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Military raid Pheu Thai’s book launch party


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4 hours ago, smedly said:

The Book - How to cheat and lie your way into office and fleece a whole country

You mean, as opposed to using guns to just take over the office and continue fleecing a whole country, removing basic human rights, giving themselves a whopper of an amnesty, jailing people for speaking their minds, killing activists, rigging future elections, ensuring they will retain power in perpetuity etc, ect, ect??

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5 hours ago, scorecard said:



"...Such ....... people....protecting" the country from ..." folks who are still looking for any opportunity to tell lies and divide the country so they can rush in again for the spoils. Clear as a bell...


4 hours ago, smedly said:

The Book - How to cheat and lie your way into office and fleece a whole country

You know things are getting desperate when you have to try and  justify using the military to close down a book launch!

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4 hours ago, JAG said:


You know things are getting desperate when you have to try and  justify using the military to close down a book launch!

probably the only book in history were they will actually pay people to buy it lol

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The junta isn't the only organization afraid of books.  About two years ago a Chiang Mai bookstore owner, Rodjaraeg Wattanapanit, was given an International Women of Courage Award for her support of democracy and women's rights.  All posts about her in a popular English language internet forum in Thailand were deleted, even though her award was reported on in the BP and Chiang Mai City Life magazine. 


Sad, isn't it?

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The junta isn't the only organization afraid of books.  About two years ago a Chiang Mai bookstore owner, Rodjaraeg Wattanapanit, was given an International Women of Courage Award for her support of democracy and women's rights.  All posts about her in a popular English language internet forum in Thailand were deleted, even though her award was reported on in the BP and Chiang Mai City Life magazine. 


Sad, isn't it?

yes it is sad that a few on here keep trying to justify/support the most corrupt cheating dishonest crowd of crooks that ever stood in government and fooled so many..............................not any more


Thanks to social media it will never happen again........................the people are more informed


The current situation is not ideal but at least they are ridding Thailand of the rot and bringing people to account on a daily basis, if they could keep doing it for the next 10 years you might just see the makings of an actual properly functioning democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.....up to now the criminal greedy liars have been running the show.............check their bank accounts


heybruce ...............enjoying Thailand ?   I don't think so  - I have to wonder why people who don't live in Thailand keep posting on these very polarised political threads........................well I don't wonder at all

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22 minutes ago, smedly said:

yes it is sad that a few on here keep trying to justify/support the most corrupt cheating dishonest crowd of crooks that ever stood in government and fooled so many..............................not any more


Thanks to social media it will never happen again........................the people are more informed


The current situation is not ideal but at least they are ridding Thailand of the rot and bringing people to account on a daily basis, if they could keep doing it for the next 10 years you might just see the makings of an actual properly functioning democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.....up to now the criminal greedy liars have been running the show.............check their bank accounts


heybruce ...............enjoying Thailand ?   I don't think so  - I have to wonder why people who don't live in Thailand keep posting on these very polarised political threads........................well I don't wonder at all

So many absurd claims, I don't know where to begin.  I'll address just a few.


"Thanks to social media...."? You mean the social media the junta is patrolling and arresting people for a "like" the junta doesn't like?


"The current situation...".  Do you mean the situation in which the military has been overtly or covertly ruling Thailand? That has been going on since 1932.  Many, many rich generals have come out of it, but not democracy or clean government. 


"if they could keep doing if for the next ten year...".  As noted, they've been doing it for 85 years.  What makes you think another ten will change anything?


"I have to wonder...", "well I don't wonder at all"   Confused, aren't you?  Of course anyone who thinks the military is interested in ridding Thailand of corruption is very confused.

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11 hours ago, scorecard said:



"...Such ....... people....protecting" the country from ..." folks who are still looking for any opportunity to tell lies and divide the country so they can rush in again for the spoils. Clear as a bell...

Do you have a tipping point when it comes to defending everything this administration does.Im being serious ,does anything go , in pursuit of ' greater good ' ?

Edited by joecoolfrog
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1 hour ago, smedly said:

yes it is sad that a few on here keep trying to justify/support the most corrupt cheating dishonest crowd of crooks that ever stood in government and fooled so many..............................not any more


Thanks to social media it will never happen again........................the people are more informed


The current situation is not ideal but at least they are ridding Thailand of the rot and bringing people to account on a daily basis, if they could keep doing it for the next 10 years you might just see the makings of an actual properly functioning democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.....up to now the criminal greedy liars have been running the show.............check their bank accounts


heybruce ...............enjoying Thailand ?   I don't think so  - I have to wonder why people who don't live in Thailand keep posting on these very polarised political threads........................well I don't wonder at all

Polarised but hardly balanced , very few left on your side in this forum.

