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Storm in a Thai teacup - woman goes to the police over pump attendants who can't open filler cap


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Well, what do you know? Obviously not the sharpest knives in the drawers are pumping petrol but then here I've never come across a self-service petrol station. 
And, luck has it, sometimes you find seriously "different" attendants too .......... 

The woman should be charged with wasting time and a public apology (with some financial compensation) to the pump attendant would be in order too 


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39 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

Just more evidence that many of the people here  are nuts!

Don't wanna sound like an apologist, I'm certainly not one. But people are nuts, not only people here. The world is getting worse all around, for numerous reasons; Isolation (Internet and technology, we don't walk around knocking on doors to check see if friends are home any longer); shorter work days (we've got more time to think about how miserable our lives are, suicide rates are booming – people working the fields etc. for 12 hours a day didn't have as much time to think about how miserable their lives were); more easily accessible reference points to make us feel inferior (Internet again); exposure to extremely violent clips and games etc., making us blasé or not as shocked by extreme violence or bad behavior as we used to be etc. The list goes on and on.


Our society is becoming more and more convenient. Better? I'm not so sure.

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They learned this from their Pooh Yai, right up to the top, starting at primary school.

The problem is that the Pooh Yai don't care if they live or die.

There is an understandable disappointment in this discovery / realisation.

But their education has not prepared them for this.......


Edited by eddie61
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52 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

and aint't that the truth - yeah siree !

The greatest system for spreading false information there is. You're insubordinate if you speak up against an elder, no matter how wrong he or she is. This is one of my main problems with the Thai culture.


Let's have elders spreading false information with no-one to speak up, shall we? And the dumb gets even dumber as a result.

Edited by Sirbergan
"he" changed to "he or she"
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Pi-nong is a feudal system - other countries have gone through great upheavals to achieve basic freedoms - I fear Thailand would have to have similar bloodshed if anything was to change - and sadly I don't think it would be worth the chaos that would ensue.


The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.


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7 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Nope she is a lottery vendor. 


i already showed and told u guys all here that she is a lottery vendor. how come everyone is still wondering what she does or thinking she is hiso LMAO. 


Its all over Thai social Media. The Thais have dug up all the dirt and everything there is about her. 



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16 hours ago, docshock13 said:

What a horrible creature.  


Two possibilities haven't been suggested in any of the posts;-


1     She looks quite western and therefore possibly a blonde (notice the streaks?)

2     She stole the bike with the keys in it and this is her first tank fill.


As for her Jai Rohn ranting, she is very mild compared to someone I've known all my married life.      :sad:




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16 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Her arrogant, patronizing and condescending attitude alone makes me want to slap the crap out of her.


And isn't it pathetic how this type of people always feel that they have been "defamed" and "lost face" whenever their disgusting behavior is exposed on the internet? In fact, they have defamed themselves the very moment they acted like a spoiled brat and are entirely and solely responsible for their perceived loss of face.


Behave like a civilized, decent and respectful person instead of a complete a**h**e and nobody will want to film you or post the clip anywhere. It's so easy to protect your precious face and reputation.

When your done slapping the crap out of her, let me know as I would like to also slapping whatever crap is left out of her, we can then post it on social media and all have a good laugh, including the service station attendants cheering us on in the background. 

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9 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Pi-nong is a feudal system - other countries have gone through great upheavals to achieve basic freedoms - I fear Thailand would have to have similar bloodshed if anything was to change - and sadly I don't think it would be worth the chaos that would ensue.


The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.


The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them, high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.

All things bright and beautifulthailand.

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There is Karma after all, my Thai wife tells me that a Thai person who was ripped off in a deal over a car has been looking for this woman high and low and has finally found her through this film clip. She has made a complaint to the Police about the woman.

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Yep another  pretend Hiso 

I see  them all the time so sad 

And yes no helmet  and on the phone that's 2 fines already 

Also this women is wired she is on something as it's not normal 

I have a brand new Yamaha  and can never open the fuel  cap  it's a fault with the  bike I dont go and   beat the shit out of  the attendant  Thais  live in a bubble 

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

Storm in a Thai teacup - woman goes to the police over pump attendants who can't open filler cap



Picture: Sanook


BANGKOK: -- The world of Thai social media is abuzz after a Thai woman was filmed arguing with pump attendants at a gas station in Bangkok.


And all because the woman - who is irate and doing all the finger pointing at the attendants - cannot open a filler cap on the motorcycle she is riding, reported Sanook.


In a hissy fit she calls Bang Khen police to "come and investigate".


Also at the crux of the matter is that many on social media understood from the clip that the woman was claiming to be connected to the local force.


But it turned out she just knew someone at the police station.


Still, it was enough for the netizens on Thai social media to round on her for her behavior. She was condemned for her attitude all across social media and now she wants revenge.


After the matter had been sorted out amicably at the station - and the attendants had apologized to her, she went back later to threaten the person who posted the clip online with defamation and loss of face.


The drama started on Tuesday evening when the woman took her Honda Airblade - a relatively new model for Thailand - into what is thought to be a Shell station to fill up.


The attendants don't now how to open the cap, and neither does she. She wails: "I am asking you why won't you fill up for me?"


An argument breaks out as it is pointed out that she can't open it herself.


"You are working at a filling station, why can't you open it?", she screams.


She then calls the police and the words "phoo kong fai" are heard leading many who saw the clip to believe she is connected to the station.


Later Bang Khen station chief Amnat Intharasuan told sanook.com that following the incident the manager of the gas station and his staff had gone with the woman involved to the station and apologies were made. The matter had been settled.


But on Wednesday when the clip was shared online to Youlike, Youtube and other platforms the woman got mad.


Last night at 10.45pm she went back to police to register a complaint that she had been harmed by the clip and lost face. She said it was not representative of the whole incident and presented her in an unfavorable light, she said.


She said that it was not true that she worked with the police - she is a saleswoman at a nearby car showroom. She had borrowed the bike from a colleague and so didn't know how to open the filler cap.


When she called the police she mentioned the words "phoo kong fai" in answer to a question about the position of someone who she said worked at the police station.


She demanded that the clip be taken down or she would sue under the computer crimes act.


But whether she was an official at the police or not most people online thought that it was absurd that anyone would go to the police over such a trivial matter as pump attendants being unable to open a filler cap.


Source: Sanook

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-03-23

i think she is drunk

she moves and talks excactly in the same way as my thai neighbour 

when he is drunk and finished beating up his wife

the only hobby he has after retiring as a university teacher

she talkes and moves just like him in the same abusive way

so it must be a case of mau mau mak mak

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Clear indication of "them and me" You are a mere petrol attendant and I am a high flying sales person so I can treat you with utter disrespect??? Extremely sad power crazy maggot who needs to attend one of those "Thainess" programmes that we as Expats are sold?? There is a bright side "don't buy into that land of smiles" slogan!!

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