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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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On 2/26/2017 at 5:47 AM, canthai55 said:

I see the relevance today. And believe that what I posted was true. See post by Gecko123 - #211 - who expanded on my meaning quite well. This quote also relevant -


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.




Change the persons or groups in the quote above, and this is what is happening today.

Because you quoted something does not make it true today.

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On 2/27/2017 at 7:42 AM, Andaman Al said:

Things are heating up in the White House. Funny as hell!



A work place where the boss spies on you and everyone is in fear for their jobs. You'd have to be nutz to work in that environment. Kinda explains the chaos of the month .

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On 2/26/2017 at 8:09 PM, jcsmith said:

Trump is out of control. From banning press to briefings, to skipping the upcoming White House Press Dinner, to lying recently about saving $1BN off Air Force one cost. It's easy to get away with lies if you ban all the outlets who call you on it and your fan base is too loyal or dumb to question it.

The playbook is to put pressure on the company/news outlet in question so that they eventually fall in line. It only needs one 'domino' to fall and the rest topple over. At least that's the way it should go.

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1 hour ago, CableTV said:

Because you quoted something does not make it true today.

The sentiment expressed in that quote is just as true today as it was when it was originally written. To ignore it is to verify the adage, "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Just because you don't want it to be true today doesn't mean it isn't.

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9 hours ago, SheungWan said:

The playbook is to put pressure on the company/news outlet in question so that they eventually fall in line. It only needs one 'domino' to fall and the rest topple over. At least that's the way it should go.

More likely it's just going to motivate them to go at him more.

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10 hours ago, jcsmith said:

More likely it's just going to motivate them to go at him more.

What this has done for me is to watch more CNN.  I normally don't watch news broadcasts.  But since they are digging up dirt the administration doesn't want revealed, and have proven this is their aim, I'm paying more attention.  I don't think that's what they wanted! LOL

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He gains little and stands to lose a lot with his anti-press antics.   The press in a press conference have the opportunity to be the first to report and they have the opportunity to ask questions, but even the persons who get the opportunity to ask are based on how they present the administration.   


By leaving them out, they can quote those in the briefings and they can dig for the information they want without fear of retribution.   


It is a lot easier to be vocal on the outside than it is on the inside.   He has no control over the agenda by excluding them.   

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Barring Reporters From Briefings: Does It Cross a Legal Line?

Last Friday’s developments at the White House crossed that legal line, said Jameel Jaffer, the director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University...

 “If you exclude reporters from briefings that they otherwise have a right to attend because you don’t like their reporting, then you have engaged in viewpoint discrimination.” Viewpoint discrimination by the government in a public forum is almost always unconstitutional.


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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Barring Reporters From Briefings: Does It Cross a Legal Line?

Last Friday’s developments at the White House crossed that legal line, said Jameel Jaffer, the director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University...

 “If you exclude reporters from briefings that they otherwise have a right to attend because you don’t like their reporting, then you have engaged in viewpoint discrimination.” Viewpoint discrimination by the government in a public forum is almost always unconstitutional.


Where are the lawsuits?

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Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network.
What did CNN report about that? NOTHING!
CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years.

Shhh... but of course we will never hear about this in today's biased press...... 

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31 minutes ago, wisdomwizard said:

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network.
What did CNN report about that? NOTHING!
CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years.

Shhh... but of course we will never hear about this in today's biased press...... 


The problem with the Alt Right when they rant about the "Mainstream Media" is that their idiocy allows them no shame. So they are perfectly willing to lie and spread false information in pursuit of their goal. Since MSM is for the mainstream, that is to say, the majority, these fools, lunatics and charlatans find it difficult to defend the idiocy of the Alt Right media lunatics.


Wisdomwizard has lied. This poster has spread false and fake information. This poster is perpetuating the attack on objective truth. Such people should be banned from social media for life.


Fox New's Brett Baier tweeted about support from CNN and NYT when the Obama Administration attempted to block Fox. In the face of unified support for Fox from CNN and NYT, the Obama Administration backed down.


"Some at CNN & NYT stood w/FOX News when the Obama admin attacked us & tried 2 exclude us-a WH gaggle should be open to all credentialed orgs," Baier tweeted.



Wisdomwizard, you have knowingly lied to forum members. You stand condemned.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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8 hours ago, wisdomwizard said:

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network.
What did CNN report about that? NOTHING!
CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years.

Shhh... but of course we will never hear about this in today's biased press...... 

As was stated above, you are wrong.  Not sure where you get your news from, but you might want to consider alternative sources. This one was wrong.

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11 hours ago, wisdomwizard said:

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network.
What did CNN report about that? NOTHING!
CNN didn’t care one bit. The Obama administration was actually so horrible to the news organizations that he disagreed with, he even won The Jefferson Muzzle Award for restricting free press!!

According to the Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression, the Obama administration won the award for “the press office’s routine shunning of journalists from official functions”.

It looks like CNN is finally realizing what FOX news went through for the last 8 years.

Shhh... but of course we will never hear about this in today's biased press...... 


While it is obvious that Wisdomwizard has blatantly lied (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/tipping-point-white-house-press-pool-stands-up-for-fox-news/) in a rather pathetic attempt to spread actual "fake news", I find it difficult to have any sympathy for FOX in relation to the actions of the Obama White House. While the muzzling of the actual press is something to be vehemently condemned due to its posing a serious threat to the free press guarantee of the First Amendment, FOX, by their own admission, is not real news but entertainment, ergo they can not claim that protection (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/1/14/1620475/-Fox-News-Is-NOT-News-Network-s-Own-Ads-Label-Its-Programming-As-Entertainment). However, given that FOX still likes to assert that they are a news organization and is perceived by many (delusional) on the right to be such, I will agree that they should not be barred from White House press briefings any more than real news outlets.

Edited by Traveler19491
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11 hours ago, wisdomwizard said:

Reporters at CNN were outraged by the move, but remember when president Obama did even WORSE to FOX News?

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network.


Wow, is that really the 'two wrongs make it right' defense?



CNN didn’t care one bit.


That's false.  You'll never guess what happened next!  The Obama administration relented and let Fox News back in.  So that's not really what's happening here, is it?

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

As was stated above, you are wrong.  Not sure where you get your news from, but you might want to consider alternative sources. This one was wrong.

All of the corporate news outlets stood with Fox and the pressure worked but there is so much more to the story within a moral compass. CNN and the others backed up Fox because it was the ethical thing to do but that does not mean Fox is objectively indebted to those who helped. Any moral or ethical debt is solely in the mind of the entity so when the entity sees others in a similar situation they should be first to offer assistance without even considering it. In a situation the entity does not know other/s need assistance no fault with regard to care and consideration can be attributed but this was not and is not the case in this instance. Fox not doing anything speaks volumes as pertains to its character .

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