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Koh Tao murders: David Miller family confident Thai court "made correct decision" by upholding guilty verdict


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On 02/03/2017 at 5:14 AM, jspill said:

If you check Andrew MacGregor Marshall's Facebook he claims to have evidence that Miller's family were paid off, they accepted money to publicly say they support the guilty verdict. 



No parent in the world would stoop that low

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34 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


No, two phones were found at the crime scene, one an iphone 4s which was photographed as described at the police station. The phone found behind the Burmese lodgings was also an iphone 4s.


So what is that supposed to mean ??  What are you inferring exactly  ??  Somebody subsequently has said thats devastating for the prosecution ??   Why ??

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35 minutes ago, greenchair said:

Well according to Wei Phyo, it came to him in 2 different ways. 

First he found it in a bar. 

Then he found it on the beach near the murders. 

He pled guilty. They didn't even try to defend the origin of the phone. 

So we must believe wp and his team. 

Full dna 

Partial dna 

Near the scene 

At the time 

Possessions of the victim 

Lies by wp. 

Crap defense. 

What did you expect the appeal court to come up with. 

Give a thought to the victims. 

So he found the phone on the beach!

The only thing that this proves, is...that he found a phone on the beach!

How does that link him to the killings and the rape?


He was near the scene- since it is a popular party beach, I guess, so were approx. 300 other people!

At the time? That was never conclusively proven!


Lies by WP?

How about the "lie....excuse me...controversial information of the RTP - not alone, but also- on the phone?

Oh, I know: that doesn't count!

The $%#^& up investigation, the $%$#@% up crime scene, the tempering with the evidence, the DNA "evidence", that is only evidence in the mind of some delusional Thai- cops (and their defenders)...and...and...and...


No...it is a phone, someone found on a beach, that gets him hanged!

Logic is not your strong side, isn't it?!

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24 minutes ago, Chivas said:



No parent in the world would stoop that low

That is such crap. 

The family were paid a small amount of money from victims support, which is a standard payment that the Thai government gives to all victims. 

The family asked. .why are millions of baht being donated  to a fund for the suspects defence? But nobody has offered a penny to them,when they had to pay thousands of pounds to come here to collect their minced up daughter.

That's why some funding was given to them.  

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The Miller family have been absolutely incredible throughout, they lost their lovely son who was just starting out as an engineer. 

They remained impartial throughout until the evidence got so overwhelming they could no longer deny those 2 were the culprits. 

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52 minutes ago, Chivas said:


So what is that supposed to mean ??  What are you inferring exactly  ??  Somebody subsequently has said thats devastating for the prosecution ??   Why ??


It means that an iphone 4s was found at the crime scene, attributed to David by the police, then forgotten about by them.

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21 minutes ago, greenchair said:

The Miller family have been absolutely incredible throughout, they lost their lovely son who was just starting out as an engineer. 

They remained impartial throughout until the evidence got so overwhelming they could no longer deny those 2 were the culprits. 


The Miller family have been grossly misled by the corrupt Thai police, whom they wrongly assume operate under similar standards to UK police.

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The Miller family have been absolutely incredible throughout, they lost their lovely son who was just starting out as an engineer. 
They remained impartial throughout until the evidence got so overwhelming they could no longer deny those 2 were the culprits. 

So why weren't Hannah's family convinced by the courts ruling ?......If I remember righty her sister believed the 2 men were innocent and stated so on her Facebook page and made the news in the UK?
So are you calling them fools for not believing the prosecutors charade?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect
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6 minutes ago, 007cableguy said:


So why weren't Hannah's family convinced by the courts ruling ?......If I remember righty her sister believed the 2 men were innocent and stated so on her Facebook page and made the news in the UK?
So are you calling them fools for not believing the prosecutors charade?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


I guess, it is now called "alternative facts"...

