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Govt floats long-term land leases for foreigners

Jonathan Fairfield

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Many malls and office buildings are built in the USA on 99 year leases. Wealthy people don't like to sell land and it is a way to make sure their ancestors cannot squander the fortunes and a great estate planning tool. Step in the right direction for Thailand but 50 years not long enough. I am sure many guys who never had anything will comment how stupid it is as they think they know it all when they really show their ignorance daily with their comments. 

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2 minutes ago, impulse said:


Howza 'bout to lock up a supply of food as they desertify all their own farm land.  In which case, they'd be buying up Vietnam, Cambodia, Africa and any other place that lets them.  Google it.  It's happening all over the world.

Dreaming again are ya ? thailand has nothing the chinese cant get in africa, which they are doing and they dont have to give 51% to someone else. Thailand has nothing to offer the world except rice and another thing I wont mention.

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Smokescreen, this provision exists already in Thai law, it is not limited to 30 or 50 years, validity can be contractually agreed upon. It's called superficies. Perhaps the administrative wannabies should study there own laws first before making bubbles as this :)

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7 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Many malls and office buildings are built in the USA on 99 year leases. Wealthy people don't like to sell land and it is a way to make sure their ancestors cannot squander the fortunes and a great estate planning tool. Step in the right direction for Thailand but 50 years not long enough. I am sure many guys who never had anything will comment how stupid it is as they think they know it all when they really show their ignorance daily with their comments. 


Truth be told, just about every bit of land in the USA is leased from the government.  They call it a property tax, but it's really a leasing fee.  Wanna bet?  See what happens when you quit paying your property taxes lease fee.


You can only use the land for the purposes allowed by the gubment (zoning), and they can take it back from you any time they need it for a higher and better use (eminent domain).  They just have to pay you a fair amount to repurchase your right to use the land.


That sounds like a textbook example of a lease to me.

Edited by impulse
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3 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

Why would they buy here when the opportunity to buy in say vietnam is better ? No infrastructure here to support any farming let alone any other business on a large scale. You are dreaming like a thai.


Can foreigners buy land in Vietnam?  No, they can't.  SO what exactly are you going on about?

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Just now, Paruk said:

Not exactly, but practically, yes you're right!


And what's even sadder is that they also get to lease you the house you already paid for when they jack up your land valuation and the taxes for the improvements that YOU paid for.

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1 hour ago, 12DrinkMore said:

How does it work if you want to sell?

Usefruct does mean that you will be the owner. You can not sell what actually does not belong to you. You only can "use" it as you wish. 

You can sell what you built on that land if it is moveable, or trees that you put in the land. 

Usefruct just authorize you to use the land as you wish, you won't own it.

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11 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

Yes you can buy land in vietam, try coming out of your cave and reading some world news.


Funny, I was reading an article in the paper about buying property in Vietnam just four days ago, and they definately said that you cannot buy land but you can have exclusive land use for fifty years.  Do you have any links that confirm what you claim?

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15 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

Yes you can buy land in vietam, try coming out of your cave and reading some world news.


Just looked it up, you can buy one house, as long as you live in it, and you cannot own the land it is on, just a lease, and no owning agricultural land.  How embarrassing for you, and you even crawled out of your cave for the occasion, glad I stayed in mine.

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1 minute ago, Paruk said:

Well, not much left to put your money in. Buy some gold, maybe? You can hold it in your hand, hide it somewhere and be real owner of it. The rest is BS.

You make no sense...we are talking about being able to

own propertym as a westerner,.....nothing to do with gold,

Real ownership of a house and the land it standard upon!!!

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17 minutes ago, impulse said:


Truth be told, just about every bit of land in the USA is leased from the government.  They call it a property tax, but it's really a leasing fee.  Wanna bet?  See what happens when you quit paying your property taxes lease fee.


