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and she is very good at driving on pavements 

Is this part of the Thai governments campaign to keep death off the roads?

Drive on the pavement.

Ah so *that's* why there are so many motorcycles going down the sidewalks on Sukhumvit! :o

Travelers like these have been going to India and Afganistan since the early sixties. They're not a big deal.

True but I bet there are not too many tourist visas being given out now for the delights of Afganistan.

Believe it or not Afganistan used to be a thriving tourist and trade paradise before the Russians screwed things up.

So was Beruit before the Syrians messed it up as well but to keep this on a Thailand-related theme...there are a lot of Thais traveling to Brazil these days. Encountered quite a few at the border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Foz Iguacu. Thais overseas are a lot claner and more polite than farang! :o


Swarthy featured with a six o'clock shadow and dreads half way down his back. Looked like he was on another planet, and I swear that I saw something moving in those dreads! :o

My friend that just left a few days ago was your perfect example of the khao san grungy touristy backpacker etc... guy, but he's actually a very nice and sweet guy whose studying to be a doctor.

I did not know the old trick of saying you are studying to be a doctor was still working with girls.

Oh well, things never really change,... :o

So was Beruit before the Syrians messed it up as well but to keep this on a Thailand-related theme...there are a lot of Thais traveling to Brazil these days. Encountered quite a few at the border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Foz Iguacu. Thais overseas are a lot claner and more polite than farang! 

i cannot let this bit of outrageous travelling name dropping go by without joining in.. I shall be a travel snob and tell you that border crossing is nothing like the trip from uyuni to san pedro de atacama ( spelling may be awry) where you cross the bolivian-chillean border at about 4,000m after crossing the salar de uyuni. Without question the most amazing place i have ever been.


Dont know how many will have seen this before, but I was walking accross that walkway on petchburi outside pan tit plaza thisaft.. Some fat farang girl was sat there busking :o she was trying to blow into this tiny little recorder but nothing was coming out.. She had a total of NOTHING in her hat :D

she was trying to blow into this tiny little recorder but nothing was coming out

Well we should be thankfull for small mercies,she might have started morris dancing.

Travelers like these have been going to India and Afganistan since the early sixties. They're not a big deal.

True but I bet there are not too many tourist visas being given out now for the delights of Afganistan.

Believe it or not Afganistan used to be a thriving tourist and trade paradise before the Russians screwed things up.

So was Beruit before the Syrians messed it up as well but to keep this on a Thailand-related theme...there are a lot of Thais traveling to Brazil these days. Encountered quite a few at the border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Foz Iguacu. Thais overseas are a lot claner and more polite than farang! :o

At the the railray border post at Padang Basar there is a large sign inside with a list of all the dos and don'ts for Thailand, currency limits, no drugs, ect, ect.

At the bottom it says: "Long hair or dirty tourist not allow." Of course it was not enforced, there were a few hippy backpackers in there going through. It was just interesting to see something that was a throwback probably to the early sixties, maybe fifties, that they haven't bothered to remove. How times have changed.


I would suggest that the dreads and the other gear may be a way for backpackers to identify each other...later in a backpacker guest house confabulation in Timbuktu to regale and 'one-up' each other with the usual hair raising stories...(' an' there were crazy white guys on a website in Thailand that were gonna come after us in a posse and cut our hair...')

I also would suggest that they would be subject to more ridicule back home in the midlands of the UK or in Nebraska than they would find in Thailand...'what side d'you support mate?'...'hey dude, where's your ride?'...

spare a thought for backpacker persecution....

I also would suggest that they would be subject to more ridicule back home in the midlands of the UK or in Nebraska than they would find in Thailand...'what side d'you support mate?'...'hey dude, where's your ride?'...

Agree, Tutsi.

The locals are less vocal.

Do they think differently, I'm afraid not.

Probably far far "worse" without saying,...

If you want to go local, think like the locals,... :o

spare a thought for backpacker persecution....

Perhaps you could also spare a thought also for my missus who has to put up with these "explorers" in her shop on their way to go trekking.

The other day one chap done up like Indiana Jones, leather hat,knife the lot was filling a canteen from our water cooler,I asked what he was doing and he told me that he was filling it I told him she sells bottles of the stuff for 5 baht each and if he wanted any he was welcome to buy some, he started arguing with me as water is free, I gave him a short lesson in Thai economics.

She also speaks very good English, two intrepid women backpackers speaking to her as if she was an idiot child told her they would give her 20 baht for two cans of coke, as it costs more than that to buy she said afraid not,but not detered they waved a 20 baht note in front of her,yeah they were from the UK, working on the priciple if they don't understand just keep shouting till they do.

I could go on chapter and verse but you get the picture.

I really don't know where she gets the patience from dealing with these people.

