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Hollande urges French: vote Macron for sake of France and Europe


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Hollande urges French: vote Macron for sake of France and Europe


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French President Francois Hollande leaves after his last summit presser after the EU summit in Brussels, Belgium, April 29, 2017. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann


PARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande urged the French on Saturday to choose centrist Emmanuel Macron over far-right opponent Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election, telling voters it was their duty to Europe as well as France.


Hollande had previously said he would vote for his former economy minister but had not given voting instructions.


Polls show Macron winning on May 7 with about 59-60 percent, but the momentum has been with Le Pen, who has clawed back about five percentage points over the past week.


Le Pen on Saturday chose defeated first-round candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan as her chosen prime minister if she were to be elected, a bid to attract his voters.


"One has to take the ballot paper, the Macron one, and consider it as the ballot that will prevent (the country) from the far right," Hollande said on the sidelines of a European Union summit devoted to Brexit.


Voters had a responsibility towards Europe as well as France, he said, a reference to Le Pen's anti-EU stance.


"The consequences would be high if France were to turn away from Europe. The choice of the French people is a choice for France but also for the European Union."


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-04-30
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Vive la France.  I was a little boy there, for several years, growing up.  I'll always have a love for France.  I'm sure it's very different now, than from the late 1950's.


A brief story:  I was with my elder brother visiting one of his friends. The guys had a chemistry set. They put sulpher powder on a match, lit it, and put in under my nose and told me to sniff it.  I did.  It stung horribly. I cried and stormed out.  While walking home, still angry and pained, I picked up a stick and threw it hard.  It went a long way and hit the side of a delivery van.  Van stops. Two big men get out and march towards me, yelling things, with fists clenched overhead.   I stood in place.  The bigger heavy guy was still shaking his fist in my face while shouting all sorts of words I didn't understand.


I told him, 'je ne comprend pas' (I don't understand) which was only partly true.


He said 'why not?'


I said, 'because I'm an American.'


His mood changed in a heartbeat.  He suddenly smiled and told his buddy, "He's an American.  Americans came over here and won the war and kicked the Nazis out of our beloved France.  You see?  That's why the boy didn't run away.  He's American.  He's brave."


He tapped me on the shoulder and, with a big smile, the two men strolled away.

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Fascist Le Pen's only chance is for voters to stay home. A slim chance, but still a chance. The world is counting on France now to stem the international tide of fascist populism. I trust that France will come through, as they have seen what trump is, and wouldn't wish to copy that mistake. 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Fascist Le Pen's only chance is for voters to stay home. A slim chance, but still a chance. The world is counting on France now to stem the international tide of fascist populism. I trust that France will come through, as they have seen what trump is, and wouldn't wish to copy that mistake. 

Communist France would never vote in anyone representing the people like La Penne. State control only.

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I hope France will get out, too bad Holland is still ruled by EU lovers. This EU system doesnt work for common people, only for big companies and financial sector, rich suckers, RATS !! If France will break out aswell, i hope all falls apart. France is a big pillar, holding EU up.

Still respect the British for their Brexit. However the Brits broke down their country already by making favouring rules for rich people, a very stupid mistake. Actually they were ahead of the EU then, as now EU is doing the same more and more. In fact they could have stayed in EU for that.

Many common EU citizens can see (since 2000, new age) its not wroking and never will.  

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4 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

With the UK & US economies flourishing after Brexit & the election of Trump, the people of France may see sense and vote Le Pen. 



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1 hour ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope that Le Pen gets voted in just like Donald Trump got in, maybe there is enough French people that are all tired of the same old, same old, and want to see France take a new path.



So you're supporting fascism just because it's "new" (it is not) or because you actually support fascism? 

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Oh yes Le Pen s a Fascist, is that really what you are saying?  and do you seriously think that she would have gotten this far and be this popular if she really is a true Fascist.  And do you really know just what kind of person is the other politician.  I think the people of France will vote for the person that they want to go into the future with.  Look at the USA  Donald Trump is the President and that has surprised a lot of people in that country, I think maybe that is what some countries

in Europe need as well. Sort of a wake up call  and new blood in their parliaments. Just saying.


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23 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Oh yes Le Pen s a Fascist, is that really what you are saying?  and do you seriously think that she would have gotten this far and be this popular if she really is a true Fascist.  And do you really know just what kind of person is the other politician.  I think the people of France will vote for the person that they want to go into the future with.  Look at the USA  Donald Trump is the President and that has surprised a lot of people in that country, I think maybe that is what some countries in Europe need as well. Sort of a wake up call  and new blood in their parliaments. Just saying.


Yes. Le Pen is a fascist in the "grand" tradition of French fascism. Support her, fine, but suggest that you own that reality. 





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7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I hope that Le Pen gets voted in just like Donald Trump got in, maybe there is enough French people that are all tired of the same old, same old, and want to see France take a new path.