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3 hours ago, Khun Han said:


They found a phone behind the Burmese lodgings. They also found an iphone 4s at the crime scene, which was photographed at the police station on top of a document with a photo of David on it. This phone has since gone missing. David's phone was an iphone 4s. The police first claimed that the phone they found behind the Burmese lodgings was Hannah's, until a video surfaced of Hannah's phone being handed in to police by her friends. So the police changed it to David's phone being found.

Yes, the business with the phone is a complete shambles and botch-up and pack of distortions, as with everything in this case. Even if one of the Burmese lads stole the phone - which I doubt - that does NOT prove murder or rape. Totally separate issues. There is not one shred of hard evidence of murder and rape attaching to the Burmese lads - not one.


Sentencing them to death without one iota of hard, reliable, relevant evidence is a scandal beyond all imagining.

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3 hours ago, 007cableguy said:


So why weren't Hannah's family convinced by the courts ruling ?......If I remember righty her sister believed the 2 men were innocent and stated so on her Facebook page and made the news in the UK?
So are you calling them fools for not believing the prosecutors charade?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


We have all been through this before. 

She commented that Koh Tao was a dangerous place and that many foreigner had died there. 

She linked to another website that raved on about some mafia and talked about those murders. 

The great twisters of facts translated that to mean she believed the 2 innocent. 

She nor her family have ever said the 2 were innocent. 

In they said the evidence against them is absolutely overwhelming. 

The father attended the coroners report and he said it matched exactly the way the Thai police said. 

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1 hour ago, greenchair said:

We have all been through this before. 

She commented that Koh Tao was a dangerous place and that many foreigner had died there. 

She linked to another website that raved on about some mafia and talked about those murders. 

The great twisters of facts translated that to mean she believed the 2 innocent. 

She nor her family have ever said the 2 were innocent. 

In they said the evidence against them is absolutely overwhelming. 

The father attended the coroners report and he said it matched exactly the way the Thai police said. 


The only twisting and translating has been by the Koh Tao mafia apologists, who also disrespected Hannah's sister by saying that she was being manipulated by supporters of the scapegoats.


I know you've deliberately mis-phrased your fourth paragraph so you can deny what you wrote, but I don't recall Hannah's family saying that the evidence was 'absolutely overwhelming'. In fact, I seem to recall that they said they were reserving judgment on the verdict.

Edited by Khun Han
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Anyway, this what Laura Witheridge wrote:


"So, as some of you may have already seen- there has been another death of yet another British National on koh tao. I wasn’t going to post anything, not until I logged on here this morning to see that a friend had shared the link warning people not to go there… it wasn’t the sharing of the link or the warning that triggered this lengthy status, as I hope people do share these things and try and warn people not to go… it was the ignorant comment someone had made about how Thailand is ‘the most beautiful place in the world’ that frustrated me this morning. Aesthetically, on a postcard or photograph, maybe… However, literally… I have to disagree. Lots of things ‘look’ beautiful. You only have to consider a lion, or tiger… beautiful to look at, yes… but get too close and they will tear you apart and feed you to their young. My point being that aesthetic beauty can lure you into a very dangerous trap.

Since Hannah was taken from us, I am continually asked whether I will warn the World about the dangers of Thailand… I am asked if I will warn people because I might just ‘save someone’s life’. This person’s comment serves as a perfect example of why I would be wasting my time. People can be ignorant and many, probably the majority, have very short memories. Countless times, I have logged in to facebook and seen statuses made by people who know both Hannah and I, who have gone out there anyway. They think it wont happen to them… Well, guess what? Neither did we. No one is immune. Many thai’s hate westeners and they have little to no regard for human life. I don’t say this lightly, or without reason.

Let me share a few facts with you about this ‘beautiful’ place you speak of…

Would it surprise you if I told you that the thai’s view drug possession as a more serious offence than rape or murder? Or that the vast majority of the thai police force are corrupt?

