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Mixing Deck Stain


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I've gone through 2 large 4 liter tins of deck stain and no matter how much I stir it or how much thinner I use it all ways gets dark and dull at the last one third of the tin.

Too much to just through it away.


I was thinking of what I might do before I ope another tin.

Maybe get a bigger container,like a petrol container,funnel it into that and shake it every time before I use it.


Will that work or is there a better way or an old trick of the trade that might save me some time and effort.

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their are two(more ?)  types of  deck stain   1  water based the other oil



neither will mix with the other  not saying you have    also two types of thinner


use the wrong one and the end result will be loss of  gloss    another reason is  not enough drying time between coats   someone may say in this heat it dries in minutes   not true all it does is skin over and trap  spirit/moisture   multiple coats will also darken the finish

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7 hours ago, Crossy said:

I made a paint stirrer to go in my drill.




OK, not so fancy, only two blades, but very effective.



I was told you were an expert on stirring things,now I can see :clap2:

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Joking aside I always use a mechanical tool similar as in previous posts, pour out half of the can after mixing to be saved and use the original container first. I normally pour a small amount of paint or stain into the tray to be used and then remix the original each time I go back to it for more
Honestly dont know why you are having this trouble if you mix the stain then pour what you need into a container to be used the whole batch should be consistent.
Are you mixing then just taking the stain straight from the 4 liter container? In which case it will settle if your not using it extremely quickly
Most times I mix for about 5 minutes with a drill attachment

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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