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Probe intensifies to find out if politicians and officials were involved in assassination plot


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44 minutes ago, baboon said:

Hmm... I have no doubt that there must be people out there who mean harm to the likes of Prayuth, but yes, this particular seizure of weapons / assassination plot as described by the authorities has an element of buffoonery about it that makes it difficult if not impossible to take seriously. 

Wanting him harm.. sure but how many are actually stupid enough to try it, and if stupid enough.. then maybe they don't have the skills to pull it off. Just saying that going after someone that high in the power structure is rare and real dangerous. 

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37 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Yeah, can imagine Yingluck, Chalerm, Kittirat and Surapong storming buildings, AK47s in hand, grenades at the ready. What a complete crock...

Of course not.. they got minions for that.. cannon fodder. I have no doubt that there is an armed wing that obeys YL and hers. The recent courtcases have shown that redshirts were blackshirts and that red shirts were the ones that did the killing of unarmed protesters. So the armed wing is there.. just don't believe in an all out revolt.  

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1 hour ago, smutcakes said:

Rule 2 & 3 of assassination, live in a foreign country for 3 years prior to doing anything, and rule 3 store all your weapons in your residence/business where people are definitely not going to look.

It happens way more than you think, people really do store illegal weapons in their house and business all the time. As I have said it before, do a random raid on top police and generals, bet you there will be lots of illegal weapons found. There are also many gun enthusiast who has illegal military grade weapons.

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53 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Yeah, can imagine Yingluck, Chalerm, Kittirat and Surapong storming buildings, AK47s in hand, grenades at the ready. What a complete crock...

Agreed!  These people are way too smart to do something like this themselves.  Easy to get their minions to do the dirty work while they stay on the stage.

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Ah, I think I am starting to understand the whole 'assassination plot' thing.    So I guess in the near future we will see another purge take place to rid the junta of all serious opposition.  No doubt lese majeste charges will be thrown in to shut everyone up, including the media, and to justify no bail.

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1 hour ago, Prbkk said:

Yeah, can imagine Yingluck, Chalerm, Kittirat and Surapong storming buildings, AK47s in hand, grenades at the ready. What a complete crock...

Ah, those were the days,  wine, budgets and passports..............



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2 hours ago, chainarong said:

You have to hand it to them this will be just another true to form junta beat up , many of which are to come, Abhisit used to get at one stage about a dozen threats a day to not only himself but the whole family, so where does that put Prayut..........................................:coffee1:


Can you remember how many "assassination plots" Thaksin brought up including the "bomb" on the Thai Airways plane he was due to fly in? It killed 1 crew member and injured 7 others.








In reality it was an explosion in the centre fuel tank and not a bomb at all. Therefore there was no assassination attempt.



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Ah, I think I am starting to understand the whole 'assassination plot' thing.    So I guess in the near future we will see another purge take place to rid the junta of all serious opposition.  No doubt lese majeste charges will be thrown in to shut everyone up, including the media, and to justify no bail.

Yes, if you look carefully you will probably notice that all those who consider that they may be in the regimes sights have given up wearing socks!


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Amazing how many people in this forum always seems to know much more of what is going on in the real world, than the ones that actually run it.

How is it possible for outsiders to know:


  • That there are no evidence that points to an assasination plot
  • That all is a conspiracy made up by the government to look good
  • That nothing that circulates in media have any roots in reality

I am sure that there are people in the government that will open up their arms for everyones great knowledge. They might even create honorary work permits just for you people.

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I make no other comment.

But as I said before I have a clear memory of one of the Red Shirt protesters at that time holding a M-16 rifle up outside a Thai government building during those events in Bangkok.

I believe the photo was taken by a foreign news network and published on an international news network worldwide.

I was working in Crete, Greece at that time and was watching the international news reporting of from Thailand closely.

Beyond that, I can not say where any particular weapon came from  or went, all I can say for certain is that at the particular tome there were M-16 weapons in the hands of Red Shirt protesters.


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Of course not.. they got minions for that.. cannon fodder. I have no doubt that there is an armed wing that obeys YL and hers. The recent courtcases have shown that redshirts were blackshirts and that red shirts were the ones that did the killing of unarmed protesters. So the armed wing is there.. just don't believe in an all out revolt.  

In the recent courtcase only one guy appearing on a picture with black clothes was convicted for weapon possession. You confuse again facts with the opinion you can get from facts. 

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13 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

I make no other comment.

But as I said before I have a clear memory of one of the Red Shirt protesters at that time holding a M-16 rifle up outside a Thai government building during those events in Bangkok.

I believe the photo was taken by a foreign news network and published on an international news network worldwide.

I was working in Crete, Greece at that time and was watching the international news reporting of from Thailand closely.

Beyond that, I can not say where any particular weapon came from  or went, all I can say for certain is that at the particular tome there were M-16 weapons in the hands of Red Shirt protesters.


Here's but one.  Peaceful lot, eh?



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26 minutes ago, candide said:

In the recent courtcase only one guy appearing on a picture with black clothes was convicted for weapon possession. You confuse again facts with the opinion you can get from facts. 



In today’s verdict, the court said Kittisak and Preecha were identified as the armed militants by witnesses at the scene, including an undercover police officer, and could not provide alibis proving otherwise.