When they are back in the UK they think nothing of spending a small fortune on a night out, yet moan about the price of stuff here.

Any wonder they get the name cheap Charlie farangs?

Any wonder they get the name cheap Charlie farangs?

Cheap Charlie is for "us", Maerim, not for the backpackers.

Thai people have "better" words for them,...

And this not at all a condemnation of backpackers.

I'm getting American these days, scared of what I'm writing.

You never know, a lawsuit can be on its way,... :o

You never know, a lawsuit can be on its way,...

Not from the mob that come to her shop it won't unless it's on a no win no pay basis if the way they don't spend money is anything to go by.


maerim...I'm not here to apologise for the bad behavior of backpackers but what you have described could also be the ladies in designer safari clothes and etc.

Like they do everywhere in the States simply put up a placard over the till in English stating 'We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone' and when some sweating tourist complains about the price of a coke show them the door...no explanations are needed...

however, I must admit that 10 baht is right for a 12 oz can of soft drink...

I must admit that 10 baht is right for a 12 oz can of soft drink...

May I suggest you read it again, they offered 20 baht for two cans.

Can you let me know where you get cans of coke for ten baht (not bottles) please?


maerim...my apologies. 12 baht is the local going rate for cans of soda pop...a clumsy round off factor on my part.

Cheaper of course when bought in bulk but I'm sure that the falang ladies weren't thinking in those terms...quite disgraceful when one spends a small fortune on a holiday in indochina then haggles over a couple of baht for a coke...

Definitely agree with you on that point. Just remember one thing, foreign invasions are what cause freaks like the Taliban to emerge and take power. I know this is off Thailand subject, will not elaborate any further.

The freaks and the Taliban - messengers of the new age, first in Afghanistan, and now..? :o

Guest chingy

don't let the looks fool you, he's an Elite Card holder


I can't believe you have so much energy to waste on slagging these people down.

I do agree they may look ridiculous, but that's a crime we may all be guilty of, regardless of clothes or hairstyle.

In my opinion, the most obnoxious tourists I see are middle-aged men in khaki shorts and "I *heart* Pattaya" T-shirts trying to be assertive and bossy to the Thais by loudly "explaining how it should be done".

As long as people behave decently while in the country, I really don't see the problem.

Worry more about people who behave like idiots, and less about the ones who dress as such. Above all, minding one's own business where other people's attire is concerned would be the best advice. What are you, fashion police?

They will all find out the Thai attitude versus their lifestyle sooner or later, and most likely at immigration. Also, as someone else said, they are the vanguard opening up more remote areas for later exploitation, and thus helping the local economy.

They have their place in the Thai "eco system". You have yours. Stick to it and let them shake their dreads in peace, or approach them without a ton of attitude and find out that some can be perfectly nice people as well.

Who, Osama Bin Ladin? I think Saddam is living in Miami with a new name and a new face and a new bank account.

thats correct he is in the witness protection program :o

I can't believe you have so much energy to waste on slagging these people down.

I do agree they may look ridiculous, but that's a crime we may all be guilty of, regardless of clothes or hairstyle.

In my opinion, the most obnoxious tourists I see are middle-aged men in khaki shorts and "I *heart* Pattaya" T-shirts trying to be assertive and bossy to the Thais by loudly "explaining how it should be done".

As long as people behave decently while in the country, I really don't see the problem.

Worry more about people who behave like idiots, and less about the ones who dress as such. Above all, minding one's own business where other people's attire is concerned would be the best advice. What are you, fashion police?

They will all find out the Thai attitude versus their lifestyle sooner or later, and most likely at immigration. Also, as someone else said, they are the vanguard opening up more remote areas for later exploitation, and thus helping the local economy.

They have their place in the Thai "eco system". You have yours. Stick to it and let them shake their dreads in peace, or approach them without a ton of attitude and find out that some can be perfectly nice people as well.

Oh, don't get all teary eyed now. I think this topic got started on a pretty innocent vibe. I think when all is said and done most blokes and betties just want to

have a beer, shoot some pool and chat it up with whoever will lend an ear. Nobody

really gives a <deleted> what anybody looks like once you start talking to them.


Dear fellow board members, if you remember your youth, we did things like this to rebel, offend and piss off the establishment. From your responses it seems they have done what they set out to do!

  • 3 weeks later...

Can't find Pervert City in my guide book.

can anyone recommend a good agnet for buying wives?

Do I get a discount if I buy multiple wives?

Do they come with papers? Housebroken?

What is a good price for a wife?

Can't find Pervert City in my guide book.

can anyone recommend a good agnet for buying wives?

Do I get a discount if I buy multiple wives?

Do they come with papers? Housebroken?

What is a good price for a wife?

there are some real skanky dirty women here, they'd be ideal for you. :o

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