You can only use the land for the purposes allowed by the gubment (zoning), and they can take it back from you any time they need it for a higher and better use (eminent domain).  They just have to pay you a fair amount to repurchase your right to use the land.


That sounds like a textbook example of a lease to me.

I agree with you. Many people lost and continue to lose their land due to the government wanting it for some purpose. Has happened in the USA since manifest destiny stole all the Indian lands. Happened in England and China for thousands of years as they conquered other people's lands. Have to sue the government in the USA to try and get a good price when they want your land. Truth is we all are on the earth and leasing all our so called possessions. Truth is Thailand is no different from many of the countries in the world so I have trouble understanding all the Thailand bashing especially by people who claim to live here. No one reads history anymore.  They just spout unfounded opinions from their couch. As my grandfather use to say "live a good happy cheerful  life or do the rest of us a favor and die quietly."  Peace ?

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4 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

So, Thailand is finally seeing the rich Westerners locating ro

other S E Countries where you can actually Own a piece of 

propeety, not just a condo...GOODBYE Thailand :  my money

will go into TRUE ownership!!!!


You can't own land in Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore or Indonesia, but you can in Malaysia and Brunei, is that where the rich westerners are relocating, really?

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1 minute ago, Wake Up said:

I agree with you. Many people lost and continue to lose their land due to the government wanting it for some purpose. Has happened in the USA since manifest destiny stole all the Indian lands. Happened in England and China for thousands of years as they conquered other people's lands. Have to sue the government in the USA to try and get a good price when they want your land. Truth is we all are on the earth and leasing all our so called possessions. Truth is Thailand is no different from many of the countries in the world so I have trouble understanding all the Thailand bashing especially by people who claim to live here. No one reads history anymore.  They just spout unfounded opinions from their couch. As my grandfather use to say "live a good happy cheerful  life or do the rest of us a favor and die quietly."  Peace ?

These posts are so stupid...Of course in the USA you must pay your property

taxes on THE PROPEETY YOU OWN. Like any responsible land owner.   You

are not paying a lease fee....so dumb!!

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With the amount of expat upping  sticks  and leaving this sinking ship of a country . They will need a bigger float than this

They are leaving because they are busted Arse. The world's implosion of currencies against the thai baht has seen to that.. So puleez let's not pretend it's anything else. No money no honey so why stay?
Good riddance nobody wants desperates around them.
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In the Australian Capital Territory all land, whether residential or business etc, is on a 99-year lease from the ACT government. Noone worries about it particularly as the 99 years approaches. Everyone assumes it will simply (or perhaps complicatedly) be turned over for another 99 years. Mind you, the Canberra populace of prosperous public servants and their prosperous service providers is (yawn) extremely peaceable and law-abiding, and so (yawn) is their government ...


As to Thailand, the basic concern of Thai governments of all persuasions to protect its poor population from the depredations of wealthy foreigners seems to me perfectly understandable. How they have chosen to do so in the past and continuing now is no doubt debatable ...

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2 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

They are leaving because they are busted Arse. The world's implosion of currencies against the thai baht has seen to that.. So puleez let's not pretend it's anything else. No money no honey so why stay?
Good riddance nobody wants desperates around them.

This must be another Brit that worked maybe 15

years no is on a meager pension.

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16 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

I dont get the foreigners buying up all the land idea if we could own land here, land-houses are much cheaper in my home country and has good water, electricity, internet etc, thats why I have no interest in buying land here. And I dont live in london or los angeles for all the people that will comment how much more expensive it is back home. Thailand was a reasonable cost of living 10 years ago when I first came here but now other than taxes Its much cheaper for me to live in my home country.


12 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


You may not get it but it is not all about you and where you are from, open it up and the land will be bought up by Chinese, Singaporeans and Malaysians, expats are the least of their worries, after all, what would you be buying, a house and garden or thousands of hectares of farmland?


9 minutes ago, Hereinthailand said:

Why would they buy here when the opportunity to buy in say vietnam is better ? No infrastructure here to support any farming let alone any other business on a large scale. You are dreaming like a thai.