What if I told you that when we went to Thailand to bring Hannah home, we were offered the opportunity to go to the Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update’… but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces…

The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update… after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was merely an opportunity for the press to take photographs of our family. This link serves as evidence of this:

What if I told you that since we lost Hannah there have been many more suspicious deaths on koh tao. You probably haven’t heard of them all, as not all were British Nationals. The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents. This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing. I highly suspect that with this latest tragedy, the thai’s will say that it was an accidental death caused by drugs. Hiding the truth and offering a story that suits, is something that they do often… My thoughts are with Luke Miller's family and friends.

What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister? That they defaced photographs of me saying that the killers had only done ‘half the job’… what if I told you that people commented on these photographs saying things like ‘there is still time’, and ‘tick tock tick tock’. What if I told you that I have been sent crime scene photographs? What if I told you that I have been chased in my car? What if I told you that the thais offered us ‘compensation’? Obviously we were absolutely appalled and declined.

What if I told you that I am now frightened of my own shadow? That I am constantly looking over my shoulder? That I am exhausted, but frightened to sleep because of the nightmares? I miss my sister desperately. My heart is heavy and my mind is tired.

Still think Thailand is beautiful? If your answer is still ‘yes’ then I would suggest you watch the following:




What honest, sane person can deduce from the above that Laura Witheridge was happy with the Thai police investigation, and that she believes anything other than that there are serial killers still on the loose on Koh Tao?

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7 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

the phone troubles me

can some kind soul remind me of the facts about where the police found it?

and how it got there?

David Miller's Phone was discovered missing early on in the investigation to these murders. The police decided to keep this a secret from the press in hopes of catching the murderer with this phone so nothing was said at first. There was some early mix up in reporting this as the news quoting by a high ranking police officer reported it was Hannah's phone missing. But he made a mistake, or it was reported wrongly, and it was actually David's Phone. Which to keep that secret they could say nothing to correct that.  


When the 2 Accused were finally arrested and held in custody, they were asked about this phone. One of the Accused admitted to having the phone who he gave to a friend. This friend was soon questioned and he admitted that he was given this phone. But he said it didn't work so he smashed it up with a hammer in a plastic bag and threw it into the jungle behind his living quarters. After a search of the area by police, this cell phone was located and recovered.


The Thai Police tried to piece this broken cell phone together and find the identity of this cell phone owner. Since this cell phone was purchased in the UK they asked the UK Police for assistance. But under UK Law Police are not allowed to assist in a Capital Punishment Cases, so there assistance was refused.


Somewhere along the line David Miller's Family catch wind of this. They were able to track David's Bill of sale and from that get the ID # of the cell phone. Which seemed to match what the Thai Police had in there possession. This missing cell phone was brought up at the trial, but whether the Prosecution brought up the matching numbers done by the Miller Family is unclear.  


As to the 2 Accused, once they recanted their Guilty Plea, they provided additional information about this missing cell phone. On the night of these murders and rape, they claim they were too drunk to remember the exact time they got home except it was quite late. That is after finding some of there clothes missing after going for a swim in the sea near the murder scene. But repeatedly kept saying they never saw either David or Hannah at all that night. So they now claimed they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on a dark night on the Beach. The explanation they gave for giving this expensive cell phone away to their friend is that he in the past helped them out a lot. No explanation was given as the why this friend beat the tar out of this expensive cell phone, other that it did work when he first tried it.


Does any of there changed statement make sense to you? Well this is up-to-you to decide. But obviously the court didn't buy it, or the Appeal Court either. All that is left now is the Supreme Court, and even if they will hear this case. But their guilt or innocents doesn't rest on my responsibility or what I think. Or Yours.        .   

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9 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

David Miller's Phone was discovered missing early on in the investigation to these murders. The police decided to keep this a secret from the press in hopes of catching the murderer with this phone so nothing was said at first. There was some early mix up in reporting this as the news quoting by a high ranking police officer reported it was Hannah's phone missing. But he made a mistake, or it was reported wrongly, and it was actually David's Phone. Which to keep that secret they could say nothing to correct that.  


