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?Tourist Visa Extension

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 1. Does where you enter the country have any bearing on which town/province you can apply for a visa extension?


 2. Is it another full page stamp?


3. Does getting an extension to the visa make it more difficult to get future tourist visa or exempt entries?

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Just a slight disagreement with @ubonjoe (which you should probably ignore as he is the expert) ...


I have seen some land borders taking prior extensions of visa exempt entries into account in deciding whether to allow another visa exempt entry. That may be history, with the newly introduced two-per-calendar-year limit by land, and it only applied at a couple of generally unfriendly entry points. However, it has happened.

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For whoever it may be useful : i asked about your nr 3 question in the local consulate. They told me the only thing they check if I always respected the entry rools, no overstay .. Then it's ok for them.  They don't care how many times i have visited as long as it's in a legal way.
Maybe if you try to stay in Thailand constantly, they would suspect you are working there. It's important to them too that they can assume you are not going there to work on a tourist visa or exempt.

Other :   the stamp at chonburi immigration I got last year took less than half a page. I didn't have the impression they put the stamp in a way they try to save space.  They put 1 prolongation stamp and two arrivals/ departures on one page. Just a confirmation of what the mod said above..

Edited by haelewyn
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1 hour ago, haelewyn said:

For whoever it may be useful : i asked about your nr 3 question in the local consulate.

A strong word of warning: do not trust anything a Thai consulate tells you about immigration rules that they are not enforcing themselves. They are notorious for giving wrong advice. I give them about equal credence to the guy sitting next to me on my rare forays into beer bars.

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