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Obama denies Trump claim he wiretapped him during campaign


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4 minutes ago, binjalin said:

i resepct your posts normally but if it turns out there is evidence of the wiretap then his comments on same are hardly foolish. He is a meglomanic not a fool in my view.

Are you aware of how often he lies and repeats falsehoods? There is nobody in politics who even comes close.


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7 minutes ago, binjalin said:

i resepct your posts normally but if it turns out there is evidence of the wiretap then his comments on same are hardly foolish. He is a meglomanic not a fool in my view.

"FBI director James Comey has rejected President Donald Trump's claim on Saturday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, tapped his phone, US media say."



From the BBC today. 


Trumptopia's grand Poobah is wrong again and is looking very foolish indeed. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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5 minutes ago, binjalin said:

if that is true where is it?  if there is a papertrail all the 'know-it-alls' on here are going to look pretty 'FOOLish'

The former DNI, in charge of wiretaps like this, says it never happened.  The only ones looking foolish are Trump and those who believe him. LOL



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7 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The former DNI, in charge of wiretaps like this, says it never happened.  The only ones looking foolish are Trump and those who believe him. LOL



we dont know s lets see if they can produce evidence but post 88 looks interesting and keep an open mind if thats at all possible

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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

"FBI director James Comey has rejected President Donald Trump's claim on Saturday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, tapped his phone, US media say."



From the BBC today. 


Trumptopia's grand Poobah is wrong again and is looking very foolish indeed. 

US media say


lets see?

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7 minutes ago, binjalin said:

post 88 looks interesting please go view it

Levin has no credibility.  Breitbart is the mouthpiece of Bannon, Trump's #1 advisor.  Zero credibility also.


It is possible there was a wiretap on some in the Trump campaign.  And for good reason!  Research Paul Manafort, who quit.  Also, research the contacts between Trump officials and Russian officials, one who was a spy.  If there was a wiretap, great!  Lets get to the bottom of these Russian links.  We need to know the truth.


Trump's claim that Obama did it is false and an outright lie.

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Levin has no credibility.  Breitbart is the mouthpiece of Bannon, Trump's #1 advisor.  Zero credibility also.


It is possible there was a wiretap on some in the Trump campaign.  And for good reason!  Research Paul Manafort, who quit.  Also, research the contacts between Trump officials and Russian officials, one who was a spy.  If there was a wiretap, great!  Lets get to the bottom of these Russian links.  We need to know the truth.


Trump's claim that Obama did it is false and an outright lie.

investigate thoroughly by those commitees and lets see outcome

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17 minutes ago, binjalin said:

US media say


lets see?

It was US ''media'' if you consider brietbart media rather than bunch of alt right loons, and a dj that reported the wire tap took place  inspiring the Grand Poobah's latest twitter BS rant.

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23 minutes ago, binjalin said:

investigate thoroughly by those commitees and lets see outcome

Not with my taxpayer money.  There's ZERO proof at this point.  It's just a pissed off Trump ranting on Twitter.  Let him pay for the investigation if it's so important to him. 


The US has more important matters to deal with.  And so far, Trump hasn't started anything of significance yet!

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17 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

It was US ''media'' if you consider brietbart media rather than bunch of alt right loons, and a dj that reported the wire tap took place  inspiring the Grand Poobah's latest twitter BS rant.

they are loons but ill keep an open mind until a ful investigation is completed

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Not with my taxpayer money.  There's ZERO proof at this point.  It's just a pissed off Trump ranting on Twitter.  Let him pay for the investigation if it's so important to him. 


The US has more important matters to deal with.  And so far, Trump hasn't started anything of significance yet!

i agree its really unwise of him and unpresidential and i wish he'd stop in fact i wish bernie was pres  lol

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Just now, binjalin said:

they are loons but ill keep an open mind until a ful investigation is completed

Of course, but as all the key players involved in ordering any such wire-tap taking place are scratching their heads and saying ''never happened'' or at least never ordered by President Obama, I think I know where the investigation will lead.


