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Video: Mob "justice" as bus passenger films taxi attack


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4 hours ago, Deez said:

Not true. The apologists will be along soon to correct you and tell you this is exactly the same as every other country

Not true.  No other country can teach Thailand anything.  Thailand not same same as any other inferior place.

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Geez.....The person filming the incident gets an award for the worst camera operator of the month.

It is not rocket science to operate the camera correctly and have it accurately focused on the event and not the road and not their feet and not the side of the bus and everywhere else but hardly focused on the unfolding altercation.

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3 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Looks to me that he is sitting in the car

I think the taxi was being blamed as to have caused an accident with the motorcycle guy(s) and then simply drove on like nothing happened while probably very little happened other than the moto guy(s),  driving recklessly, as usual, and the taxi driver(s ), driving recklessly, as usual, while both parties crossed paths and had a minor collision and then both parties adamantly believe it was the other parties fault, as per usual again...lol

So, the taxi driver is accused of fleeing the scene of a minor accident that happened just before and back there a ways and  before the video started while the moto boys chased after the taxi in unison...just like in a Hollywood movie ...just like super heroes do ...but.....all of them arriving with the usual pent up emotional rage and combined with Thai man boxing skills and ready to be utilised......all primed and ready for revenge along with their kill mode switched on.


Then the Taxi gets trapped in traffic and more or less stuck beside the bus and then the moto boys arrive and descended upon the Taxi driver and his vehicle to exact their street style Thai justice and exact revenge upon an inanimate object.


That about sums it up...I surmise




Edited by gemguy
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22 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Laudable but not reflective of  Thailand today with kids that spend more time looking at a mobile phone or  playing games.

I too spent my summers in the country, first at our home and then at summer camp. Wasn't a big fan as I disliked organized activities and "structure". The prospect of being bossed around by camp counsellors 8-15 years older than me who weren't qualified other than being cheap babysitters, was sort of pathetic.  Also hated  deer flies, black flies, mosquitos, and "roughing" it.


Look at the fingers of today's teenagers, they look really soft and delicate like lady's fingers. I guest they never do any work at home, like doing some small minor repairs.

Have they lost the desire to go fishing or building some campfire and had some bake beans heated over the fire and ate them with bread?


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I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.


Tell that to the young people of today and they won't believe you....

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