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Cost of vice to skyrocket - cigarettes and soapy massage charges expected to rise dramatically!


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Laws here change like the wind.


I would wait to see the revised changes next month before I would get too excited.


I really don't care as I do neither and less smokers would be a positive thing for them and for us who have to breath those shit, toxic chemicals.  Not to mention the eye sore littering of discarded cigarettes and filters.

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2 hours ago, brain150 said:

You obviously have the moral high ground [according to your standards] where freedom and choice is not an option.


Apart from most of the info you give is just plain wrong you are the perfect slave to any Government [or authority]

as all you just did was repeating the Government propaganda you have been told all your life !


Freedom is a choice ... but it requires the will to let others be free ! Which you obviously don't have.

Sad story, really.

The freedom to kill yourself early,and others around you.Also impoverish your family and the nation.You are free to smoke in private and pay your own smoke related health bills.And don't give me that crap that tax on ciggys pays for health.Wouldn't come nowhere near it.China is going to find this out in the next 20 years.

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Good on the cigarette increase...........Bad on the rest..................

We all know..... "THE REST OF THE STORY"...............

The gov't grafters pockets get 'fuller'.......

While half of all the 'Soapies' that will close for lack of customers and all those who had jobs in the 'Soapies' will be unemployed........... Unemployed and forced to go back to their poverty 'Up-country Thailand' and live on 'rice and fish sauce flavoring'..........

This is exactly what happened to sidewalk vendors (at least 5 of the wife's family members) When the present Junta forced sidewalk vendors 'OFF' the sidewalks....... (2 of the wife's family paid for university education, along with a bit of my help, for 2 daughters -- the first two to graduate from university in the family history) (now those parents are back in the village eating rice and fish sauce) No more University for upcoming children..........

While all the 'Grafter's (and Cop's) fat rich kids drive their 'Benzs' around creating havoc and 'big Cop's' sons kill other decent youth with a cue stick in a billiard hall in Chantaburi (as in today's ThaiVisa news)

The RICH get Richer, the POOR get 'much' Poorer..............

I HATE Mr. Taksin........ But....... This is even worse than when the Shinawatra's were 'bleeding' the POOR.....

And now a SUBMARINE (or three) in Thailand's near future (ThaiVisa news today -- Buy 2 get one free).....

Try to tell all those who have become unemployed by this 'Junta' that SUBMARINES are better than the 'Jobs' that they 'Used to have'.......... and that the 'Big-face' the 'Rich-Thai's' enjoy is better than the 'basic staple food' they are stuck with up there on the farm............

TIT...... Nothing has changer for the 'better'............ For sure

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Most foreigners don't understand the goings on deep from the surface of things. Before the police would have numerous opportunities for increasing there take home pay. Now much has undergone a subtle transformation. The police take home pay opportunities have diminished and now the military has that opportunity. Much of the unlawful activities that are reported gets moved to the military to handle. That means that money and drugs have different hands. And if the military has now that opportunity, where do you think that it's all going?


The recent big changes as compared to the players of old have changed, much like the changing of the guards.  Money flows a different way now, and possibly even out from the country.


Can't really talk straight because of the laws but also because of the continuous monitoring.


Its important to be mindful of what you talk about and who you talk about. The outlets are monitored to weed out resistance. In other words, the things you write go beyond what you are thinking, and not much goes unnoticed by the big boys.


What else to say except that more increase in taxes for all except the ones with the golden spoon.  You might wonder why would they increase tax on soapy massage? Some think it's targeting foreigners. Think about it. The people that own these type places are into corruption and they don't want to pay tax. As long as they and the police are happy then they are good. The people will pay their taxes.


Think of all the small Thai businesses on the small roads all over the country. How many are charging and paying taxes? Maybe they might pay 500 baht in taxes. How many places have you gone to eat or shop and not pay the VAT? As for the soapy massage, they have these places all over the country. So many Thai men frequent these places, it's not only about foreigners.


Cannot have an open discussion about much, except to say, don't be under any false ideas, you say the wrong thing and you will have some visitors.


Much better to listen and say very little unless you don't reside in LOS. 



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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Cost of vice to skyrocket - cigarettes and soapy massage charges expected to rise dramatically!



Image: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- The Thai press - seeking clarification of new excise regulations - have reported that the cost of smoking and massage is to rise.


Sanook.com reported that the cost of lighting up is likely to increase by as much as five baht per cigarette.


Excise charges on bathing at massage parlors is set to go up by 1,000 baht a time.


Chief of the excise department Somchai Phoonsawat was trying to explain what the new ceilings previously announced meant as he accepted there was some confusion from the public.


But after his explanations there was still those who were perplexed by what it all meant. Exactly how the new arrangements would impact the costs to the public were still shrouded in jargon.


However, sanook.com screamed in a headline that smokers were being fleeced and people going for a soapy bath session would have to pay a lot more.


The changes to the excise gathering arrangements have been announced in the Royal Gazette and will become law or begin to become law after a 180 day period has passed.


