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No UK clampdown on EU migrants for years after Brexit - report


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No UK clampdown on EU migrants for years after Brexit - report



FILE PHOTO: People walk among a display of lifejackets worn by refugees during their crossing from Turkey to the Greek island of Chois at Parliament Square in central London, Britain September 19, 2016. REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain may have to allow European Union migrants to come to the country without restrictions for several years after Brexit because of the scale of the challenge of setting up a new immigration system, a think tank said on Thursday.


The Institute for Government, an independent research body, said it was unfeasible for the government to implement a new system by April 2019, when Britain is due to have left the EU.


"The prime minister has recognised that an ‘implementation phase’ will be required post-Brexit," the institute said in a report. "For immigration, this will require the continuation of free movement, possibly for several years post-Brexit."


Concerns about immigration played a key role in the debate ahead of last year's EU membership referendum, and were the driving force behind many voters opting to support Brexit.


Prime Minister Theresa May has promised she will reduce the numbers of migrants after Brexit, making the issue one of her priorities at the expense of Britain's continued membership of the EU single market.


The Institute for Government said that while Britain would be free to introduce new border controls for EU citizens once it left the bloc, in practice any interim measures introduced while a permanent system was being drawn up would hurt the economy.


"Multiple changes increase the disruption to labour markets and administrative burdens," the report said. "That means free movement will have to continue post-Brexit until the new regime is ready to go live."


Furthermore, the report said the government would need up to 5,000 additional staff to process applications from the roughly 3 million EU nationals who currently live in Britain.


(Writing by William Schomberg; editing by Stephen Addison)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-04
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There are rules for non EU immigrants, ( we all know how many hoops have to be jumped through, to get a partner in) why not just add EU immigrants to the same list as non EU immigrants, let them all jump through the hoops.


what makes me smile through is its another negative dig at brexit, and yet no one knows what the new rules will be in force for 'free movement',


who paid for all the life jacket to be transported to the UK.

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Its like i say to the wife , when we go on holiday to the UK ,easier for her to jump off the back of a lorry in Dover , she will get money ,free food and accomodation ,while we are in the UK . much simpler  

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Oh NO! You mean that we won't be getting rid of all those horrid horrid other people? those French people who can't speak English proper? And those those Germans we know all about them don't we. And all those other others, people not like us, not English, they don't have our values. This is terrible.


I think I'm going to have to leave and migrate to to to ... THAILAND! where there are lots of people just like me.

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3 hours ago, i claudius said:

Its like i say to the wife , when we go on holiday to the UK ,easier for her to jump off the back of a lorry in Dover , she will get money ,free food and accomodation ,while we are in the UK . much simpler  

I fully agree with you. It took me 3 attempts to get my wife a visa for UK.
Despite corresponding with the Entry Clearance Manager (ECM) several times before the second attempt, her Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) still turned her down. Got passed at the third attempt. I said exactly the same as you - would have been better treated had she turned up as an illegal immigrant. I have no faith at all in the British Embassy in Bangkok & from what I have read & heard from other people - neither has anyone else!

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3 hours ago, mfd101 said:

Oh NO! You mean that we won't be getting rid of all those horrid horrid other people? those French people who can't speak English proper? And those those Germans we know all about them don't we. And all those other others, people not like us, not English, they don't have our values. This is terrible.


I think I'm going to have to leave and migrate to to to ... THAILAND! where there are lots of people just like me.

Fully agree. Did you know some of them put Mayo' on their french fries.


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9 hours ago, overherebc said:

Fully agree. Did you know some of them put Mayo' on their french fries.


Here I say, whilst I am thoroughly sceptical in my views about the EU, in my less guarded moments I have been known to refer to it as "The Fourth Reich" (a phrase incidentally which i first heard from a Dutch military colleague with whom I worked in former Yugoslavia), it is unquestionably the case that mayonnaise on chips is possibly one of North Western Europes greatest achievements since they saw off the Spanish in 1714.

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The whole stinking lot of them are lining up to take the pi55 before they depart .They will screw UK for as much as they can as it's the last call at the pigs trough..Without Germans footing the bill

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The "think tank" needs to be replaced with a totally new group of so called thinkers.


I can solve it right now :


1. No more immigration for 1 year.

2. Immigrants in the future must show full identification papers.

3.Immigrants must me made to sign a paper indicating the requirements to abide by UK laws.

4. All immigrants are on 15 years temporary visas. Any abuse of visa means expelling from UK.

5.Potential migrants should undergo an IQ test. If you cannot contribute to society, be sent to a refugee camp. I   

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3 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

The "think tank" needs to be replaced with a totally new group of so called thinkers.


I can solve it right now :


1. No more immigration for 1 year.

2. Immigrants in the future must show full identification papers.

3.Immigrants must me made to sign a paper indicating the requirements to abide by UK laws.