There are people that do buy condos and houses (in company names) and then flip them to people from their home countries for huge profits. One guy (from Belgium) I talked to a couple years ago said he was flipping properties at 3 times the price he bought them for, and the people buying them (from Belgium) still thought they were getting a good deal.


Property ownership should be like other reciprocal agreements between nations, like Tax treaties, Trade agreements, Extradition treaties and Visa agreements. If your citizens can do something in the other country (like own property) then citizens from that country should be allowed to own property in your country. Like other agreements, conditions can be set to prevent abuse and resolve disputes.


Maybe they'll get there one day, though I suspect it won't be soon enough to make any difference to me !  

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We don't get it.

No matter what the lease you can be defrauded of your property at the whim of any Thai in authority. Crooked cops colluding with crooked lawyers and a crooked land office and hey presto.....your property (properties) disappears. 

No matter what the term of any lease it WILL come to an end and then what? Remove the property? No, you need permission. So, sell or just give it away to the land owner? Probably. Perhaps this is the plan all along. Cheap/free properties for the Thais?


Fantasy? Rubbish?  Ask Ian Rance or Colin Vard who were stripped of all their assets. They were the subjects of  BBC programme detailing this very fraud. Now Rance, Vard and J Head of the BBC have been sued for defamation! By the way, the lawyer admitted on TV that he forged Rances signature...and then he sued.

What a sick society Thailand is.



FREEHOLD is the only way to legally and properly own any property. Not an option with the paranoid Thais.

Despite the fact that the very people who make the rules in Thailand are the very same people who can go to any western country and freely buy property with full legal freehold with their dirty money.


Absolutely ridiculous and yet another example of the weak wet western "leaders"...re.ad spongers off the public taxpayer. 

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1 minute ago, Kerryd said:


Property ownership should be like other reciprocal agreements between nations, like Tax treaties, Trade agreements, Extradition treaties and Visa agreements. If your citizens can do something in the other country (like own property) then citizens from that country should be allowed to own property in your country. Like other agreements, conditions can be set to prevent abuse and resolve disputes.




Exactly......the only way to get Thailand to get real and give foreigners ownership. 

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'Long-term' usually has one of two meanings in Thailand


a) For the populace - a period of more than 2 hours (having paid the appropriate bar fine)


B) For the authorities - until we change the rules again.


I guess this fits into category b

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47 minutes ago, impulse said:


Truth be told, just about every bit of land in the USA is leased from the government.  They call it a property tax, but it's really a leasing fee.  Wanna bet?  See what happens when you quit paying your property taxes lease fee.


You can only use the land for the purposes allowed by the gubment (zoning), and they can take it back from you any time they need it for a higher and better use (eminent domain).  They just have to pay you a fair amount to repurchase your right to use the land.


That sounds like a textbook example of a lease to me.


No, not the same at all. Not even close.



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19 minutes ago, Kerryd said:




There are people that do buy condos and houses (in company names) and then flip them to people from their home countries for huge profits. One guy (from Belgium) I talked to a couple years ago said he was flipping properties at 3 times the price he bought them for, and the people buying them (from Belgium) still thought they were getting a good deal.


Property ownership should be like other reciprocal agreements between nations, like Tax treaties, Trade agreements, Extradition treaties and Visa agreements. If your citizens can do something in the other country (like own property) then citizens from that country should be allowed to own property in your country. Like other agreements, conditions can be set to prevent abuse and resolve disputes.


Maybe they'll get there one day, though I suspect it won't be soon enough to make any difference to me !  


It is so different from all those other aggreements, some countries are under populated, others over populated, some have already over inflated property prices, others are under valued, some have a shortage of people farming the land, some are paying farmers not to farm their land, each country is a different situation, some could make reciprocal aggreements, but for others it would be a complete disaster for their people.

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