The new laws will also have an effect on alcohol prices and the prices of playing cards.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-22

More drivel and rumour, unsubstantiated crap at best......5 Baht per cigarette, where do these fools get these stories?

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8 hours ago, Sphere said:

How about skipping the soapy to opt straight for a happy ending? Is that tax-free?

Lol, nice angle.

I usually go straight for heavens gate anyway, 

no need to waste time in what they don't do well...

just pay for what they are good at, 

and leave it at that.

Though I would be just as happy if they closed them all down, 

then the birds would be flying everywhere, 

and easier to see which ones are desirable?

Now the case stands, you have to walk up to them, 

get them to peel their eyes away from their phone screens, 

to get a good look at what you might not want.

Tried to score a snack off the hook up apps, 

but the birds use the app which dresses them to look much better than in real life.

What a shocker that turned out to be,

never knew an app could do so much to a photo.

Even if I had known, I wouldn't of figured the girlies would know how to use it.

I was mistaken in both scenarios and disappointedly surprised.



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1000 baht increase in the cost of a soapy?, Fags, Booze, Taxi's VAT £3 for coffee in BK a rip off on every corner, corruption on every street. OK here we go Bankruptcy must be around the corner and tourists off to V&C.


What the hell is a soapy, here I just get in my bath and turn on the wirlpool, but cannot be bothered with doing that of late, as it does soap up in places I do not want it, My poor old eyes

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49 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Harrow or Eton

East London mate where we say it as it is and cigs where called fags way before the Americans where invented fags being an American word and like so may others miss used Like Tyre for my car, US its Tire which means in good old English To Tire maybe from over work


Not everyone in the world who speaks English understands it as you see daily on here, but those who are English do and use it to their local regions. You have a nice evening

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Oh well......I guess it's all for the good. After all , the country desperately needs a couple of submarines ( got to buy at least two to get one free ) and the money has to come from other sources other than the Shinawatras so what can they do ?


Still, a great move towards unity and reconciliation.Now at least almost everyone is united in their low opinion of the government and reconciled to the fact there is nothing they can do about it.

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9 hours ago, Mook23 said:

Third world. :coffee1:

   Prostitution ,  is  illegal  in  LOS.   How can the hike the price on illegal activities ,

       Third  world , greed .

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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

5 baht increase per cigarette?

you can buy a cheap packet of 20 for around 60 baht now... that's one hell of an increase!!

I can see a lot of Thais kicking the habit!

As for the "soapy massage" that's always been negotiable & I guess always will be.. if the price is right you'l get customers if not you'll go bankrupt!

     Bye  your cigies from Laos ,  No  tax 

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1 hour ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Scaremongering accountants at the tax department. Now you know why you used to bully the math geeks at school. Sheesh, nearly spilt my Leo.

So this is scaremongering by the maths geeks that are now accountants and taxmen.

I hope you are right, bath time won't be half as much fun and beer and ciggies increase means an end to imported Marlboro and English ales, Krong Thip and Lao Khao by the looks of it.

Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia or somewhere here I come...


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6 hours ago, SiamBeast said:

There is a difference between drinking and smoking. Both are hazardous to your health.

- Drinking is a social activity that isn't done everyday, and that harms only yourself.

- Smoking is a pointless activity done 20 times per day, with devastating health effects, stinks, incomodates people around you, costs money, and serves no purpose.

There's plenty of people that drink alone every day. Everything between a beer after work to getting drunk every day (alcoholics). 

There's also people that only smoke a few cigarettes on social occasions, i think they are called party smokers or something like that.


Now the most wrong thing you said is that alcohol only harms the drinker. That's true in a direct way. But indirect alcohol inevitably destroys lives, from assault, rape, suicide, terrible accidents alcohol is often a key player involved.

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7 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

At an extra 5B a pack, smokers are hardly being fleeced enough.


Soapy massages and an excise tax? Well, there's a turn up for the books - the revenue's books, that is. 

฿5 each stick, not a pack they are saying, that's about 80% increase on Marlboro and 120% on Winston (they will still be only 60% of what they cost in UK).

I like a smoke or two with a pint, so it won't cost me much extra in a week.

I do think it will be counter productive for the tax revenue in the end, if half Thai smokers gave up they will collect less tax.


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5 hours ago, bazza73 said:

I can understand an increased tax on cigarettes. It's a commodity sold in every 7/11, so output and sales can be measured.

I can't understand how the government can measure the difference between customers having a basic massage, and those who want a happy ending or more complicated scenarios. That's privately negotiated, and can't be measured unless the government starts putting surveillance cameras in every massage parlor.

People subjected to bad laws are very ingenious at circumventing them.

Exactly what I was thinking.  Sometimes I go for an oil massage, yes, a real one.  Nothing like it to loosen up the knots in my upper back, shoulders and neck.  And of course, afterwards I want to take a shower.  Getting tired of this country and starting to think where next to go.  This used to be a fun place, now everything fun is getting a "sin" tax slapped onto it.

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