When the 2 Accused were finally arrested and held in custody, they were asked about this phone. One of the Accused admitted to having the phone who he gave to a friend. This friend was soon questioned and he admitted that he was given this phone. But he said it didn't work so he smashed it up with a hammer in a plastic bag and threw it into the jungle behind his living quarters. After a search of the area by police, this cell phone was located and recovered.


The Thai Police tried to piece this broken cell phone together and find the identity of this cell phone owner. Since this cell phone was purchased in the UK they asked the UK Police for assistance. But under UK Law Police are not allowed to assist in a Capital Punishment Cases, so there assistance was refused.


Somewhere along the line David Miller's Family catch wind of this. They were able to track David's Bill of sale and from that get the ID # of the cell phone. Which seemed to match what the Thai Police had in there possession. This missing cell phone was brought up at the trial, but whether the Prosecution brought up the matching numbers done by the Miller Family is unclear.  


As to the 2 Accused, once they recanted their Guilty Plea, they provided additional information about this missing cell phone. On the night of these murders and rape, they claim they were too drunk to remember the exact time they got home except it was quite late. That is after finding some of there clothes missing after going for a swim in the sea near the murder scene. But repeatedly kept saying they never saw either David or Hannah at all that night. So they now claimed they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on a dark night on the Beach. The explanation they gave for giving this expensive cell phone away to their friend is that he in the past helped them out a lot. No explanation was given as the why this friend beat the tar out of this expensive cell phone, other that it did work when he first tried it.


Does any of there changed statement make sense to you? Well this is up-to-you to decide. But obviously the court didn't buy it, or the Appeal Court either. All that is left now is the Supreme Court, and even if they will hear this case. But their guilt or innocents doesn't rest on my responsibility or what I think. Or Yours.        .   


David Miller's Phone was discovered missing early on in the investigation to these murders. The police decided to keep this a secret from the press in hopes of catching the murderer with this phone so nothing was said at first. There was some early mix up in reporting this as the news quoting by a high ranking police officer reported it was Hannah's phone missing. But he made a mistake, or it was reported wrongly, and it was actually David's Phone. Which to keep that secret they could say nothing to correct that.


Alternatively, the police already had David's phone, which they found at the crime scene and photographed at the police station. They also had Hannah's phone, but hadn't released any photos of it. So they decided to claim that they'd found Hannah's phone near the Burmese lodgings, and this charade lasted about a week, until somebody found a video of Hannah's friends handing her phone in to the police. So they changed their charade to it being David's phone. Unfortunately for them, a photo of it intact, and in police possession existed. But they just ignored that.


When the 2 Accused were finally arrested and held in custody, they were asked about this phone. One of the Accused admitted to having the phone who he gave to a friend. This friend was soon questioned and he admitted that he was given this phone. But he said it didn't work so he smashed it up with a hammer in a plastic bag and threw it into the jungle behind his living quarters. After a search of the area by police, this cell phone was located and recovered.


He admitted to finding a phone.


Somewhere along the line David Miller's Family catch wind of this. They were able to track David's Bill of sale and from that get the ID # of the cell phone. Which seemed to match what the Thai Police had in there possession. This missing cell phone was brought up at the trial, but whether the Prosecution brought up the matching numbers done by the Miller Family is unclear.  


David's family provided the phone's imei, which the police had from the start of the investigation, because they had his phone from the start of the investigation. All the police had to do was lie that it was the imei that was in the broken phone that they found.


As to the 2 Accused, once they recanted their Guilty Plea, they provided additional information about this missing cell phone. On the night of these murders and rape, they claim they were too drunk to remember the exact time they got home except it was quite late. That is after finding some of there clothes missing after going for a swim in the sea near the murder scene. But repeatedly kept saying they never saw either David or Hannah at all that night. So they now claimed they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on a dark night on the Beach. The explanation they gave for giving this expensive cell phone away to their friend is that he in the past helped them out a lot. No explanation was given as the why this friend beat the tar out of this expensive cell phone, other that it did work when he first tried it.


Again, they didn't claim that they'd found David's phone, the claimed that they'd found a phone.

