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Illegal booze and cigarettes "flooding across borders" in wake of proposed tax increases


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2 minutes ago, Buckwheat Flour said:

Add 1 liter of sample product to your petrol tank. Thereafter, if you notice an improvement to your vehicle's n acceleration response, it is probably Methanol based booze.  

Hard to do in a Bar Buddy.


I did find this test however.


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6 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

I would not dare to drink illegal spirits - I fear (methanol) . Look what it does in eastern europe or in Russia: it kills hundreds.  And thousands loose their eyesight. What a horrible thinking to wake up blind after a binge-drinking-party with smuggled booze.

The last great goodbye. We us old farts know better now but what about our wild impetuous years??

Edited by elgordo38
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5 hours ago, juice777 said:

My ex bought me a bottle of Jim Beam back form Cambodia. It didn't taste quite right and someone else agreed with me. I still drunk quite a bit of it and round about the same time I had a Hives attack.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

You should BEE wiser. 

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

I'd venture an opinion that if tomorrow as if by magic, there will be no

booz or cigarettes and similar vices , the world will be a

better place to live in....


I'd venture an opinion if tomorrow as if by magic, people lived and let live without telling others how they should live, the world would be a better place to live in .... 

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

The price is not 30% cheaper but MUCH more.


Cigarettes in the no-man's-land between cambodia and thailand costed 130 baht for a carton of 10 packs.


Fake alcohol also was much cheaper there.


I don't want to drink that stuff,  one can get blind from it. If thai bars sell it als the real thing they deserve a severe punishment for it...Making people blind is worth some years in jail imo.

As your last sentence states I am sure a lot bars will overlook the danger in the constant race for more profit. A Dodge City mentality exists here. 

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3 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

"They quoted a source that said smugglers were doing a roaring trade since the tax announcements"

As are "others" taking their cut

The "others" can never pass up the chance to make a few bahts. All these changes have little income riders attached. Its almost bad enough to make me take up smoking. I can always remember why I never started. I was about 8 years old and walking with my sainted grandmother and saw a half smoked cigarette smoldering on the sidewalk. I reached down to pick it up and a foot came down on my hand. I heard the words "If the God Lord meant you to smoke he would have put a chimney on your head" My smoking aspirations died then and there. 

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7 minutes ago, brownknees said:

I have forgotten how we tested the "Sadequi" in Saudi(very high proof spirit!).I think the test was to fill a teaspoon and set it alight ,should be a pale blue flame and leave no residue ,anything else and theres a risk !!!

Unless you really cut the stuff did your liver not object??

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7 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

I would not dare to drink illegal spirits - I fear (methanol) . Look what it does in eastern europe or in Russia: it kills hundreds.  And thousands loose their eyesight. What a horrible thinking to wake up blind after a binge-drinking-party with smuggled booze.

Illegal cigarettes too.

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China is the biggest makers of fake whiskey's... when I was living there, you could buy JD very cheap. but the problem is, sometimes it was fake, tasted like Hong Thong or some cheap rice wine colored to look like JD...  Taobao was the place people grabbed from, so I am sure all of SEA buys from China their liquors.


So I believe it if they say fake...


Has the price gone up? or when April Fools day?

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21 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes and if you read verse 8 you and I and everyone on this planet will burn in hell.  No question exists that all men have been fearful, lied to others or themselves and are not perfect. I personally do not believe we were all created to burn in hell and I do not believe some people are better than others in the eyes of the creator. The great thing about this planet is our differences. So live your life but resist the temptation to tell others how they should live. Your life is not the only way for all and you do not possess the blueprint to tell everyone how to live. You and I have been given the chance to live a few brief moments on the planet so live them well as you chose. ?

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For over 50 years ago my chemistry teacher showed how one can tell the difference between alcohol and methanol. Alcohol burns with a blue flame while methanol burns with a green flame. I've never tried it myself, but maybe someone else can confirm it?

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7 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Yes and if you read verse 8 you and I and everyone on this planet will burn in hell.  No question exists that all men have been fearful, lied to others or themselves and are not perfect. I personally do not believe we were all created to burn in hell and I do not believe some people are better than others in the eyes of the creator. The great thing about this planet is our differences. So live your life but resist the temptation to tell others how they should live. Your life is not the only way for all and you do not possess the blueprint to tell everyone how to live. You and I have been given the chance to live a few brief moments on the planet so live them well as you chose. ?

 I do not believe some people are better than others in the eyes of the creator. First of all there may be creator but I am not a great believer. Your quote that I cut out I hold near and dear that we are all equal. This seems to becoming blurred today. Yes our moments here are brief some more briefer than others. Every day I find it amazing that I have made it this far. 

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Here's an interesting photo from the UK. Very helpful if I were going to buy whisky in Cambodia today.

Mind you, it looks like there has been some extensive sampling carried out on the fake!
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8 hours ago, jackinthebox said:

I would not dare to drink illegal spirits - I fear (methanol) . Look what it does in eastern europe or in Russia: it kills hundreds.  And thousands loose their eyesight. What a horrible thinking to wake up blind after a binge-drinking-party with smuggled booze.



You can drink it without knowing when drinking outside. 90% of bar owners are cheaters here.



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I wouldn't say either that  it was beyond the realm of possibility that some enterprising supermarket managers wouldn't try and make a bit of extra cash and stock fake booze and ciggies on the shelves, not sure all of it would be so easy to spot as the old Johnny Worker Black Labial either. Nice job Bureau of Sin Tax, poison the nation,  just as long as you and the medical industry all get your immediate 100 percent spike in revenues.


The TAT can also add all this to the list of tourist attractions, highest priced drinks and the highest levels of methanol poisoning in SE Asia, two for one! Hey why you don't know already, Thailand whiskey is most expensive and not good for health! Silly foreign man!

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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"the world would be a better place, with no booze, cigarette's, or similar vices"seriously?

Only for you and the rest of your holier than thou followers, old chum

By the way, the next Salvation army meeting, is Tuesday,at the William Boothe Hotel, soi 6,Tambourines and soap boxes optional.Oh, and the dry cleaners called and said your uniform will be ready next Monday.:intheclub::violin::burp::kiss01:

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I once bought a bottle of Hundred Pipers at the family mart next to JJ markets. Had a good nite drinking it with a friend at home. Early morning I went shopping at Siam Square looking for garbage bins to vomit into. Later in the day I learned my drinking buddy was in hospital from the effects. I was able to tell the police where I had bought the whisky and the sellers were caught. You cannot trust any source in Thailand, best to stick to beer.

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2 hours ago, fullcave said:

Raising the taxes again? Must be an annual process. Alcohol is already at least double the price it is in Canada. How much more can they possibly squeeze out of the consumer? 

From a society that never questions authority a lot more. Time for a Lakeport. 

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