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PM urged to ban alcoholic drinks sale at events during Songkran’s 7 dangerous days


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1 hour ago, tominbkk said:

A little less time trying t implement probation and a little more time getting strict on drunk driving.  During Songkran days around my 'hood in N. Bangkok there is nary a cop....they all just disappear.  That's why all the 13 year old boys are riding motorcycles around with 3 of their friends with him on the bike. 


I've read about 90% of the deaths during songkran are from motorbikes.  It's a good thing, weeds out some of those selfish jerks.

I suspect that something close to 90% of road deaths throughout the year are those on scooters/motorbikes - but in the absence of verifiable evidence, we could both be wrong about the 'statistics'.


Having said this, it makes sense not to go out on a scooter/motorbike during Songkran as having buckets of water thrown at you whilst on a 'bike is far more dangerous than whilst in a car!

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1 hour ago, fish monger said:

Rather pathetic that one of the more important holidays in Thailand is labeled "The Seven Dangerous Days of Songkran"....  It's almost like a contest to see if one can get through it all unscathed.....Every year.

Easier and more effective surely to limit Songkran to one day?

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Blah blah and more blah!


Not that old chestnut again!

No alcohol and fun for anyone, because the @#$%&*) police will never get off their @$$es and enforce the EXISTING laws!

Already looking forward for the brigade of grumpy old men, who want Songkhran banned in total, because it is not their sort of fun!

Sometimes, this coubtry is really testing my love for it...on a daily basis...

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They need to fix their public transport system if they want people to stop driving during sonkran. People will be drinking no matter what, its a 7 day government supported holiday, and the only way to get home at 3 am is by driving. Or you if you have the same patience as my friends and I, wait for a taxi for 2 hours in RCA, get in, then get told we have to charter it for 1000 baht to get back to the dorm :saai: 

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3 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Firstly, it depends on where you live as Songkran only lasts one day on Phuket.


Secondly, quite a few (who would have otherwise gone out on their scooters), go out in cars instead during Songkran - thereby reducing the fatality numbers.


I do agree though that banning alcohol at "events" is a bit pointless!

I mean the songkran period - they average deaths over the total period nationally - thats what those figures represent.  Its lower than at other times of the year.  Very misleading.  You have alluded to some of the reasons it may be lower.  Another is likely because everyone is too busy gunning water and throwing clay to be going their usual crazy on the roads.

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18 hours ago, dinsdale said:

"Besides calling for a ban on alcohol sale during the seven “dangerous” days, the groups also proposed to revise the definition of drunkenness by setting the amount of alcohol to 20 or 30 milligramme/percent insread of 50 milligramme/percent."


0.02 your drunk. That's about 1/2 a glass of beer/Spy etc. for women, maybe less. The word imbecilic springs to mind. Every year these idiots come up with something.

Nothing will change in Thailand until their mentality changes.


Agreed. But personally, the way I would express your sentiment is, nothing will change in Thailand until the tiny moron goes away, and leaves his people alone. And until this country gets some intelligent, well educated (overseas hopefully), visionary leaders who really care about their people. He does not. Not one iota. All about cash and power for him. Where will these visionaries come from? It is anyone's guess. I just hope they materialize at some point, and take charge of this mess. The country is going backwards at an alarming pace, the economy is slowing down, tourism is diminishing (at least quality tourism), the reputation of the country continues to wilt and suffer under Little P., and nothing is changing, improving, progressing, or reforming. 

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It's actually banned in the Kingdom every day from somewhere around noon-ish to 5pm... unless you buy in quantity (according to a manager at Makro when I inquired about the ridiculous law way back when).  This was implemented a few years ago to try to keep Thai teachers from getting drunk at lunch and/or during the early afternoon while classes are still in session.  Of course it was yet another tilting-at-windmills exercise since only 7-11, Makro, Tesco, and the other national chain stores honor it.  T.I.T. my friends.


Yes it is banned from 14.00 to 17.00 and midnight to 9 am.


A few years ago you were allowed to buy alcohol if you bought more than 10 liters. Now there is a complete ban (unless you buy in a mom and pop store )

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