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Possible Venues For Tv Piss-ups!


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Always enjoyed a bus trip in my younger day.

Beers and a good sing song there and back no need to worry about drink driving, bliss.

Perhaps one day a bus load of lads etal could venture a bit further out and have at it ?

That's a great idea and a good point for discussion this Friday.

Thanks for the input...hope to see you at the pissup recon.

Sadly stuck in HK dreaming of the lovely Pong.

Will keep monitoring the thread, in the hope of being in town on the right day to join in for a beer.

Good luck and keep up the great work.

Looks like this caravan is somewhere in town each and every Friday....just look up this thread and you will know where to find us!

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Ladies and Gents - please list suggestions to favourite spots in Patters that would be ideal for a TV pissup...

Blues Factory



hanover inn

Thanks for the input....our potential venue list is blank at the moment.

If you have any further details about The Hanover Inn, please post them and the approximate location.

I'm sure there will be a stream of "volunteers" eager to recon the venue :o

Anyone else with any insight for this site?

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The next pissup recon is scheduled

Tonight at the Elephant Bar

7pm Friday night.....9, February

All TV members are cordially invited to meet and greet fellow members, to evaluate the facilities and to post their observations to the TV management for future pissup consideration. See attached map for location.


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The next pissup recon is scheduled

Tonight at the Elephant Bar

7pm Friday night.....9, February

All TV members are cordially invited to meet and greet fellow members, to evaluate the facilities and to post their observations to the TV management for future pissup consideration. See attached map for location.

try this map

Elephant is the nearly at the end of the soi before you hit the beach on the right

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Ladies and Gents - please list suggestions to favourite spots in Patters that would be ideal for a TV pissup...

Blues Factory



hanover inn

Thanks for the input....our potential venue list is blank at the moment.

If you have any further details about The Hanover Inn, please post them and the approximate location.

I'm sure there will be a stream of "volunteers" eager to recon the venue :o

Anyone else with any insight for this site?

Moon River pub North Road

Pig & Whistle Soi 7

Sportsman Inn soi 13.

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it was a heavy night, just not in the elephant bar, i will take responsibility for suggesting the Elephant bar and i promise to make no futher recomendations, but in the bars defence, the food is good, parking is no problem and it is wife freindly in the fact that their are no working girls there, which seems to be the main problem in finding a suitable bar.

Anyway after suffering the elephant bar for an hour it was off to walking street and the rolling stone bar, very good night, good live band and too much beer.

Buckwheat lovely to meet your stunning 'nong sow'!!!!!

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BB suggested an excellent place with cheap drinks (Heineken 55 Baht a bottle) and huge portions. The Missus and me were forced to share a shepherd's because the waiter steadfastly refused to take a food order from me for reasons unknown.

We were lucky, though, the servings are huge!

Buckwheat, who was the first who came, showed his romantic side by choosing a table just in front of the live band that consisted of a skilled keyboard programmer and girl in red leather boots that tried to help him out with the vocals.

We went then to the Tsunami bar at the beach (BB......you forgot that bit alrady, huh? :D ) and had another couple of drinks. We actualy thought that Tsunami bar would be a nice place for a piss-up...renting the whole place and having a beach party would be something for a change....

Anyways, the evening ended in besaid Rolling Stones Bar and the band luckily just finished Hotel California when I got there, so I had to put up with Wonderful Tonight only...

Too bad that not more people attended, but we six of us had a splendid night!


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The recon at the Elephant Bar last night was average at best.

There is ample parking on the street as well as in the parking lot at the end of the road.

I didn't eat, so I'll have to defer comments on the food to Raro.

The service was not too good…especially for the number of staff present.

Heinekens were 55 baht….I don't know the cost of a mixed drink, but I looked at their selection on hand and it seemed very limited.

Seating was limited and the area of the bar was approximately the same as the Drunken Duck. In my opinion not capable of sustaining a full blown pissup.

But all was not lost for the evening. We were so saddened at the failure of the recon that we took refuge at The Rolling Stone Bar #2 on Walking Street. The music was good, the beer was cold and we were afforded the opportunity to revert to our normal selves…..for better of worse. :o

Elephant bar overall.....good company.....so-so venue.....and in my opinion, not pissup capable.

Ali….stick to bearded blokes :D:D:D

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Whats the plan for next Friday?

i'd be quite happy going back to the rolling stone bar, i know no good for an official piss-up but the wife thoroughly enjoyed herself last night, so if no better offers come along i think i'll take her back there next week.

did you book your appointment with the optician buckwheat???

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my eyes along with my head weren't too good this morning, are we going to arrange a piss-up for next friday? As you know i am not in the PC brigade so anywhere is fine for me. As well as me promising not to suggest anymore venues in all honesty i can't think of anymore suitable places apart from the ones you've visited already.

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my eyes along with my head weren't too good this morning, are we going to arrange a piss-up for next friday? As you know i am not in the PC brigade so anywhere is fine for me. As well as me promising not to suggest anymore venues in all honesty i can't think of anymore suitable places apart from the ones you've visited already.

