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Merkel warns Britons - don't delude yourself over Brexit


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36 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

The UK courts was in control and his deportation blocked by SIAC and appeals court in 2013


31 minutes ago, vogie said:

Is that the court thats in Strasbourg? 

The SIAC ,Special Immigration Appeals Commission



Timeline of events,  not complete

Jan 2012 EHRC prevents deportation

April 2012 a fresh attempt to deport is halted by ECHR

May 2012 ECHR reject Abu Qatada appeal

Nov 2012 SIAC block deportation

May 2013 Appeal Court reject government attempt to deport

July 2013 Qatada voluntary leaves


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8 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:


The SIAC ,Special Immigration Appeals Commission



Timeline of events,  not complete

Jan 2012 EHRC prevents deportation

April 2012 a fresh attempt to deport is halted by ECHR

May 2012 ECHR reject Abu Qatada appeal

Nov 2012 SIAC block deportation

May 2013 Appeal Court reject government attempt to deport

July 2013 Qatada voluntary leaves


It actually took 10 years to rid ourselves of the oxygen thief at a cost of £1.7 million. He actually made his first appeal to the ECHR in 2009.

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23 hours ago, colinneil said:

Merkel is pissed off that the UK has decided to pull out, and stop funding other EU countries, now it is going to be left to the Germans to fund the EU alone.

Spot on Colin :clap2:

fark them :thumbsup:

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urs ago, colinneil said:

Merkel is pissed off that the UK has decided to pull out, and stop funding other EU countries, now it is going to be left to the Germans to fund the EU alone.


9 minutes ago, petermik said:

Spot on Colin :clap2:

fark them :thumbsup:

I guess there's no such thing as "spot off". Which is a pity because Germany is far from being the only country that's a net contributor to the EU. France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland would beg to disagree.


And Norway and Switzerland are also net contributors through their association with the EU.


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4 hours ago, chrissables said:

19 unelected men who cannot be removed or reprimanded. Go into a closed locked room in Secret and make decisions for 500 million people. 

Just like the DDR. No wonder Merkel feels comfortable with the system.

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19 hours ago, oilinki said:

I'm happy she is on our side on these negotiations. Strong and intelligent woman.


She was certainly strong and intelligent enough to switch from being an active communist party worker affiliated to an oppressive dictatorial regime and its secret state police to being a "conservative" when the change was needed for her future career.


She was thick skinned enough to resist even contemplating for one minute that she was wrong and all the others right about allowing unchecked economic migration to the EU - even though she u-turned to try to save votes in the up coming election.


The investigations into at what stage her government and herself knew about VW's massive criminal frauds and lies is, AFAIK, not yet concluded - maybe won't be before the elections wink, wink.


And her government is refusing to honor their countries pledged commitment to NATO on defense spending, saying they have know intention of honoring their legal treaty bound obligations, so whose gonna believe them in any other promises.


How nice that you're happy having such a lying, dishonorable, dishonest, political chameleon on your side.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:
urs ago, colinneil said:

Merkel is pissed off that the UK has decided to pull out, and stop funding other EU countries, now it is going to be left to the Germans to fund the EU alone.


I guess there's no such thing as "spot off". Which is a pity because Germany is far from being the only country that's a net contributor to the EU. France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland would beg to disagree.


And Norway and Switzerland are also net contributors through their association with the EU.



Indeed but the UK is the second biggest by some margin from third place. 


Merkel has to play to the gallery on Brexit, migrants and other points now as she postures for re-election.


What pisses her and plenty of other politicians off about the UK is it's refusal to compromise democracy and hand over control to non elected EU bureaucrats appointed by like-minded politicians bent on establishing a centrally controlled EU federal state.

Those same people will never have a referendum for the EU people on the subject because they're unsure of the outcome - and of course, all believe they know best.


I still think Britain was wrong to leave rather than stay and argue against the federalists. 

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4 hours ago, teddog said:

Just walk away.no deal, The EU was in surplus in trade with UKin billions,  let the krauts pick up the stray 8 billion   they will like that

If the UK

could produce quality like the krauts then you would not need to cry.

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18 hours ago, nontabury said:

The side that is more united.