4. All immigrants are on 15 years temporary visas. Any abuse of visa means expelling from UK.

5.Potential migrants should undergo an IQ test. If you cannot contribute to society, be sent to a refugee camp. I   

No problem. EU can then reciprocate & deny residency to approx one million Brits living in EU countries.

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Just now, simple1 said:

No problem. EU can then reciprocate & deny residency to approx one million Brits living in EU countries.

And fair enough. Trash Brits in EU are no more welcome than trash from any other country in Britain. Except, perhaps the one million Brits in EU already have ID, can support themselves, are already under laws that make them accountable if they do not abide by local country rules, know that they can be evicted at any time if they fail to meet the countries expectations of a good resident and the only reason they are there is because their IQ is required in a job or they have sufficient funds to stay overseas. They already have been vetted. And have no wish to kill, maim, blow up, stab or murder anyone. Simple. simple one  

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24 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

And fair enough. Trash Brits in EU are no more welcome than trash from any other country in Britain. Except, perhaps the one million Brits in EU already have ID, can support themselves, are already under laws that make them accountable if they do not abide by local country rules, know that they can be evicted at any time if they fail to meet the countries expectations of a good resident and the only reason they are there is because their IQ is required in a job or they have sufficient funds to stay overseas. They already have been vetted. And have no wish to kill, maim, blow up, stab or murder anyone. Simple. simple one  

Where in the OP does it refer to non EU citizens? In addition  UK does not subscribe to an non  EU citizen allocated intake by the EU bureaucracy so it's a meaningless observation by you.. BTW UK law already provides for foreigners to be deported for offences against the law (held accountable), in fact hundreds have already been deported. Accordingly your post is based upon ignorance.

Edited by simple1
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11 hours ago, JAG said:

Here I say, whilst I am thoroughly sceptical in my views about the EU, in my less guarded moments I have been known to refer to it as "The Fourth Reich" (a phrase incidentally which i first heard from a Dutch military colleague with whom I worked in former Yugoslavia), it is unquestionably the case that mayonnaise on chips is possibly one of North Western Europes greatest achievements since they saw off the Spanish in 1714.

After spending 9 years living there and being force fed roast chicken coated in butter and smoked paprika I found it had become an addiction.

I still need the 'hit' a few times a year.

I was amazed to find that one day a mercedes had appeared in the garage and an oven made by Sxxxxxx complete with roasting spit had been installed in the kitchen. 

I have never admitted this before in public.

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As Simple one says hundreds have been deported already ,unfortunatley  thousands upon thousands cant be because of their human rights and live in the UK on benefits ,and begging etc etc

Edited by i claudius
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17 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

The "think tank" needs to be replaced with a totally new group of so called thinkers.


I can solve it right now :


1. No more immigration for 1 year.

2. Immigrants in the future must show full identification papers.

3.Immigrants must me made to sign a paper indicating the requirements to abide by UK laws.

4. All immigrants are on 15 years temporary visas. Any abuse of visa means expelling from UK.

5.Potential migrants should undergo an IQ test. If you cannot contribute to society, be sent to a refugee camp. I   

If number 5 was implemented in Thailand, can you imagine how many farangs would be in dire straits?

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On 5/4/2017 at 5:39 AM, David in the north said:

I fully agree with you. It took me 3 attempts to get my wife a visa for UK.
Despite corresponding with the Entry Clearance Manager (ECM) several times before the second attempt, her Entry Clearance Officer (ECO) still turned her down. Got passed at the third attempt. I said exactly the same as you - would have been better treated had she turned up as an illegal immigrant. I have no faith at all in the British Embassy in Bangkok & from what I have read & heard from other people - neither has anyone else!

Are you talking about a British Visitors Visa or permanent entry for a spouse?

The former is a piece of cake if there are no skeletons in the cupboard.

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20 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

They may have to as Romania wants full UK pensions and passports for migrants in the UK !!Or they will block brexit

Nobody can block Brexit but the Brits. What they can do is make any future trade deal difficult. The UK gov should do what they can and if there is no go, simply walk away. If it comes to it, the EU will not, and cannot, afford to give the UK the finger since there is a large trade deficit with the UK. It's all posturing poppycock, but you'd think Britain could be afforded a tiny bit of respect after everything it has done for the continent and its meek, directionless sheeple.


As to the EU migrants, they are there to stay, it's all one big bargaining chip. That, generally, Brits on the continent pay their way and many migrants in the UK have their hand out matters not one whit. 

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Further spikes in house prices and higher rents for Brits who can no longer afford to live in London as you can't get a million pound mortgage ..So it's all downhill to a place nobody can afford to live 

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On 5/4/2017 at 8:11 AM, i claudius said:

Its like i say to the wife , when we go on holiday to the UK ,easier for her to jump off the back of a lorry in Dover , she will get money ,free food and accomodation ,while we are in the UK . much simpler  

And don't forget citizenship as well!

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Fresh demands come every day over migrants with the EU now wanting all manner of freebys Inc full pensions and Benny's..Inc those with no documentation to prove where they came from!!!

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