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6 hours ago, smedly said:

yes it is sad that a few on here keep trying to justify/support the most corrupt cheating dishonest crowd of crooks that ever stood in government and fooled so many..............................not any more


Thanks to social media it will never happen again........................the people are more informed

Amazing post! First of all; if a poll was conducted on TVF I think you would find that the majority is against the junta, very much like I think the majority of the Thai people are. Too bad there will be no free and fair elections so we could find out, right?

Secondly, as heybruce pointed out the social media is to the junta like sunshine to a vampire - too much and they'll explode. But you claim that thanks to social media Thaksin won't ever win another election.

Again; Too bad there will be no free and fair elections so we could find out, right?

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

yes it is sad that a few on here keep trying to justify/support the most corrupt cheating dishonest crowd of crooks that ever stood in government and fooled so many..............................not any more


Thanks to social media it will never happen again........................the people are more informed


The current situation is not ideal but at least they are ridding Thailand of the rot and bringing people to account on a daily basis, if they could keep doing it for the next 10 years you might just see the makings of an actual properly functioning democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.....up to now the criminal greedy liars have been running the show.............check their bank accounts


heybruce ...............enjoying Thailand ?   I don't think so  - I have to wonder why people who don't live in Thailand keep posting on these very polarised political threads........................well I don't wonder at all

You begin with a simpleminded and inaccurate prescriptive definition, that favourite stratagem of not very bright schoolboy debaters.I've been following and participating in this forum for many years and I have almost never seen members trying to "justify" governments with a Shinawatra family background.I have however seen many make the point that for all their faults these were legitimate governments with an electoral mandate from the Thai people; indeed I have often taken that position myself.As for Thaksin himself he was not much different in attitudes, loyalties and habits to those of similar background namely the Sino Thai middle class.But in one important respect he was unique as a politician since he undermined the domination of the country by a set of unelected  elites.That is why he remains the most popular politician among the Thai majority and that is why the ruling class and their attack dogs are determined to destroy his influence.


As to corruption, there's no doubt Thaksin was less than pure, more by changing the rules of the game than the direct sleaziness of more obvious perpetrators.Against Yingluck there's no evidence at all, just a politicised witch hunt.Where you are hugely mistaken (and I recognise this is probably just your ignorance rather than dishonesty) is to suggest that corruption has significantly lessened since the Junta seized power.How could it be expected to when the ruling generals usually have huge unexplained fortunes and all accountabilty has been removed.FAr from improving matters the JUnta is running it into the ground.My feeeling is that you don't read the serious analysis but it is quite clear that the old days of Teflon Thailand are over, and the country is spiralling downwards as a result of political uncertainty.

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20 hours ago, smedly said:

The Book - How to cheat and lie your way into office and fleece a whole country

With the consent of a majority of the voters. It's called democracy. Now then, taking office at the point of a gun is not fleecing the country of course, in the crazy world of the fanboys.

Edited by jesimps
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16 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

A bit of information here about the farmers that were so happy during the rice scheme and how they were treated by the Yingluck government.



If that was the case, wouldn't you think that the junta would be keen to let this book go on sale instead of trying to stop it? According to your theory the powers that be should be encouraging people to buy it.

More likely that it hits the nail right on the head and the junta's terrified of the truth.

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The Truth........they can't handle the truth !!!!


Not on any side, Junta, Red Shirt, Yellow Shirt and the ones you can't even mention.....even if it really really is the truth.


There is a theory that your native language affects how you think........anyone who has ever tried to learn Thai will know what I mean. This place will never be fixed in another 1,000 generations.


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Ironic, it was killing some of them when it was still "operational", if you want to call that cluster----k an operation.

Didn't you get the circular? Any line which invokes the farmers suicides automatically loses the argument.This was a theme much purveyed by Suthep crazies at the time - now discarded by anyone with a grip on reality.

Certainly there was some dissatisfaction and some tragic incidents but the vast majority understood the problems were created by the silent coup opponents of the government (blocking bank financing) and not the Yingluck government itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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Yes, the suicides.Sadly, people from all occupational groups kill themselves. Farmers, mechanics, bankers, politicians. To accurately attribute the suicides of rice farmers to the failure of the rice subsidy, one would need to show that there was a significant spike in farmer suicides as compared to other years. Not just a few suicides by farmers that blamed their problems on the rice subsidy.I have seen no evidence of this being the case. I would welcome enlightenment if someone can produce thiis evidence.

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6 hours ago, tomta said:

Yes, the suicides.Sadly, people from all occupational groups kill themselves. Farmers, mechanics, bankers, politicians. To accurately attribute the suicides of rice farmers to the failure of the rice subsidy, one would need to show that there was a significant spike in farmer suicides as compared to other years. Not just a few suicides by farmers that blamed their problems on the rice subsidy.I have seen no evidence of this being the case. I would welcome enlightenment if someone can produce thiis evidence.

It is clearly a recurrent phenomenon in Thailand






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