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Pence used private email while Indiana governor


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5 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Got no problem with issue, let's see how it pans out but, from a political mud slinging context, my guess is it'll die an appropriately quick death in the news cycle because there's not enough meat on the bone.   



I think to be honest many stories that deserve a full follow up are dying a death quickly at the moment because there is a constant flow of new breaking stories. Journalists right now are a little bit like kids in their favourite candy store full of their favourite sweets. They just don't know which way to turn or where to focus. There is simply too much dirt out there right now.

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

         Are you saying the American people shouldn't be bothered to be informed about such things?  I don't know about you, but I want to know which taxpayer-paid government people are corrupt, and to what degree.  I also want to know who's breaking laws, and to what degree.  Maybe Trump's presidency will die 'a death of a thousand little cuts' ......but however him and his brigands are booted out of office, it's worth the efforts. 


           BTW, Pence did lie about it.   Not only that, he was railing against HRC for months last year, while all the while knowing he was guilty of the same, or possibly worse (because his hacked account purportedly contained sensitive info about terrorist activity).   You'll note:  EVERY, I repeat EVERY bit of dirt coming forth about Trump and his people is stuff that the press corps or others dig up.  NOTHING is volunteered from within.   Also:  EVERY BIT OF DIRT is at first denied. If that doesn't work, then it's claimed it was forgotten about.   It's only later, when it can no longer be denied or forgotten, that there are sometimes reluctant admissions of guilt.  

Er, no, Boomer, I didn't say that.  Didn't even infer it, you crafted that turd all on your own then ran with it thinking you had a "gotcha" moment.  :laugh:  LOL.


Throwing lawn darts while blind folded.  That's what Indiana Star was doing as they scrolled through Gigs of public data and "discovered" this LAST JUNE!  Wonder why it's being punted out there again?  I'll give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count. 


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47 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I think to be honest many stories that deserve a full follow up are dying a death quickly at the moment because there is a constant flow of new breaking stories. Journalists right now are a little bit like kids in their favourite candy store full of their favourite sweets. They just don't know which way to turn or where to focus. There is simply too much dirt out there right now.

Fair assessment.  Trump and his group are a target rich environment.  This was a non-story 9 months ago, still is IMO, but they'll pile on anything they can find.

Edited by 55Jay
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21 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You reap what you sow. Trump and Pence have so alienated the media that every possible resource will be put into finding out information that will bring this entire administration tumbling down. Popcorn!

who gives a toss? Its not like Pence was emailing classified stuff on national security matters.


the media can twist and turn all it wants….that's how they stay alive. Their biggest challenge is whether or not they stay relevant. And right now, they aren't. Everyone knows they have a vendetta against trump because their own far more crooked (but relatively more subtle) candidate lost. People use that filter for every piece of news on Mr Trump.

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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

who gives a toss? Its not like Pence was emailing classified stuff on national security matters.


the media can twist and turn all it wants….that's how they stay alive. Their biggest challenge is whether or not they stay relevant. And right now, they aren't. Everyone knows they have a vendetta against trump because their own far more crooked (but relatively more subtle) candidate lost. People use that filter for every piece of news on Mr Trump.

About 56% of people in the USA give a toss.  How do you know Pence was not emailing anything classified? It has already been shown he was emailing very sensitive information. People keep saying "well he didn't have a personal server", Frankly doing Government business on an open AOL account is 100 times worse. The only way to know if Pence actually deleted anything is to go into AOL archives and to trawl his hard drives. The media is not twisting and turning anything. It is presenting the information, clearly some people see the hypocrisy from Pence and others are blinded by Trump love. Lets see!

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32 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

About 56% of people in the USA give a toss.  How do you know Pence was not emailing anything classified? It has already been shown he was emailing very sensitive information. People keep saying "well he didn't have a personal server", Frankly doing Government business on an open AOL account is 100 times worse. The only way to know if Pence actually deleted anything is to go into AOL archives and to trawl his hard drives. The media is not twisting and turning anything. It is presenting the information, clearly some people see the hypocrisy from Pence and others are blinded by Trump love. Lets see!

no conclusive impartial evidence on anything…just hanging on a thin sliver of hope. If anyone had to lean on any of your beliefs, they'd fall down.

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Let's see, they don't have the e-mails, the e-mail contacts list was hacked by an unknown scammer asking for money without any way to receive it or would have been arrested (NOT) and the great state of Indiana has become the new temporary home of classified Homeland Security Issues.


Nope. No fake news here. :whistling:


You guys really should find something else to occupy your time OUT OF POWER for the next 8 years. We have enough conspiracy theories at the moment.

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