It's just another trumptopia distraction over reaction twitter BS rant.


The Grand Poobah's a fool.

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Um...you might want to look a little deeper into this.  They have already admitted it. Please hold your opinion before you have all the facts. 

Ok, I'll hold my opinion until I read the links you provide showing evidence that Trump has provided that backs up his claim.

By the way, have you heard that Obama is Kenyan?

Because Donald Trump.

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19 hours ago, Grouse said:

Who to believe?


Trump or Obama?


Now that's a tough one; let me think about it and get back to you ......?


No politician at the national level is completely honest. None. But, just consider this for a moment. Presidents do not get involved in wiretaps, unless they are petty criminals like Nixon. This is done by the intelligence agencies, for cause. ForTrump to even suggest it is petty, silly, churlish, childish, inane, ignorant, hateful, dumb, the act of a neophyte, and very lame. It was a feeble attempt to distract from the Russia firestorm he finds himself surrounded with. And it is entirely of his own making. He encouraged all of those contacts, and he started this war with the media. So, all we are witnessing is the genesis of his ignorance. 


This is a man who likes order around him. He likes to be in control. He is not used to being scrutinized at this level, and having his decision and his moves questioned at every turn. It is my guess that he will not complete this term in office. I believe he will melt down. I think he is either a paranoid schizophrenic, or very pathological. He needs to stay on his meds. 

Edited by spidermike007
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42 minutes ago, binjalin said:

oh so now you are against an investigation?  that's odd




good sense from Rubio  

From your link:


"I'm not sure what it is he is talking about," Rubio added. "Perhaps the President has information that is not yet available to us or to the public. And if it's true, obviously we're going to find out very quickly. And if it isn't, then obviously he'll have to explain what he meant by it."


Zero evidence yet.  Waste of time. 

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41 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

From your link:


Zero evidence yet.  Waste of time. 

it is not a 'waste of time' if the President is saying something that many think is untrue and it should be investigated

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Trump comes out with loads of fake news and back tracks on his own comments, yet his supporter think he's legit? Come on now...keep your mouth shut POTUS and just run the country with advice from your advisors. The rants are getting old, your ratings continue to fall - this is not like TV where any publicity is good publicity.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Apparently you think that any accusation, even from loons, warrants expending resources on investigating their claims.

no i think The President of the United States, the office, if it makes an accusation must be investigated if it accuses a former President of something wrong


haven't you and other haters been calling for an investigation?  investigative journalism?  I'm all for it

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1 minute ago, binjalin said:

no i think The President of the United States, the office, if it makes an accusation must be investigated if it accuses a former President of something wrong.

haven't you and other haters been calling for an investigation?  investigative journalism?  I'm all for it

          In a sense, you're right.  If a US president calls for an investigation, there must be an investigation.  That's part of the power of his office.    However, everyone in Wash D.C., including Republicans know that Trump and Bannon are loose cannons with ammunition made of compacted manure - so, it's quickly getting to the point where; when the prez gives a command, his underlings (military brass, FBI, CIA, and every other authority) think twice before following his orders. That's a very bad state of affairs - when a superior's orders aren't heeded. 

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17 minutes ago, binjalin said:

it is not a 'waste of time' if the President is saying something that many think is untrue and it should be investigated

He's said sooooo much that is untrue.  Where do you start?  He needs to provide some evidence.  Then it definitely should be investigated.  Until then, it's just another of his Twitter rants.  Not worth my money to investigate.  Again, there are more important things for these people to do....

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14 minutes ago, binjalin said:

no i think The President of the United States, the office, if it makes an accusation must be investigated if it accuses a former President of something wrong


haven't you and other haters been calling for an investigation?  investigative journalism?  I'm all for it

Investigative journalism, yes?  Congressional investigation, or FBI investigation based on wild allegations, not so much.

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