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26 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Anyway, this what Laura Witheridge wrote:


"So, as some of you may have already seen- there has been another death of yet another British National on koh tao. I wasn’t going to post anything, not until I logged on here this morning to see that a friend had shared the link warning people not to go there… it wasn’t the sharing of the link or the warning that triggered this lengthy status, as I hope people do share these things and try and warn people not to go… it was the ignorant comment someone had made about how Thailand is ‘the most beautiful place in the world’ that frustrated me this morning. Aesthetically, on a postcard or photograph, maybe… However, literally… I have to disagree. Lots of things ‘look’ beautiful. You only have to consider a lion, or tiger… beautiful to look at, yes… but get too close and they will tear you apart and feed you to their young. My point being that aesthetic beauty can lure you into a very dangerous trap.

Since Hannah was taken from us, I am continually asked whether I will warn the World about the dangers of Thailand… I am asked if I will warn people because I might just ‘save someone’s life’. This person’s comment serves as a perfect example of why I would be wasting my time. People can be ignorant and many, probably the majority, have very short memories. Countless times, I have logged in to facebook and seen statuses made by people who know both Hannah and I, who have gone out there anyway. They think it wont happen to them… Well, guess what? Neither did we. No one is immune. Many thai’s hate westeners and they have little to no regard for human life. I don’t say this lightly, or without reason.

Let me share a few facts with you about this ‘beautiful’ place you speak of…

Would it surprise you if I told you that the thai’s view drug possession as a more serious offence than rape or murder? Or that the vast majority of the thai police force are corrupt?

What if I told you that when we went to Thailand to bring Hannah home, we were offered the opportunity to go to the Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update’… but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces…

The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update… after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was merely an opportunity for the press to take photographs of our family. This link serves as evidence of this:

What if I told you that since we lost Hannah there have been many more suspicious deaths on koh tao. You probably haven’t heard of them all, as not all were British Nationals. The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents. This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing. I highly suspect that with this latest tragedy, the thai’s will say that it was an accidental death caused by drugs. Hiding the truth and offering a story that suits, is something that they do often… My thoughts are with Luke Miller's family and friends.

What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister? That they defaced photographs of me saying that the killers had only done ‘half the job’… what if I told you that people commented on these photographs saying things like ‘there is still time’, and ‘tick tock tick tock’. What if I told you that I have been sent crime scene photographs? What if I told you that I have been chased in my car? What if I told you that the thais offered us ‘compensation’? Obviously we were absolutely appalled and declined.

What if I told you that I am now frightened of my own shadow? That I am constantly looking over my shoulder? That I am exhausted, but frightened to sleep because of the nightmares? I miss my sister desperately. My heart is heavy and my mind is tired.

Still think Thailand is beautiful? If your answer is still ‘yes’ then I would suggest you watch the following:




What honest, sane person can deduce from the above that Laura Witheridge was happy with the Thai police investigation, and that she believes anything other than that there are serial killers still on the loose on Koh Tao?

I don't think anyone was over joyed with this Police handling of this case or the Press Releases on this case. Her Loving Sister, and against her mother's wishes, came to Thailand and was brutally raped and murdered. What is so wonderful about this place she should like Thailand now for?


Then expecting news on this case her and her family find themselves in a press conference, which they were trying with all their might to avoid. Have crime photos of her naked sister, and the brutality of this crime, sent to her, which in no way should ever have gotten out and to the media.


So sure she is disillusioned and disheartened about Thailand and how this case was handle. Who wouldn't be? She feels that Thailand is not safe. She probably hates all of Thailand now.  


But nowhere in her long statement did I see her say she thought the 2 Accused are innocent. More murders or mystery deaths, even on the same island, does not mean the killers is still on the lose. It means it is not safe to come here, and what she was trying to say.


She has not lived in Thailand or even been here on a vacation before this time to be able to make judgment on all of the Thai People or country.