Even in the United Kingdom we cannot be united and there are only four areas.  The UK is split almost down the middle as to whether it would be better in or out of the EU.  The vote has been made and we are going to leave but that doesn't mean that there are not serious concerns of the eventual outcome.  The Remoaners say that it will be a disaster and the Brexiteers say it will be wonderful.  I guess we will end up somewhere in the middle but anyone who thinks it will be a complete success is living in cloud cuckoo land.

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9 minutes ago, jobwolf said:

If the UK

could produce quality like the krauts then you would not need to cry.

Ahh but we have the great Austin Brexit, the pride of British engineering, a car at it's most popular (ho ho)  when Brexit voters brains were in their (politically pre-pubescent) prime. 

Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 09.57.17.png

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34 minutes ago, jobwolf said:

If the UK

could produce quality like the krauts then you would not need to cry.


The euro is defunct,Germany mass produces under a cheap currency,exporting no problem,but it loans too,never to be paid back loans to other EU countries.  Greece ,Portugal,Spain too will wake up to this fact one day soon and say ..kaput

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1 hour ago, teddog said:

The euro is defunct,Germany mass produces under a cheap currency,exporting no problem,but it loans too,never to be paid back loans to other EU countries.  Greece ,Portugal,Spain too will wake up to this fact one day soon and say ..kaput

Yes, the Euro is a really bad thing and has given the Germans an unfair advantage over other Euro nations like the UK...oh, wait a minute...

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Yes, the Euro is a really bad thing and has given the Germans an unfair advantage over other Euro nations like the UK...oh, wait a minute...


The  GBP always floated,the euro was pinned down by southern Europe,regardless EU wants the UK in the EU just for the money it receives.   The UK would do well to tell the EU to shove off,no more talks,and the EU can all start speaking German

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30 minutes ago, teddog said:

The  GBP always floated,the euro was pinned down by southern Europe,regardless EU wants the UK in the EU just for the money it receives.   The UK would do well to tell the EU to shove off,no more talks,and the EU can all start speaking German

The Euro may be weighed down by Southern Europe but it isn't pinned down. It floats, too.

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7 hours ago, oilinki said:

Finland. These return flights don't hit the news very often.


Some refugees are returning to their home countries by themselves as their lives were what they expected up north.

Yet thousands still cross the med to get to the EU!

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1 hour ago, teddog said:

The  GBP always floated,the euro was pinned down by southern Europe,regardless EU wants the UK in the EU just for the money it receives.   The UK would do well to tell the EU to shove off,no more talks,and the EU can all start speaking German

Totally agree, It comes across as if the EU is doing the UK a favour by letting us have some sort of trade deal. Better to just go say bye bye and let the EU worry about how it will trade with the UK, they export more to the UK than the UK export to them. I also don't like that the UK is tied to waiting for a deal before it can look elsewhere for trading partners, all designed to put the UK in a bad negotiating position.


Just get out. 

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24 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

Better to just go say bye bye and let the EU worry about how it will trade with the UK, they export more to the UK than the UK export to them.

Well 40% of our exports are to the EU so you are saying that over 40% of EU exports go to the UK?

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6 hours ago, vogie said:

I totally agree with you on Thatcher, and what makes you think Mrs May will not be a great leader, like her or not, she is the best we have got and to get the best deal from the EU she must be given all the support we can give her, it's in all our interests. We cannot send TM and her team with one hands tied behind her back, just look at the other partys and be grateful we have someone like her. Too many people on here want brexit to fail, we have to accept that brexit is going to happen and it is no good cutting our noses off to spite our faces.


Exactly, she is "the best we've got", and that says it all, really.


Too many Brits have got on the "it's us versus Germany" wagon. I do not understand this mood against a nation that has achieved so much and achieved a unity of purpose the Brits never reach except in world cup football or war. But it has always been the way of the Brit to talk down, resent and undermine others' success, and to have a big chunk of suspiciousness and dislike for "all things foreign". Your average Brit has never felt he/she was a "European" in the same way that the Europeans feel they are Europe.


There is, IMO, too much of an Himalaya being built out of a hill in this.


