updated my passbook on a particular day unless there was some kind of transaction on that day. The passbook will show only up to the last transaction. If there's been no transaction since the last time I updated, the machine will just spit the passbook out. If your funds are in a non-transactional type account (CD), you can't make a transaction that day.


On ‎2‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 11:13 AM, IMA_FARANG said:



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5 hours ago, 10years said:

Things seems to be a little different with my bank. I had to go in a day in advance because the branch doesn't issue the letter, it comes from somewhere else (HO?)


Also, I cannot show that I updated my passbook on a particular day unless there was some kind of transaction on that day. The passbook will show only up to the last transaction. If there's been no transaction since the last time I updated, the machine will just spit the passbook out. If your funds are in a non-transactional type account (CD), you can't make a transaction that day.



So deposit or withdraw 100 baht and create a transaction!

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9 hours ago, 10years said:

Things seems to be a little different with my bank. I had to go in a day in advance because the branch doesn't issue the letter, it comes from somewhere else (HO?)


Also, I cannot show that I updated my passbook on a particular day unless there was some kind of transaction on that day. The passbook will show only up to the last transaction. If there's been no transaction since the last time I updated, the machine will just spit the passbook out. If your funds are in a non-transactional type account (CD), you can't make a transaction that day.



In case it wasn't clear: any bank TD (you call it CD) can be added to at any time.

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