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Ignoring Scottish referendum mandate would 'shatter' UK structure - Sturgeon


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All Sturgeon rhetoric is her opinion, a very biased opinion.


She hates the UK and wants to break it up; along with her personal agenda for power. 


She demands and threatens and getting more and more a comic pantomime figure.


She said she could veto Brexit - wrong.

She said Scotland can just chose to remain in the EU - wrong.

She demanded to have a say in Brexit negotiations - won't happen.

She demands another referendum - can shout all she likes, the decision ain't hers.

She threatens consequences if she can't have her own way - yeah right,


All bluster. She has to keep this in the limelight as it distracts from the actual SNP performance in governance. 


And gobby Scotland already gets treated better than the other UK regions on many things. So maybe the others would like to be equal - and equal doesn't mean Sturgeon telling everyone else how it has to be.

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It's not unexpected, but still appalling, that people here who disagree with Nicola Sturgeon call her "female" as an insult, or post pictures of her as if her attractiveness or tallness affects the validity of what she is saying, or needs to be offered by her as part of some necessary process of approval. Well, this blindly predjudiced irrelevant nonsense is the unmistakable signature of old uneducated men everywhere...


Doesn't she just want Scotland's sovereignty back?  I though we were all in favour of sovereignty?


I don't find her annoying or incompetent. She is the savviest politician by far in the UK right now-she ran rings around May politically over the past few days, and will continue to do so.


I personally find her principles admirable, her political instincts astute, and her policies sound and egalitarian. So all strength to her. She will win out because the 'no' vote in the previous referendum was seen as a way to ensure Scotland's continued participation in the EU, and now 'no' ensures the opposite.


Cameron and May have virtually guaranteed the break-up of the UK, and in my opinion the Scots have an unassailably justified case for leaving - a useless self-serving Tory government in power for the next 20 years.


I wish London could leave the UK as bloody well!

Edited by partington
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On March 19, 2017 at 9:50 AM, 241536_1469957816 said:

She's a pathetic excuse for a leader and Alec Salmond's lapdog. A woman desperate to be relevant, recognised and obsessed with her own self importance.

She is blindly pursuing, at every twist and turn, another referendum which all the polls are showing, Scotland does not want. She has been an embarrassment in Europe to herself. She won't accept " NO " and is a spent force before she has even got going as a leader.

The effects of Brexit will be be managed by " BIg money " now that it is looking more certain to be heading for a separation from the EU. These faceless people that run the world have no time for her silly sideshows.

She has constantly been asked what she is going to do about Scotland's black hole in their budget of £15 billion, promising services that the country cannot pay for and so far has not answered. She just repeats the second referendum mantra.It's about time she got on with the job she is supposed to be doing.

The laughable thing about all of this was she wants to take power from London and give it to Brussels in the name of Scottish independence, which then becomes a contradiction in terms. When the UK leaves the EU, that includes Scotland. She is also attempting to exceed her authority and mandate.

Scotland would be insignificant in Europe unless part of the UK and would be treated on a par with Greece or Italy or worse, in decision making.

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 I have Scottish  friends living in Scotland who cringe with embarrassment,every time this lady opens her mouth. But the sheep still keep following her.




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On March 19, 2017 at 4:51 PM, RuamRudy said:

Yesterday I linked to an article that confirmed your figure or thereabouts - makes the proceeding picture look very confusing.


But the whole picture has been turned on its head now. How many ardent EU supporters voted No last time, but are now thinking of switching sides? Also, there are close to 600k people resident in Scotland who were born outside the UK. 57% of those voted to remain in the UK in 2014 - I imagine a significant number of those will swing away from Brexit in the event of an other referendum.

 How many of those 600k are citizens of other E.U countries,or are from distant shores? And is it not correct that NS has stated her willingness to welcome not only Remoaners, but further immigrants.





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21 minutes ago, partington said:





I wish London could leave the UK as bloody well!

 Good news for you "mate"  NS has just this week,stated that she will accept,and even welcome Remoaners. Now there's an invitation just made for you. Good bye.

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Scotland’s prosperity depends on the Union.

It is no secret that Scotland, like many parts of the UK, faces deep-rooted social problems. And yet, despite being fetishised in films such as ‘Trainspotting’, these issues have been strangely absent in the independence debate.


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