Some do indeed wish to take the entire West down a 'new' old path (circa the  1930's...) Many Westerners are even eager to 'help' our adversaries via fracturing or destroying our unions. To use a phrase from the disturbingly real life Simpson-esque caricature who is  currently winging it playing the leader of the free world -  'Sad'.


Russia is on a roll

'Donald Trump is in the White House, the wheels of Brexit are in motion and the Kremlin’s Gallic target of affection — France’s Marine Le Pen — is riding high in the polls'. “We’re on the verge of a new global order,” said Maria Katasonova, the public face of a Russian campaign to back the National Front leader'


'Le Pen is clearly the favorite, having won Russian hearts and minds by saying EU sanctions on Moscow over the Ukraine conflict should be lifted and by publicly supporting the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.'

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On 01/05/2017 at 8:52 AM, Jingthing said:

So you're supporting fascism just because it's "new" (it is not) or because you actually support fascism? 

I don't know what your understanding of fascism is but the hurling of Molotov cocktails/beating at those who disagree with anything they say, as is ongoing in the US and marred yesterday's May Day in France comes close, in my book.

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1 minute ago, dageurreotype said:

I don't know what your understanding of fascism is but the hurling of Molotov cocktails/beating at those who disagree with anything they say, as is ongoing in the US and marred yesterday's May Day in France comes close, in my book.

Fascism is by definition from the FAR RIGHT. 

That doesn't mean there isn't bad behavior from other political factions such as the FAR LEFT. But those are not fascism. 

Sorted for you now?

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Fascism is by definition from the FAR RIGHT. 

That doesn't mean there isn't bad behavior from other political factions such as the FAR LEFT. But those are not fascism. 

Sorted for you now?

Definitions are being abused by so many.


Everybody voting for Le Pen is fascist or a racist (rather than having a gripe against current policies) etc. etc.


The one that annoys me most is those who confuse socialist policies with communist.


In short, gross exaggeration (or twisted versions) annoy the hell out of me!


Its not that hard to argue sensibly - rather than use twisted versions of right/left/communist/fascist.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Fascism is by definition from the FAR RIGHT. 

That doesn't mean there isn't bad behavior from other political factions such as the FAR LEFT. But those are not fascism. 

Sorted for you now?

No. The left are the new Fascists. Antifa are Fascists.


Edited by kevkev1888
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Reminds me of the old quote, sometimes attributed to Churchill, the fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists.

Seems like anyone who supports the idea of nation states, border controls and dares to criticise Islam is labelled as far right nowadays. LaPle2J.gif

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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Fascism is by definition from the FAR RIGHT. 

That doesn't mean there isn't bad behavior from other political factions such as the FAR LEFT. But those are not fascism. 

Sorted for you now?

The 'Far Right' appears to be the new 'Far Left' now. What a topsy turvy world we live in. Where those who claim to be liberal are actually the oppressors. 


Your condescension is telling. 

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The 'Far Right' appears to be the new 'Far Left' now. What a topsy turvy world we live in. Where those who claim to be liberal are actually the oppressors. 
Your condescension is telling. 

Your defense of French fascists is telling.
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On 4/30/2017 at 11:55 AM, dageurreotype said:

If Hollande is backing this slimy Blair Mk II, better to vote Le Pen.

I have to assume that you are being facetious? Are you really suggesting a fascist would be good for France and Europe generally? Deary me....

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On 5/1/2017 at 10:23 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:

Oh yes Le Pen s a Fascist, is that really what you are saying?  and do you seriously think that she would have gotten this far and be this popular if she really is a true Fascist.  And do you really know just what kind of person is the other politician.  I think the people of France will vote for the person that they want to go into the future with.  Look at the USA  Donald Trump is the President and that has surprised a lot of people in that country, I think maybe that is what some countries

in Europe need as well. Sort of a wake up call  and new blood in their parliaments. Just saying.


Trump has certainly surprised many people! (Tee hee...)

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Europe has started to push up efforts to go against Russian disinformation efforts.


Here is one weekly update:





European awareness





Furthermore we are creating hybrid threat center to counter Russian disinformation 



"Representatives from NATO, the EU council on foreign relations and over a dozen supporting countries arrive in Finland on Tuesday to sign an agreement to establish a European Centre of Excellence to counter hybrid threats in Helsinki."


Yeah, we take the Russian efforts seriously. This applies especially to elections in the western world.

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

I have to assume that you are being facetious? Are you really suggesting a fascist would be good for France and Europe generally? Deary me....

You're missing the point.


Le Pen has only got this far because voters aren't happy with the status quo.


Macron is a continuation of the status quo, so it will be interesting to see how the eventual result 'pans out'.


Edit - Meanwhile, Le Pen's success in the first round of voting has made it very clear that a large number of the French are extremely unhappy with the status quo!  Unthinkable that Le Pen would get this far a few years ago.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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