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2 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:
48 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

Anyway, this what Laura Witheridge wrote:


"So, as some of you may have already seen- there has been another death of yet another British National on koh tao. I wasn’t going to post anything, not until I logged on here this morning to see that a friend had shared the link warning people not to go there… it wasn’t the sharing of the link or the warning that triggered this lengthy status, as I hope people do share these things and try and warn people not to go… it was the ignorant comment someone had made about how Thailand is ‘the most beautiful place in the world’ that frustrated me this morning. Aesthetically, on a postcard or photograph, maybe… However, literally… I have to disagree. Lots of things ‘look’ beautiful. You only have to consider a lion, or tiger… beautiful to look at, yes… but get too close and they will tear you apart and feed you to their young. My point being that aesthetic beauty can lure you into a very dangerous trap.

Since Hannah was taken from us, I am continually asked whether I will warn the World about the dangers of Thailand… I am asked if I will warn people because I might just ‘save someone’s life’. This person’s comment serves as a perfect example of why I would be wasting my time. People can be ignorant and many, probably the majority, have very short memories. Countless times, I have logged in to facebook and seen statuses made by people who know both Hannah and I, who have gone out there anyway. They think it wont happen to them… Well, guess what? Neither did we. No one is immune. Many thai’s hate westeners and they have little to no regard for human life. I don’t say this lightly, or without reason.

Let me share a few facts with you about this ‘beautiful’ place you speak of…

Would it surprise you if I told you that the thai’s view drug possession as a more serious offence than rape or murder? Or that the vast majority of the thai police force are corrupt?

What if I told you that when we went to Thailand to bring Hannah home, we were offered the opportunity to go to the Royal Thai police headquarters for an ‘official update’… but that, on arrival, we were taken into a large room, left for 5 minutes before the door opened and around 200 journalists were allowed into the room and we were ambushed by this mob of hungry journalists shoving cameras in our faces…

The thai police chief had no intentions of giving us an update… after all, the bungled investigation meant he had nothing to tell us. The invitation was merely an opportunity for the press to take photographs of our family. This link serves as evidence of this:

What if I told you that since we lost Hannah there have been many more suspicious deaths on koh tao. You probably haven’t heard of them all, as not all were British Nationals. The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents. This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing. I highly suspect that with this latest tragedy, the thai’s will say that it was an accidental death caused by drugs. Hiding the truth and offering a story that suits, is something that they do often… My thoughts are with Luke Miller's family and friends.

What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister? That they defaced photographs of me saying that the killers had only done ‘half the job’… what if I told you that people commented on these photographs saying things like ‘there is still time’, and ‘tick tock tick tock’. What if I told you that I have been sent crime scene photographs? What if I told you that I have been chased in my car? What if I told you that the thais offered us ‘compensation’? Obviously we were absolutely appalled and declined.

What if I told you that I am now frightened of my own shadow? That I am constantly looking over my shoulder? That I am exhausted, but frightened to sleep because of the nightmares? I miss my sister desperately. My heart is heavy and my mind is tired.

Still think Thailand is beautiful? If your answer is still ‘yes’ then I would suggest you watch the following:




What honest, sane person can deduce from the above that Laura Witheridge was happy with the Thai police investigation, and that she believes anything other than that there are serial killers still on the loose on Koh Tao?

I don't think anyone was over joyed with this Police handling of this case or the Press Releases on this case. Her Loving Sister, and against her mother's wishes, came to Thailand and was brutally raped and murdered. What is so wonderful about this place she should like Thailand now for?


Then expecting news on this case her and her family find themselves in a press conference, which they were trying with all their might to avoid. Have crime photos of her naked sister, and the brutality of this crime, sent to her, which in no way should ever have gotten out and to the media.


So sure she is disillusioned and disheartened about Thailand and how this case was handle. Who wouldn't be? She feels that Thailand is not safe. She probably hates all of Thailand now.  


But nowhere in her long statement did I see her say she thought the 2 Accused are innocent. More murders or mystery deaths, even on the same island, does not mean the killers is still on the lose. It means it is not safe to come here, and what she was trying to say.