I agree and I believe we discussed re-reconning at length last night.

Perhaps we need guidance from the Chairman of The PRT..........Raro?

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as if you would need guidance for a piss-up! :o

I heard rumours about some networking event next Friday, so I might not be able to join a recon at 7 pm, but maybe later.

Any place in North Pattaya? We could go to the Easy Rider after and check the band there. Best band in town in my books...

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Ok R4199246, let's try this....

As of the 9th of February, 6 possible pissup venues have been scoped out by TV members…(in the order they were visited)

1) Tropical Berts

2) Jamesons

3) Drunk and Dare A Licks

4) Caddyshack

5) Drunken Duck

6) Elephant Bar

Of the six reviewed, it seems as if 3 of them were well received by all participants.

Tropical Berts



As there seems to be a shortage of suggested venues that meet the basic criteria for a social gathering that includes spouses, girlfriends, boyfriends etc., the suggestion was made last night that the next 3 pissup recons should be carried out at the 3 most favored establishments in order for all who missed the first go to have a look and evaluate the venues.

All inputs are welcome, what do you think?

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Of the six reviewed, it seems as if 3 of them were well received by all participants.

Tropical Berts




All inputs are welcome, what do you think?

there were some more entries, that Hanover Bar (where is that) and also Lake Maprachan Resort. The latter might be a bit of a walk for R238472619, but definatley a nice place and forum sponsor!

Then again, if you guys want to do Tropical Berts again, no problem with me! And it is not far from the Easy Rider pub that hosts one of the best bands in town... :o

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Just back from Berts now after birthday drinks for a friend, the beer is still just as icy cold as it was last time, a nice change not having to put ice to make it cold enough, in fact some were coming out frozen nearly!

Bert Thanks for the plates of French Fries too.

Another sugestion is Moonriver on Pattaya Nua, i hear its ok, any comments? maybe it could be next?

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<br />Just back from Berts now after birthday drinks for a friend, the beer is still just as icy cold as it was last time, a nice change not having to put ice to make it cold enough, in fact some were coming out frozen nearly!<br /><br />Bert Thanks for the plates of French Fries too.<br /><br />Another sugestion is Moonriver on Pattaya Nua, i hear its ok, any comments? maybe it could be next?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Moonriver pub is quite pricey, at 9:30 the band start playing and although not as loud, they are also not as good as in the Blues Factory and still loud enough to disrupt conversations.

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Moon river pub is not bad venue. Plenty of room, I have seen several 'club'/large groups, go there for dinner. Parking is fine, and it is on the baht bus route for non-drivers. Also no service girls.

Maybe a little pricey, but I wouldn't have thought more than BF

As Raro says, the only draw back is the band that starts at 9.30. I also agree it's not as loud as BF, but would still make conversation difficult. However, it is pretty quiet before that, so a 7.p.m. start woiuld give you over 2 hours of peace before the music starts.

Maybe worth a punt? :o

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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I think there's a few decent places missing from your list.Just to name a few


2.Henry J Beans

3.Gullivers Travels

4.Pussy Galore

5.Hide a Way


7.That Irish Bar down Walking Street

8.Butchers Arms


10.Harley Bar

They are all GF/Wife friendly,all do food if required.


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I think there's a few decent places missing from your list.Just to name a few


2.Henry J Beans NEVER BEEN




6.Lewinsky's NEVER BEEN

7.That Irish Bar down Walking Street NEVER BEEN

8.Butchers Arms NO PARKING

9.Witherspoons NEVER BEEN


They are all GF/Wife friendly,all do food if required.


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think there's a few decent places missing from your list.Just to name a few


2.Henry J Beans NEVER BEEN -American atmosphere - On two levels -- food good parking OK as well


4.Pussy Galore NO PARKING, NOT BIG ENOUGH, PLENTY OF WORKING GIRLS -- Wife won't let me go

5.Hide a Way LIMITED PARKING, HAS WORKING GIRLS -- Wife suspects that I want to go to Las Vegas Bar when I try to go to Hide away

6.Lewinsky's NEVER BEEN Too small -- parking bad

7.That Irish Bar down Walking Street NEVER BEEN __ Where can you park? and I would have difficulty passing the other attractions if I walked

8.Butchers Arms NO PARKING

9.Witherspoons NEVER BEEN -- No Parking

10.Harley Bar BROTHEL, YOU'RE HAVING A LAUGH-- If we could get the girls to have a night off -- yes could be ok - good food -- But why when Caddy Shack over the road.

I understand Henry J's is a good place but quite expensive - I suspect a lot more than Moon River. They also have live music - probably from 9 or 9.30

Yes, Harley is a girlie place (Brothel sounds so sordid somehow :D ) - a good escape for single guys when we meet at the Caddy Shack. :o

Can't comment on most of the others.

How come you know so much 'R4199246? :D - A man of your age and moral rectitude :D

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