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An oldie, but still oh so true:-

When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be the boss.

The brain said, "since I control everything and do all the thinking, I should be the boss."

The feet said, "since I carry man where he wants to go and get him in position to do what the brain wants, then I should be the boss."

The hands said, "since I must do all the work and earn all the money to keep the rest of you going, I should be the boss."

And so it went with the eyes, the heart, the lungs, and all the other parts of the body, each giving the reason why they should be the boss.

Finally, the @sshole spoke up and said it was going to be the boss.

All the other parts laughed and laughed at the idea of the @sshole being the boss. The @sshole got so angry that he blocked himself off and refused to function.

Soon the brain was feverish and could barely think, the feet felt like lead weights and was almost too weak to drag the body anywhere, the eyes grew bleary, and the hands hung useless at the sides. All pleaded with the brain to let the @sshole be declared the boss.

And so it happened; all the other parts did all the work and the @sshole just bossed and passed out a lot of crap.

THE MORAL: You don't have to be a brain to be a boss, just an old @sshole.

Alternate moral: No matter how well things are going, it can all be shut down by a single @sshole.

EDITED To bypass the naughty word filter, which interestingly lets 'penis' through but filters ' a s s h o l e'

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


yeh whats with the naughty word filter. D-a-m-n gets blocked while shit gets through. I thought shit was worse than D-a-m-n. The day when shit is blocked will be a sad day. ,hopefully the boss wont let this happen.

yeh whats with the naughty word filter. D-a-m-n gets blocked while shit gets through. I thought shit was worse than D-a-m-n. The day when shit is blocked will be a sad day. ,hopefully the boss wont let this happen.

Nice post :o

Just noticed it lets crap through as well :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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