1. There is the divorce. Which should be quick.


2. There is the settlement, which is the 40-60 Billion of liabilities that the UK has signed up for. This is only 10% of the 400,000,000,000 that Mervyn King issued out of nowhere to save the banks. Surely the Canadian can do the same for the entire Nation? Just pay it and shut up.


3. Trade. It is quite clear that the UK will fall back to the default WTO agreements on tariffs and customs when exporting to Europe, but imports can remain the same whilst an FTA is hammered out. 


4. Immigrants. It has never been an issue for people with skills to move around Europe. There are exisiting laws for this. Just apply them and stop moaning. Mostly they will be fair, but there will be a few hit a bit harder. That's life. I have had more than a few bad patches in mine.


The problem is that


1. The politicians, particularly the UK bunch, will be trying to make everything depend on everything else leading to endless negotiations and deadlocks.


2. The legal teams will see these as a huge bonanza and prolong everything as long as possible.


3. There will be endless vultures descending saying that the UK now needs to rewrite all the standards and norms that have come out of Europe into a UK standard.


All of whom are trying to maximise their own income and do not, at heart, have the interests of the UK as a priority.

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Maybe the future to decide who we allow in our country, Reich Chancellor Merkels idea of having an open door policy to all and sundry, including terrorists doesn't really go down well with rational thinking Brits. We cannot remove undesirables from our country because the EU says no, do you you think the Brits want to live in a dictatorship, I suggest not!
I'm guessing you are not British, and maybe your from a country where your payments into the EU purse will have to go up without the UK's subscriptions, and just maybe, like a few on here suffer from the sour grape syndrome, but only guessing?

I'm not sure if it goes down very well with many rational thinking Germans, or indeed with other Europeans.
The difference is that the British have at least been allowed to make a decision on that and many other aspects of the EU.

Now I'm sure that this last point will probably provoke howls of protest, but am I alone in taking a slightly jaundiced view of the German Chancellor laying down the law on how the UK should be treated and what we should do?
Perhaps a gentle reminder that the UK played a very significant (and expensive) part in defending the Federal Republic of Germany for rather a long time. For much of the later part of that period the Federal Republic was rather more prosperous than the UK...

"Uns oder die Russki" anyone?
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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm not sure if it goes down very well with many rational thinking Germans, or indeed with other Europeans.
The difference is that the British have at least been allowed to make a decision on that and many other aspects of the EU.

Now I'm sure that this last point will probably provoke howls of protest, but am I alone in taking a slightly jaundiced view of the German Chancellor laying down the law on how the UK should be treated and what we should do?
Perhaps a gentle reminder that the UK played a very significant (and expensive) part in defending the Federal Republic of Germany for rather a long time. For much of the later part of that period the Federal Republic was rather more prosperous than the UK...

"Uns oder die Russki" anyone?

I guess I'm harping on this but the EU didn't kick the UK out; the UK chose to leave.

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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I guess I'm harping on this but the EU didn't kick the UK out; the UK chose to leave.


2 minutes ago, vogie said:

I totally agree with you, you are harping.

Let me put it another way. It's like you've decided to leave your wife, but then you complain she's being unreasonable and unfair because she is not letting you keep a room at her place. Stop whining about her behavior. You chose to leave. Live with it.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


Let me put it another way. It's like you've decided to leave your wife, but then you complain she's being unreasonable and unfair because she is not letting you keep a room at her place. Stop whining about her behavior. You chose to leave. Live with it.

Using your analogy, if my wife was allowing many migrants into our house, many with guns and knives, and some even steal vehicles to commit their henious killings, I think I would have good reasons for divorce and little or no alimony from me. Infact I would be looking for compensation from her. Having said all that I suspect my wife would do no such thing.

Edited by vogie
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Some fun with the latest developments:


"#BREAKING UK PM Theresa May accuses EU 27 of lining up to oppose Britain over Brexit"


"Shocking. It's as if the EU has somehow united European countries in some kind of European union"



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While some brexiters wish to see disunited EU, there is very little signs of that happening.
If anything EU is now more united than prior brexit. Our nations and people realised that we could lose something precious and are now awaken to defend and improve our EU.


We might need to send a thank you letters with flowers to Nigel who orchestrated the brexit separation, once this is over. Perhaps we'll even send some lilies to Kreml. 



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