She has not lived in Thailand or even been here on a vacation before this time to be able to make judgment on all of the Thai People or country.


"What if I told you that since we lost Hannah there have been many more suspicious deaths on koh tao. You probably haven’t heard of them all, as not all were British Nationals. The deaths, where possible, are covered up as suicides and accidents. This would have happened with Hannah, if it had not been for the hideous brutality of her passing. I highly suspect that with this latest tragedy, the thai’s will say that it was an accidental death caused by drugs. Hiding the truth and offering a story that suits, is something that they do often'


"What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister? "



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12 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


David Miller's Phone was discovered missing early on in the investigation to these murders. The police decided to keep this a secret from the press in hopes of catching the murderer with this phone so nothing was said at first. There was some early mix up in reporting this as the news quoting by a high ranking police officer reported it was Hannah's phone missing. But he made a mistake, or it was reported wrongly, and it was actually David's Phone. Which to keep that secret they could say nothing to correct that.


Alternatively, the police already had David's phone, which they found at the crime scene and photographed at the police station. They also had Hannah's phone, but hadn't released any photos of it. So they decided to claim that they'd found Hannah's phone near the Burmese lodgings, and this charade lasted about a week, until somebody found a video of Hannah's friends handing her phone in to the police. So they changed their charade to it being David's phone. Unfortunately for them, a photo of it intact, and in police possession existed. But they just ignored that.


When the 2 Accused were finally arrested and held in custody, they were asked about this phone. One of the Accused admitted to having the phone who he gave to a friend. This friend was soon questioned and he admitted that he was given this phone. But he said it didn't work so he smashed it up with a hammer in a plastic bag and threw it into the jungle behind his living quarters. After a search of the area by police, this cell phone was located and recovered.


He admitted to finding a phone.


Somewhere along the line David Miller's Family catch wind of this. They were able to track David's Bill of sale and from that get the ID # of the cell phone. Which seemed to match what the Thai Police had in there possession. This missing cell phone was brought up at the trial, but whether the Prosecution brought up the matching numbers done by the Miller Family is unclear.  


David's family provided the phone's imei, which the police had from the start of the investigation, because they had his phone from the start of the investigation. All the police had to do was lie that it was the imei that was in the broken phone that they found.


As to the 2 Accused, once they recanted their Guilty Plea, they provided additional information about this missing cell phone. On the night of these murders and rape, they claim they were too drunk to remember the exact time they got home except it was quite late. That is after finding some of there clothes missing after going for a swim in the sea near the murder scene. But repeatedly kept saying they never saw either David or Hannah at all that night. So they now claimed they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on a dark night on the Beach. The explanation they gave for giving this expensive cell phone away to their friend is that he in the past helped them out a lot. No explanation was given as the why this friend beat the tar out of this expensive cell phone, other that it did work when he first tried it.


Again, they didn't claim that they'd found David's phone, the claimed that they'd found a phone.

Well actually.. No!


For one thing they never found David Millers Cell Phone at the Crime Scene. That was fed to the Media. Hannah's Friend also wasn't handing her cell phone over to the Police either. She was getting it back from the police to take home. So it seems to me the Police knew who cell phone they had, even if the media didn't.


The Accused never said they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on the Beach that Dark Night. Had they said that then the next logical question from the Police would be; "How did you know it was David Millers Cell Phone if you never saw him that night?" So agreed that they only said later they found a cell phone.


But then how did the Police even know they had a cell phone that didn't belong to them, and had one in their possession, when they weren't caught with that on them? How did they even know where to look in the first place? That place is loaded with jungle all around and you would need the whole army of Thailand to track down every bush.


So yes they said they found this phone on the beach later, but that is not what they said when first asked and when they confessed.


When asked what they did with David Millers Cell Phone they told the police they gave it to a friend. Who later he told the police what he did with it and where it was and this is how they found it in the first place.    

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25 minutes ago, berybert said:

From Hannah's sisters statement.

'What if I told you that I have had many death threats from thai people since they murdered my sister?'