Two other defendants, Kittisak Soomsri and Preecha Yooyen, were found guilty of firearm charges and sentenced to 10 years in prison each.


So the court accepted the proof that they were the armed militants and convicted them on firearms charges.. So they were the blackshirts according to the court they WERE the black shirts there but just could not link them to shooting at the police as its hard to identify people that are clad in black with the face not visible. However they were identified to be there in black and the court put it in the statement. So its proven.

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17 hours ago, darksidedog said:

"He alleged that the group, including those arrested, was linked to the plot to assassinate government leaders ." Err, What Plot?

This is looking a little like the Trump wiretapping claim. Incredible accusation, lacking only the smallest piece of evidence in the public domain to back it up.

They call it alternate truth now its the new buzz word. 

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:

Amazing how many people in this forum always seems to know much more of what is going on in the real world, than the ones that actually run it.

How is it possible for outsiders to know:


  • That there are no evidence that points to an assasination plot
  • That all is a conspiracy made up by the government to look good
  • That nothing that circulates in media have any roots in reality

I am sure that there are people in the government that will open up their arms for everyones great knowledge. They might even create honorary work permits just for you people.


Well, for starters, the burden of proof is on the party making the extraordinary claim, not the people questioning it. The fact that most in Thailand do not seem to understand this simple concept is what makes authoritarianism so (apparently) successful here as a rationale for governance. Many people will believe them simply because they are in positions of authority and are the "good people."


Not only that, but military dictatorships in Thailand, as well as in other countries, have long histories of planting evidence to go after opponents. You really should be skeptical of any and all claims they make unless clear evidence is forthcoming.

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

They call it alternate truth now its the new buzz word. 

Fake news as in I have Trump's tax returns!


It really is crazy how the media will make a mountain out of a molehill if it doesn't fir their agenda.


Seeing how we get not much other than USSR style Pravda (otherwise it's off to the galag), I'd wager this news piece is aimed to help the powers that currently be.



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4 hours ago, smutcakes said:

Rule 2 & 3 of assassination, live in a foreign country for 3 years prior to doing anything, and rule 3 store all your weapons in your residence/business where people are definitely not going to look.

Has anybody anywhere ever claimed he was intelligent?

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4 minutes ago, debate101 said:


Well, for starters, the burden of proof is on the party making the extraordinary claim, not the people questioning it. The fact that most in Thailand do not seem to understand this simple concept is what makes authoritarianism so (apparently) successful here as a rationale for governance. Many people will believe them simply because they are in positions of authority and are the "good people."


Not only that, but military dictatorships in Thailand, as well as in other countries, have long histories of planting evidence to go after opponents. You really should be skeptical of any and all claims they make unless clear evidence is forthcoming.


Nah, they just want to say you! YOU! YOU!


Corruption is the root of the problem, as well as that which we are not allowed to speak about.


Prayut is mebbe a savior, maybe a disaster.


I just wish he'd fire half the RTP on Friday & the other half on Monday.



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Because going after someone like Prayut.. that is suicide same if you go after Thaksin or YL.. not good for your health. 

Suicide? .. who cares. If I were to kill Prayut .. I would probably kill myself after anyway. I have no desire to be tortured in Thailand. Suicide bombers do it all the time. Seems pretty easy to do.
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1 minute ago, halloween said:

You seem to claim that nobody could be that stupid, despite all evidence that exists.

Well yes, better to trust the intellect at the head of the RTP,  led by the chief of police who cannot even fill in a tax form, or read what someones written for them. Not sure who has the brains out of this lot.

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4 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

Well yes, better to trust the intellect at the head of the RTP,  led by the chief of police who cannot even fill in a tax form, or read what someones written for them. Not sure who has the brains out of this lot.

What has one to do with the other, except as a diversion? A known violent thug and his supporters are found with weapons, and it has to be a stitch up.

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2 minutes ago, halloween said:

What has one to do with the other, except as a diversion? A known violent thug and his supporters are found with weapons, and it has to be a stitch up.

What has your post " Has anybody anywhere ever claimed he was intelligent? " got to do with anything?

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3 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

What has your post " Has anybody anywhere ever claimed he was intelligent? " got to do with anything?

Doh. It was a comment on your rule numbers 2 and 3 - insinuating that it would be less than intelligent to store weapons where they were found.

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57 minutes ago, robblok said:






So the court accepted the proof that they were the armed militants and convicted them on firearms charges.. So they were the blackshirts according to the court they WERE the black shirts there but just could not link them to shooting at the police as its hard to identify people that are clad in black with the face not visible. However they were identified to be there in black and the court put it in the statement. So its proven.

If you look at the detailed account (see link below, there is the same description in other sources, see Google), only one guy was identified as wearing black clothes (if the picture is reliable). It is at most a clue, not a proof that "black shirts were red shirts".

Repeating it in nearly every post you make will not make it more valid than what it is: only your personal opinion. Additionally, the fact the 5 suspects were paraded in black clothes and forced to do a public reconstruction of the killings after one week during which they claim to have been tortured (of course it never happens in Thailand ;)), is not particularly a clue of fair process.


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