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Photo Flea Market Today March 8th @ 6pm

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CMPG is holding a photo flea market at 6:00pm today at River Market Restaurant (next to the old iron bridge).  There should be plenty of interesting items so if you are looking to buy, sell, or just browse and meet some fellow photographers you're very welcome to come along.  The market will be running until about 7.30 after which you can stick around as we review members' photographs.


It was quite well attended and there was a lot of pretty good stuff on offer, but a disappointing number of real buyers so while it was a fun and social event no-one really cleared much of their stuff out.  There were a bunch of real bargains and even some free items - times are tough when you can't even give things away!  We'll give it another go next year and see if we can attract more serious visitors.


Appologies to Greenside for any side track.  But just came from Central Festival and they have a huge promo on with all sorts of  Nikon gear on the ground floor area complete with stage, mocked up displays for macro testing, some 30 staff, oodles of DSLR cameras, lenses, flashes, everything I imagine afficianados may want (sorry I am a point and click person). Ones I glimpsed at ranging from 3k to well over 100k.  Might be worth a look for the serious among you.


Yes, there's a big Nikon event in town through to the weekend I think.  I'm deeply invested in Canon so won't be venturing out....


Re. 4/3rds :  Not so much in our group.  Most people downsizing from a DSLR have gone to Sony mirrorless which are either full frame or APSC.  There are a couple of people using Panasonic and Olympus but they made the choice on the way up as it were.


Thanks. Just curious as I went from a point and shoot to a 4/3 format and am very satisfied with the image quality. Altho I am by no means a Pro, even semi-Pro, not even Advanced Amateur.

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