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Netiwit and Siriwith seek exclusion following Army call-up


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23 hours ago, than said:


And what about Switzerland, Denmark, Finland and Greece ?


These countries are not in war, but all male citizens of these countries must serve in military service.....


Sweden reintroduce military service next year after  8 years of suspensions....



There is a difference between being conscripted to serve one's country in the army and being conscripted to serve the army.


I am against either but that is not a matter for this thread.

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On 3/22/2017 at 5:39 AM, halloween said:

5555555. Love it. The poor little fella with the attitude problem doesn't want to be conscripted. Perhaps he should buy a dress.

I thought that a Thai could legally buy his way out of serving in the military,

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On 3/22/2017 at 8:44 AM, aussieinthailand said:

No surprises with a comment like that.

I see no "attitude problem"  but I do see young men standing up to the military for what they believe in. 

So it seems you a foreigner support a military coup, forced military abductions ( invitations) for re-education (attitude adjustment)

Military courts for civilians,  Gaoling of protesters of the coup/military, denial of freedom of speech,  Human rights abuses, 

Junta nepotism (brother/son/nephew/wife can do as they please at the cost to the nation with out independent investigation, etc.

These people are conscientious objectors knowing full well the treatment they will get if conscripted.  eg; Desmond Doss.

Yet you the foreigner  do not have to face this treatment and ridicule those that do face it, I know what that is called in another country...!

Thailand is not at war.

BTW your derogatory comment "Perhaps he should buy a dress."   Reckon there are a hell of a lot of acting and ex military out there that just happen to wear a dress.   You familiar with the term misogynous?    

Class act.


The pumpkin was always a Junta lover,....

Btw, I do see an "attitude problem" but on the side of the army...

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On 3/22/2017 at 9:23 AM, jesimps said:

I believe in conscription but not in countries whose forces are used to repress their own citizens. I can't fault these two lads one bit. Btw, I did 12 years military service and apart from the WRAC, not one soldier who I knew wore a dress.


Not having that lol I know what you guys get up to at weekends !! ???

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These two activists have not yet been conscripted. Conscription is done on the red marble/black marble system. They have the right, if they get the military marble to defer or show why they should not be conscripted. They have jumped the gun (so to speak) to draw attention to their political motivations. If they do get conscripted (and lets face it, as a former soldier I would not want either in a shell scrape next to me) they still have a right of appeal. If that does not work, then they can start bleating, much as some posters on this forum are already doing.

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On March 22, 2017 at 5:54 AM, jonclark said:

Fail to see the purpose of conscription, unless there is a war. Conscript armies are more poorly equiped, have worse training and lack thw motivation and skills to fight when compared to professional armies.


It can only serve the purpose of indoctrination to support traditionalists and the entrenched establishment. To mainatin the status que. 


Thailand has a standing  army of about 350'000 (mainly poorly trained) men. For what purpose. Thailand isnt at war with anyone. 


No need for conscription




Who brings the food when your flooded in, and who brings the water when all

is parched?

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2 minutes ago, rice555 said:

Who brings the food when your flooded in, and who brings the water when all

is parched?

I almost agree with you. But I would add, does it need 300,000 plus to do this. The answer is simple, better to keep some young men employed, learning some basic discipline and not having them end up in US style and world wide style ghettos.

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I thought that a Thai could legally buy his way out of serving in the military,

I don't think it is legal, just widely accepted. ThB30000 rings a bell. Quite who you hand the envelope to, and at what stage of the conscription process I don't know.

At one stage my stepson was sent home for 3 weeks because the troops had eaten all the food in the camp vegetable garden and they couldn't feed them! He never received any proper pay either, just handed a few hundred Baht every week or so, and a bit more when he went on leave.

I don't think buying out would be an option available to these two anyway!


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22 hours ago, Reigntax said:

Thailand already has ample juveniles who are willing to use violence in groups against a lessor force, usually 6 on 1. Conscript them, they will be unlikely to contribute to society in any beneficial way.

I see little evidence of groups of juveniles... yet. Only been treated with respect by young men, but that is my country area where everyone can get a job if they wish. But I tend to agree with conscription for young unemployed. Maybe it will teach them discipline, respect, ego respect, love of country and love of the people they are meant to respect. 

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On March 26, 2017 at 9:39 AM, Srikcir said:

The Thai taxpayer - you think the military self-finances its generosity towards the Thai public?

the Thai tax payer needs young, dumb and full of cu%m people to do

the grunt work, same as in the west, National Guards where I come



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The conscript is required to keep the 1700 generals in place. Have you ever heard of one who is not a $ millionaire? By law in America the combined US forces are not allowed to exceed 500 generals or navel equivalent at any one time, except in time of war.


I had a staff of mine who's son was doing everything possible to enlist in the army here after high school. He was accepted eventually but it wasn't easy so I think they would be fine with an all volunteer military like in most countries.

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On 3/25/2017 at 6:07 PM, spiderorchid said:

I see little evidence of groups of juveniles... yet. Only been treated with respect by young men, but that is my country area where everyone can get a job if they wish. But I tend to agree with conscription for young unemployed. Maybe it will teach them discipline, respect, ego respect, love of country and love of the people they are meant to respect. 

Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrels. And Thailand has quite a few of them. Strip me of my right to vote, my freedom to express myself and then conscript me. East Germany with sunshine.

Edited by roamer
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On 28/03/2017 at 3:16 AM, roamer said:

Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrels. And Thailand has quite a few of them. Strip me of my right to vote, my freedom to express myself and then conscript me. East Germany with sunshine.

Yes, so go home or not interfere with another countries politics. Get your snout out of the trough and leave other countries to settle their own disputes. Do you want me to mention every stupid decision that your country has made and is still making when you decide to stick your beaks into other countries affairs. And when you have mulled that over, tell me whenever you did stick your slimy beaks in that it resulted in a positive outcome. Holster your guns and pi&s off home.

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