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Retirement visa 1 year extension

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Last week I went to the U.S.Embassy to p/u my notorizied  earings affadavit.

The next day I took my permission to stay application and all the required copies with my passort to Buriram immigration. 

The officer looked at all my aperwork and questioned how I could prove I received the necessary 65000 living expenses stated on my earnings affadavit. 

I had never been a asked this before. in the past 5 years I would hand over the affadavit from the US embassy and that was proof enough. Now they want to see how your earnings go thru your Thai bank.


Luckily I had my Bangkok bank book with and showed the officer a deposit

Every month for over 80,000 baht


The officer accepted my application and stamped my 1 year extension. And was very curteous and helpful also speaking very good english.

I was in and out in 30 minutes. So I must  say Buriram immigration is very falang friendly. At C/W I would have been there all day.

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Last week I went to the U.S.Embassy to p/u my notorizied  earings affadavit.
The next day I took my permission to stay application and all the required copies with my passort to Buriram immigration. 
The officer looked at all my aperwork and questioned how I could prove I received the necessary 65000 living expenses stated on my earnings affadavit. 
I had never been a asked this before. in the past 5 years I would hand over the affadavit from the US embassy and that was proof enough. Now they want to see how your earnings go thru your Thai bank.
Luckily I had my Bangkok bank book with and showed the officer a deposit
Every month for over 80,000 baht
The officer accepted my application and stamped my 1 year extension. And was very curteous and helpful also speaking very good english.
I was in and out in 30 minutes. So I must  say Buriram immigration is very falang friendly. At C/W I would have been there all day.

Retirement Visa is so much quicker and easier than marriage visa. I have the additional funds so I don't know why I really bother applying for the marriage visa.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, agudbuk said:


Retirement Visa is so much quicker and easier than marriage visa. I have the additional funds so I don't know why I really bother applying for the marriage visa.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

I don't understand your post.

It's a thread about retirement extension.


It's about retirement extension based on monthly income/pension.

It's about the fact that immigration wanted to see more than just the affidavit.


Even with the 800k on the account you might be asked where the money came/comes from.

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4 hours ago, agudbuk said:


Retirement Visa is so much quicker and easier than marriage visa. I have the additional funds so I don't know why I really bother applying for the marriage visa.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk


Once again there is no such thing as a retirement or marriage VISA they are extensions of permission to stay


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Once again there is no such thing as a retirement or marriage VISA they are extensions of permission to stay

A pedant is a person who is excessively concerned with formalism, accuracy, and precision, or one who makes an ostentatious and arrogant show of learning.

Visa and marriage or retirement extension to Visa.
As they say "Same same but different"

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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Also Marriage Extensions are only slightly more difficult than Retirement Extensions.
Plus you need less capital.

It also requires a second visit to the Immigration office.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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Further bickering will lead to removal of the posts.


From the wording of the OP it's fully clear that it is a about a one year extension based on retirement.

Get back to the essential of the OP, showing additional proof of income besides the affidavit.

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On 4/14/2017 at 9:28 AM, Blue bruce said:


Last week I went to the U.S.Embassy to p/u my notorizied  earings affadavit.

The next day I took my permission to stay application and all the required copies with my passort to Buriram immigration. 

The officer looked at all my aperwork and questioned how I could prove I received the necessary 65000 living expenses stated on my earnings affadavit. 



The U.S. Embassy doesn't want a document shown. Immigration knows this. They want to see the proof.

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Always have a backup......your bankbook with a monthly entry of FFT (Foreign Funds Transfer) for monthly incoming funds is a good backup plan B.

Many Thai immigration officers know exactly how to read those bank codes and they know exactly what an FFT there every month means.

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My point was the U.S.Embassy does not care what number you pit on the affadavit.  All they are doing in notorizied your signature.   


For the past 5 years Thai immigration did not question the amount only to make sure you has income of 65000 baht. Now they are question g is this monew in Thailand 

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On 4/14/2017 at 11:01 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Further bickering will lead to removal of the posts.


From the wording of the OP it's fully clear that it is a about a one year extension based on retirement.

Get back to the essential of the OP, showing additional proof of income besides the affidavit.

Thank you mod.can't we just all get alongwith  out bickering abouts the terms we already know

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