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When I need my extension ?

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Hi guys,


I got a simple question.

My current SETV is valid until (included) 23. April this sunday. Can I extend it at the immigration on monday or would I be on overstay by then ?

If so I would go tomorrow to the immigration.


Thank you very much for your help:smile:

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There is no reason to wait for the last day to do your extension. You lose no days by doing it early since the 30 days start from the end of your 60 day entry (visas are not extended)  from your visa.

If you waited until Monday you would not charged for an overstay since the office was closed on the date your permit to stay ended. After Monday you would be fined 500 baht for every day of overstay.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello guys,


Its 3 months later and I got the same "problem".

I will fly on this saturday 22nd july at 6am to bali and apply there for a new SETV. However my current SETV is stamped valid only until this friday 21st july. 

Do I need to extend my visa just for 6hours and pay the full amount ? Or just take the short overstay and pay 500b ? 


I kinda feel like an idiot now because I havent booked my flight 6hours earlier :(


Thank you so much for your help :signthaivisa::heart_001:


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1 minute ago, fullofmax said:

Hello guys,


Its 3 months later and I got the same "problem".

I will fly on this saturday 22nd july at 6am to bali and apply there for a new SETV. However my current SETV is stamped valid only until this friday 21st july. 

Do I need to extend my visa just for 6hours and pay the full amount ? Or just take the short overstay and pay 500b ? 


I kinda feel like an idiot now because I havent booked my flight 6hours earlier :(


Thank you so much for your help :signthaivisa::heart_001:



What you do is for you to decide. 


Make sure you have 20,000 Bht or equivalent in cash when you return and a thought out explanation of what you are doing in Thailand should you be asked at immigration.

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Thanks for your reply.


Will I look like "a bad guy" to the immigration when I have 1 day overstay in my passport for the future or doesnt that really matter ?

Since I plan to come here a couple of more times with SETVs in the future I probably have to go to the immigration and extend my visa for 6hours then if the 1 day overstay paper could cause me any trouble.

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Just now, fullofmax said:

Thanks for your reply.


Will I look like "a bad guy" to the immigration when I have 1 day overstay in my passport for the future or doesnt that really matter ?

Since I plan to come here a couple of more times with SETVs in the future I probably have to go to the immigration and extend my visa for 6hours then if the 1 day overstay paper could cause me any trouble.

If you are leaving from either airport in Bangkok you will not be fined for one day of overstay. They just do a small stamp stating you had a overstay of less than 24 hours.

One day of overstay is not a big deal.

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