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normal for dusty homes here?


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i have black cabinets, and everyday when i wake up they are full of dust.

wipe them off again and the next day its the same, all dust

air conditioning units were supposedly cleaned before i moved in, and it looks as if that is true from the way the filters look.

i keep my doors shut all day long as well.

i've lived in three different apartments over the past 3 years and i have to say only one of them was dusty alike this and unlivable..

i wake up with allergy symptoms almost every morning now for the past two weeks


is there a solution to this? i will continue to wear a charcoal mask inside my house, and take ceterizine everyday, but wow its crazy!


help much appreciated 


thank you all !

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Same problem here.  I tried some pricey air cleaners and they just don't do much before they're plugged up, too- not to mention wimpy fans with low CFM.


My best (albeit not fully satisfactory) solution was to buy a salvaged blower unit from a dead A/C unit (700 baht in Chinatown) and clipped a 3M Filtrete filter on it (300 baht for 2 from Lazada) and keep it under the bed running full time.  About once a week, I throw the filter into the wash and clip a backup filter on the blower, alternating between a couple of them.  I just use Office Mate binder clips since the thing's out of sight under the bed.


That knocks out the worst dust bunnies, but not the real fine stuff.  Still, it makes things livable, and cuts way down on the dusting.  I also found that the dust got intolerable when the lint filters on the laundry washing machine wore out- and things got much better when I found replacements down in Chinatown.






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Pattaya is the dustiest place I have ever lived in, even worse than the acreage I had back in Australia when it hadn't rained for a year.

I think the bulk of the problem comes from the amount of fill that is carted here by tippers with the load completely uncovered.

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Dry season and hot season are very dusty in Thailand.  I found keeping the windows and doors closed, air cons cleaned every 6 months by professionals with me cleaning the filters every couple months helps a lot. But still the dust does accumulate. Bought an iRobot that runs every day. Amazing how much dust and hair it collects. I also mop the floor about every week. Rugs are a no no, they are dust traps.

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Hot Thailand is a dusty place.....dirt trucks everywhere carrying dirt with dust flying out, dried out farmers fields, sides and mediums of roadways which are just dirt/dust with no vegetation cover,  ongoing construction, etc.   All these sources of dust result in a very fine dust constantly in the air in many places.

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Same here in the deep Isaan, or in Bangkok where we have lived and also in Pattaya, same, same as the Thais would say.. No dust when I lived in Switzerland. But here it is everywhere you live. All you can do is: dust off your home every day as a daily routine in the morning, IF you have the time. I think it comes from the fact that in Thailand not much is paved and earth and sand is just about everywhere. In fact, I just made two pictures not an hour ago from the hub above my cooking plates, (I will attach them later theyre on my other computer,) they look again as we had left the home for two years. I had just washed them about a week ago.


The difference comes from here: earth sand everywhere in Thailand, in Switzerland everything is paved, everything else has grass. Just look at some arial videos from Thailand and then compare with some made in Switzerland. The average home in Thailand has earth as a garden, no grass.



Edited by Dario
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I live at the sea, only 40 meters from the beach, no busy road close by, only coconut trees and some other kind of trees. It's a mystery to me where all the dust is coming from.

Mosquito screens are dust and salt collectors. The more wind, the more salt and dust. But most of the time the wind is coming from the sea, so where does the dust come from ?

Floor tiles and all smooth surfaces must be wiped every other day from dust and sometimes mold.

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I live at the sea, only 40 meters from the beach, no busy road close by, only coconut trees and some other kind of trees. It's a mystery to me where all the dust is coming from.
Mosquito screens are dust and salt collectors. The more wind, the more salt and dust. But most of the time the wind is coming from the sea, so where does the dust come from ?
Floor tiles and all smooth surfaces must be wiped every other day from dust and sometimes mold.

I live steps from the sea also and have no idea where the dust comes from ? Even if I clean in the morning before day over dust on everything . The screen to the hall of condo I live in I have on my front door I close when I open front door to let sea breeze in with my balcony sliding glass open becomes almost black with a kind of dry sludge in a week or less . When I remove it and take it into shower the wash the water I hit it with becomes black and floor has a thick black sludge . I am on a very high floor also pointed right at ocean steps from beach and accept this but completely puzzled that this location and height yields this situation so fast and consistently . Would be interesting to send dust to a lab and see if it's something natural or from something man made ?
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Yes dust is a problem here. Got no idea where it all comes from. Constantly cleaning windows and screens. When I lived in Spain near the beach fine sand would blow across the Med and make the floors gritty if you left the doors open. One more thing..the miss uses that white talc powder and it gets all over everything. I cover up the computer to keep it off.


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if you life in a bungalow, with normal headlamps, and normal windows,

you have a permanent circulation from air, that is coming from the roof,

and also from outsite.


This dust will also cover areas, under the bed, and other areas,

where the standard cleaning will not catch them.

In the moment, when the aircon is drilling this dust from under the bed, around the room,

a new dust coating is programmed.



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