So I think that one lines means she thinks the accused are innocent.

What if I told you that her statements are damaging to many people in Thailand, and especially on that Island, who make there living through tourism? That her words are liable to make some people very angry. To perhaps to the point of a death threat.


I think that if she thinks the Accuses are innocent, she would have said so. She does not strike me as a person who would hold back words when she has something to say.  

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5 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Well actually.. No!


For one thing they never found David Millers Cell Phone at the Crime Scene. That was fed to the Media. Hannah's Friend also wasn't handing her cell phone over to the Police either. She was getting it back from the police to take home. So it seems to me the Police knew who cell phone they had, even if the media didn't.


The Accused never said they found David Millers Black Cell Phone on the Beach that Dark Night. Had they said that then the next logical question from the Police would be; "How did you know it was David Millers Cell Phone if you never saw him that night?" So agreed that they only said later they found a cell phone.


But then how did the Police even know they had a cell phone that didn't belong to them, and had one in their possession, when they weren't caught with that on them? How did they even know where to look in the first place? That place is loaded with jungle all around and you would need the whole army of Thailand to track down every bush.


So yes they said they found this phone on the beach later, but that is not what they said when first asked and when they confessed.


When asked what they did with David Millers Cell Phone they told the police they gave it to a friend. Who later he told the police what he did with it and where it was and this is how they found it in the first place.    


The police found David's phone at the crime scene. They even took a photo of it, sat on top of a file with David's photo on the file.


Again, one of the scapegoats said he found a phone, and told the police what he did with it.

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22 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

What if I told you that her statements are damaging to many people in Thailand, and especially on that Island, who make there living through tourism? That her words are liable to make some people very angry. To perhaps to the point of a death threat.


I think that if she thinks the Accuses are innocent, she would have said so. She does not strike me as a person who would hold back words when she has something to say.  

She doesn't strike me as any sort of person as I have never meet her and her statement is the only thing I have ever seen or read from her.

I can not form a judgement on a person based on a couple of hundred words.

If the people on the island are happy to sit back and allow killers to roam amongst them, then I have no sympathy for them what-so-ever.




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I think its very hard for anyone here who one is not fluent in Thai and secondly didnt spend every single minute of the trial in court itself to speculate if these two lads were guilty or not.

Many suggest the so called "Thai Mafia" (whoever they are) on the island to be guilty. Its all heresay at the end of the day. None of us truly know for sure

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36 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Another troll identified.

A Troll isn't someone who just doesn't agree with you. 


If person who doesn't agree with you is because he thinks you have all your facts wrong. But still manages to be civil and not to call you a Name.

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16 minutes ago, berybert said:

She doesn't strike me as any sort of person as I have never meet her and her statement is the only thing I have ever seen or read from her.

I can not form a judgement on a person based on a couple of hundred words.

If the people on the island are happy to sit back and allow killers to roam amongst them, then I have no sympathy for them what-so-ever.




I never heard of a Mass Exodus from the Island, so I guess they are happy their.


Tourist seem to be keep coming their still to.


Go Figure?

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6 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

A Troll isn't someone who just doesn't agree with you. 


If person who doesn't agree with you is because he thinks you have all your facts wrong. But still manages to be civil and not to call you a Name.


It is plainly obvious to any honest, unbiased person what points Laura Witheridge was getting across. You try to put wild and quite deliberate  misinterpretations on what she wrote. That's trolling.

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46 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


The police found David's phone at the crime scene. They even took a photo of it, sat on top of a file with David's photo on the file.


Again, one of the scapegoats said he found a phone, and told the police what he did with it.

If the Police already had David Millers Cell Phone, as you said, and also Hannah's, why would the question of any cell phone be brought up by the Police in the first place? Or in the Court Room? Do you think they looked in the jungle for a smashed up cell phone, just to return it to the owner? Only because they heard thee 2 guys found one?


Really! Make any picture you want and put a face on it, and the whole world will believe it is true.


Go Figure?

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